Resident Scholarly Project (RSP)

Overall Goal

To develop and implement a scholarly project.


  1. Generate objectives in collaboration with the supervising faculty member at the beginning of the rotation. (Scholar)
  2. Arrange regular meetings with scholarly project team/supervisor to discuss project progress and next steps. (Collaborator)
  3. Demonstrate professional attitude in interactions with all members of the scholarly project team and participants. (Professional)
  4. Demonstrate a commitment to scholarly project, the profession and society through ethical scholarly project practice. (Scholar)
  5. Demonstrate insight into any personal limitations and remain responsive to constructive feedback. (Professional)
  6. Conduct scholarly project in an ethical manner with integrity. (Professional)
  7. Organize daily workload, set milestones and implement strategies to ensure project feasibility and completion. (Leader)
  8. Advocate for the best interest of subjects/participants involved in scholarly project as applicable. (Professional)
  9. Ensure scholarly project subjects have access to appropriate supports, information, and services. (Professional)

Ob/Gyn EPAs Mapped to This Rotation

FOD SA 1 Performing critical appraisal of health literature and initiating scholarly projects

TTP SA 1 Conducting scholarly work

Assessments and Evaluations

  1. Scholarly Project ITERs are the main form of assessment on this rotation.
  2. EPAs are part of assessment of resident performance on this rotation. (Elentra)


RSP Coordinator and Co-Chair of Research: Dr. Taryn Taylor,

Administrative Assistant: Antoinette Okai-Koi,