Related Links
- Undergraduate Medical Education (UME)
- Learner Equity & Wellness (LEW)
- Family Medicine Interest Group
- Undergraduate Committee
Dr. Jessica Howard
Undergraduate Director
e. jhowar58@uwo.ca
Dr. Silvia Orsini
Clerkship and Electives Director
e. sorsini3@uwo.ca
Michele Vanderspank
Program Coordinator
t. 519.661.2111, ext.86683
e. fmundergrad@schulich.uwo.ca
Year 1 & 2
Year I Curriculum
The first year curriculum involves 11 blocks, with family physicians providing content in seven blocks, including Introduction to Medicine, where the first physician the class is introduced to is a family physician.
MD Program Longitudinal Clinical Experience (LCE)
As part of the new curriculum at Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, the Department of Family Medicine will be providing a Longitudinal Clinical Experience for first year medical students. One of the main drivers of this program is to assist our MD Program in providing an early exposure for our students to real world patients in a generalist, primary care setting. A secondary, but no less valuable, role for this LCE program is to provide the opportunity for early mentorship for our students.
The goals of the program are:
- Students observe what family practice is all about
- Students observe the front lines of our health care system
- Students observe professional behaviour
- Students learn about effective communication with patients
Year 2 Curriculum
Though only five of the year II blocks have family physician involvement, the exciting part of the Year II curriculum is the creation of Key Topics in Family Medicine. With the support of the Department of Family Medicine and the Undergraduate Medical Education office, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry is only the second medical school in the country with dedicated teaching time for Family Medicine. This exciting week offers content developed and delivered exclusively by family physicians.