Related Links
Amanda Terry, PhD
t. 519.661.2111, ext.20049
Sonny Cejic MD, CCFP, BEd, MSc
Liaison Physician
Cathy Thorpe, MA
Senior Manager
t. 519.661.2111, ext.22055
Craig Mara, MESc
Research Coordinator
t. 519.661.2111, ext.86608
Research Project Planning Resources
New research project idea? Please visit here to provide startup information and book a meeting!
If you would like to become a collaborator on a project please see the current DFM Project List. Please contact Craig Mara to add a new project or remove a finished project.
Craig Mara, MESc
Research Coordinator
Department of Family Medicine
Western University
1005 The Western Centre for Public Health and Family Medicine
t. 519.661.2111, ext.86608
Funding Opportunities
Western University Funding Opportunities
Ethics & Privacy
Health Sciences Research Ethics Board
The Health Sciences Research Ethics Board consists of a full review board and a delegated review board. Research that is deemed minimal-risk to patients and participants or is a chart review is eligible for delegated review. All other research must be sent to the full review board. All submissions are done electronically through Western Research Ethics Management (WREM).
WREM First-Time Login Instructions
- Enter your full email address as your username.
- Click the reset password button.
- Follow the instructions in the email that is sent to you. This will allow you to set a password.
- Login to WREM.
LHSC Affiliated Training
If you plan to complete research at BFMC, SJFMC, VFMC, Fowler Kennedy, and/or London hospitals your REB application is automatically forwarded to Lawson for review. All members of the research team (faculty, staff, residents and medical students) that are listed on the ethics application are required to take the following training.
- LHSC Privacy Training-expires 1 year from completion
- TCPS2 Module- must complete once, does not expire
- Six Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)-expires 3 years from completion
Please note that you cannot begin your project until you receive approval.
Circle of Care and sharing personal health information
Process (single centre, chart audit, multi centre)
Departmental Research Committee (DRC)
The Research Committee is a committee within the Department of Family Medicine which helps promote and support family medicine research.
Are you looking for assistance with your research project?
A flowchart which illustrates the process to "request support of research projects" will assist you in determining the correct path to take when looking for support.
Flowchart: Process-Request for Support of Research Project
See the "Request Support of Research Projects" page or contact for further information.
Clinical Research Impact Committee (CRIC)
This type of approval is required for projects completed at LHSC, St. Joseph's, South Street Hospital, Parkwood Hospital, Regional Mental Health Care and the London Regional Cancer Program. The REB committee will notify you to complete the CRIC form after you've submitted your HSREB application. If you are completing research at Parkwood Hospital, Regional Mental Health Care and the London Regional Cancer Program, you are required to also submit a copy of your ethics submission to your respective CRIC committees.
Other types of approvals are needed based on the department, organization, or centre you are working with. Ensure you have all needed approvals before starting out your project.
Patient Consent For Publication (generic)Library resources
Family Medicine Section of Western Libraries
Canadian Library of Family Medicine - a service available to CFPC members providing literature searches and fulfilment of full text article requests
Family Medicine Databases - these databases require your western ID and password. Information regarding passwords can be found here.
Citation Management Software - Western Libraries provides an overview of the different software tools.
Statistics Help Desk- Western provides assistance with various statistics related services such as data collection form design, sample size calculations, data analysis, and interpretation of results. Analysis Services are available to provide data analysis or extended statistical consultation include to members of the academic, medical, and R&D branches of business communities. Up to 10 hours of free consultation is available for researchers in units that have a dedicated agreement with Western Data Science Services (currently the Faculty of Health Sciences). Other clients will be charged an hourly fee.
Study Design Resources
Survey Design
Western Methodology Clinic- Join faculty and advanced trainees for methodology consultation for study design, statistical analysis, power/sample size calculations, and responding to reviews of grant applications and journal article submissions. Please email to make an appointment to attend the clinic.
Chart Review
Banks N. Designing medical record abstraction forms. Int J Qual Health Care. 1998, 10(3), 163-167
Educational Studies
Centre for Education Research and Learning-
The Centre for Education Research & Innovation (CERI) is a Senate-approved research centre at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. With a focus on health professions education, our mandate is to create:
- A thriving health professions education research community at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry;
- A vibrant, interdisciplinary axis for health professions education research at Western University;
- A respected site for health professions education research training in Canada;
- An internationally recognized producer of new knowledge.
Survey Tool
Qualtrics- approved by Western Ethics, Qualtrics is a free and easy way to design and dissiminate a research survey
Dissemination Pathways For Interviews and Surveys
Residents can be reached for research purposes following approval via
Community physicians can be reached through the City Wide email list which includes Faculty members. Please contact Craig Mara for inquiries to distribute a recruitment letter to this list.
A research contact database is housed at CFPC here