Resident Project Requirements

First Year Requirements:

Step 1: Review resources on resident project website. Choose whether you would like to complete a research project or a quality improvement (QI) project in an area of interest related to family medicine.

Step 2: Choose whether you would like to work within a group of residents. It is suggested residents form groups within their family medicine block to complete this project (1-5).

Step 3: Determine your faculty project lead (Most often this will be your faculty advisor. Read supervision guidelines for more information 1. Research or 2. QI). 

Step 4: Complete the following requirements for research or QI before the end of your PGY1 multi-block core family medicine rotation. Ideas should be discussed with faculty project lead before proposal development. Email the resident project coordinator with any questions. 

Step 5: Review feedback from faculty project lead and resident project coordinator. 

*Optional step* Depending on project progress, submit an abstract to FMF or NAPCG in March/April. Review events calendar for details.

Second Year Requirements:

Step 6: Implement project proposal after securing required approvals (faculty project lead, ethics if research project).

Step 7: The following requirements for research or QI are due two weeks after the end of your multi-block core family medicine rotation. Exception for those starting their starting their core FM in blocks 9 or 10 where projects will be due at the end of April. One group member is to submit the final project the Resident Project Coordinator

Step 8: Complete any required revisions requested by your project faculty lead and the resident project coordinator.

Step 9: Residents are required to give a presentation of their project at Resident Project Day in June. Information will be emailed to you. Best research and QI projects and best presentations will be selected for awards.

*Optional step* Depending on project progress, submit an abstract to FMF or NAPCRG in March/April. Review events calendar for details.




Consequences for not completing project deliverables on time

Anyone who does not meet project milestones will receive a FAILURE status on their permanent resident file and will require remediation. Resident file information is regularly requested by licensing bodies.

Academic offences - Scholastic Offences

Scholastic offences are taken seriously. Please review Western University's policy for graduate academic offences. All resident projects will be submitted for textual similarity review by commercial plagiarism detection software under license to the University.