Family Medicine Interest Group

FMIG co-chairs

The Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) at Western University was established in April of 2001 by undergraduate medical students to enhance their exposure to family medicine as a medical specialty.

The specific goals of FMIG include:

  1. to foster an interest in family medicine as a career
  2. to provide exposure to various aspects of family medicine: clinical, academic, financial and lifestyle
  3. to familiarize undergraduate medical students at Western to its family medicine residency program
  4. to engage undergraduate medical students at Western in family medicine related activities: conferences, rounds, seminars, research
  5. to promote friendships and working relationships between staff physicians, researchers, residents and undergraduate medical students


Anyone with an interest in family medicine is welcome. Meetings are open to everybody as long as the FMIG student organizers are notified. 

Co-Chairs Contact Information:

Julia Petta, Zora Upneja, and Jessica Garabon, Meds 2022
