Resident Scholarly Project (RSP)
Overall Goal
To develop and implement a scholarly project.
- Generate objectives in collaboration with the supervising faculty member at the beginning of the rotation. (Scholar)
- Arrange regular meetings with scholarly project team/supervisor to discuss project progress and next steps. (Collaborator)
- Demonstrate professional attitude in interactions with all members of the scholarly project team and participants. (Professional)
- Demonstrate a commitment to scholarly project, the profession and society through ethical scholarly project practice. (Scholar)
- Demonstrate insight into any personal limitations and remain responsive to constructive feedback. (Professional)
- Conduct scholarly project in an ethical manner with integrity. (Professional)
- Organize daily workload, set milestones and implement strategies to ensure project feasibility and completion. (Leader)
- Advocate for the best interest of subjects/participants involved in scholarly project as applicable. (Professional)
- Ensure scholarly project subjects have access to appropriate supports, information, and services. (Professional)
Ob/Gyn EPAs Mapped to This Rotation
FOD SA 1 Performing critical appraisal of health literature and initiating scholarly projects
TTP SA 1 Conducting scholarly work
Assessments and Evaluations
- Scholarly Project ITERs are the main form of assessment on this rotation.
- EPAs are part of assessment of resident performance on this rotation. (Elentra)
RSP Coordinator and Co-Chair of Research: Dr. Taryn Taylor,
Administrative Assistant: Antoinette Okai-Koi,