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Grand Rounds Archives
Note: The following Grand Rounds topics represent only those presentations made by residents in the last 7 years. Guest speakers and faculty presentations at rounds are not included.
- Surgical Management of low risk endometrial cancer: evaluating the risk
- Screening for Ovarian Cancer
- Hepatitis in Pregnancy
- Interventional Radiology in Obstetrics: A protocol in the making
- Evidence-based clinical approach to endometrial hyperplasia
- Updates in hypertensive disorders in pregnancy
- Amniotomy in Spontaneous Labour
- Second Trimester termination and complications: What a Gynaecologist should know
- Intrapartum fetal scalp lactate testing
- Endometrial Receptivity: The final frontier
- Quality Care in Gynaecology: What are we measuring and how do we measure up?
- Grief and Bereavement in Ob/Gyn
- Clostridium difficile infection in the hospital setting
- Harm Reduction in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Old Wives' Tales: Science or folklore?
- Pelvic Hematoma After Hysterectomy
- Prostitution: Re-thinking the world's oldest profession
- VTE in Pregnancy: A Clinical Update
- Symptom management in BRCA patients: a hormone sensitive issue
- Female Cosmetic Gynecologic Surgery, Extreme Makeover: Gyn Edition
- Fetal and Maternal Positioning During Labour
- Breastfeeding
- Repeat Antenatal Corticosteroids: An examination of the current evidence
- The Management of Substance Use in Pregnancy
- Management of vulvar cancer: an evolution in the making
- History of Hysterectomy
- Stress and Infertility
- An Approach to the Second Stage of Labour
- Debulking the Evidence - Primary Debulking vs Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
- Transgender care for the general gynaecologist
- Cervical Cerclage: A review of current evidence
- Twice Caesarean, Always Caesarean?
- The Placenta: Biohazardous Waste or the Key to Adult Health?
- Hocus Pocus or the Real Deal? An Examination of Point of Care Ultrasound in Gynecology
- Aboriginal Maternal Health: A Culturally Safe Approach
- Laparoscopy for Suspicious Adnexal Masse
- But Doctor, Can't You Stop My Labour? A Review of Tocolytics
- IUD Uterine Perforation
- BRCA and uterine serous cancer: rethinking patient care
- Vaginal estrogen and pelvic floor health: What and how should we teach our patients?
- Preconceptual Care in Obesity
- Domperidone as a Galactogogue: Investigating the off-label use in light of the recent Health Canada Advisory
- Diagnosis and Management of Retained Products of Conception
- Pertussis Vaccine in Pregnancy: Time for a Change in Practice?
- Trends in Operative Vaginal Delivery
- Predicting IVF Success: Art, Experience, or a Scientific Calculation?
- Is Our Management of Term PROM Really Evidenced-Based?
- An approach to analgesia in the MIS era
- Transfusion Practices in Gynecology at LHSC: Room to improve?
- Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Pelvic Exams-making the experience rewarding for women and enhancing learning opportunities for future physicians
- What to do about MRS.A? An update for the Obstetrician
- Bigger Babies - A review of the risks, diagnosis and management of macrosomia
- Preimplantation Genetic Screening and Diagnosis: The Next Frontier of Reproductive Medicine
- Persistent Occiput Posterior
- Unto the Breech Once More, Dear Friends: Vaginal Breech Delivery 15 Years After the Term Breech Trial
- Mesh Degradation
- Misguided or misunderstood? Exploring why resident duty hour restrictions have fallen short of expectations
- The HPV Vaccine: Mythbusters
- "How would you like your eggs?" - Salpingo - oophrectomy in non-BRCA patients at the time of benign hysterectomy
- The elephant in the room: what does a complicated pregnancy mean for adult disease risk
- Extreme Prematurity - The Age Old Question
- The therapeutic value of GnRH agonists in benign Gynaecology
- Early Warning Systems in Obstetrics
- Patient Positioning in Gynecologic Surgery
- Cancer in Pregnancy: Fetal exposures and pregnancy related risks
- Endometrial Ablation - efficient or postponing the inevitable?
- Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Advanced Ovarian Cancer - Primary Debulking Surgery vs Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
- Universal Screening and Referral to Genetics for Lynch Syndrome in Endometrial Cancers Patients at LHSC - Updates for the Generalist
- Endometriosis in Pregnancy: A clinical update on theories, effects, and outcomes
- Zika virus, an emerging teratogen
- Placental drug transport and its clinical relevance
- Skin-to-Skin Multidisciplinary Rounds
- Asking about Intimate Partner Violence and a review of community resources available for abused patients
- Later, Baby! The current climate of "social" oocyte cryopreservation
- Management of the Adnexal Mass in Pregnancy for the Generalist
- Postpartum hemorrhage revisited: a closer look at Carbetocin and Tranexamic Acid
- “Teen Mom” - Caring for an adolescent pregnancy
- Triple I - The New Chorio. A fresh perspective on diagnosis, management and complications of chorioamnionitis
- Let's Pump Some Iron: Anemia in Pregnancy
- Fluid overload is a polite term for drowning
- Management of PPROM greater than 34+0 weeks
- The Role of Cystoscopy in General Gynecology
- Frailty in the older surgical patient: will it affect your practice?
- Gynecologic Surgery in the Obese Woman
- New frontiers in tocolysis: bringing oxytocin antagonists to LHSC
- Medical Tourism
- Preventing Preterm Birth in Twins
- HIV and Pregnancy: A review on current management and monitoring guidelines
- Heart Problems: Aortic Stenosis in Pregnancy
- Ectopic Pregnancy - Not so black and white
- Postpartum contraception - How early is too early?
- Emergency Contraception-An update
- Best practices in the post partum preeclamptic patient
- Things your Pathologist wants you to know
- Gestational diabetes
- Minimally Invasive, Maximally Contorted: Ergonomics of Laparoscopic Surgery
- Public Engagement in Genethics Policy Research: Multi-Directional Multi-Perspective Learning
- Getting the Scoop on Opportunistic Salpingectomies
- A Grand Rounds on Grand Rounds - Is there room for improvement?
- An Update on the Diagnosis and Management of First Trimester Pregnancy Complications
- Surgical Education: On the Cusp of Excellence
- When Breast Patients Present to their Gynecologist…Workup, treatment and balancing risk between specialties – are there opportunities for research?
- From Stone to Silicone: An Audiovisual Journey Through the History of Intravaginal Medical Devices
- Evaluation of Proteinuria in Pregnancy
- Updates on the treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
- Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy: Can We Reach a Consensus?
- Trauma in Pregnancy
- Eating Disorders in Pregnancy
- Endometrial Biopsies - from too little to too much. A review of scant biopsies and a new classification system for hyperplasia
- Oncofertility
- Pediatric ovarian torsion: The road to ovarian conservation
- "Dealing with Demise.
- Shedding Light on Stillbirths"
- This Is Your Fetus On Drugs: Cannabis and Pregnancy in 2017
- A Review of Vaginal Ulcers
- ERAS Episode IV: A New Hope
- Complementary & Alternative OB/GYN - The lure of the "natural" in women's health
- The Opioid Crisis: How we can help in OBGYN
- A SPRM Story- Current uses of Ulipristal Acetate in Gynecology
- Oncologic Emergencies (a case based overview)
- A Modern Approach to the Rh Negative Pregnant Woman: Is there a role for targeted prophylaxis based on routine non-invasive fetal RHD genotyping?
- Can we 'Crowdfund' a cure? What ALS has taught me about life, medicine, and innovative funding models for scientific research
- Induction of Labour
- Hysterectomy Pathway - Q.I. Rounds
- Management of Endometrial Hyperplasia
- The Pregnancy Options Program: Past, Present, and Future
- Tranxemic Acid: Everyone Else is Doing It!
- What About Babies? Endometriosis and Fertility
- Beat goes on – delayed cord clamping in preterm infants
- Invasive Placentas
- Bariatric surgery in reproductive aged women
- I Think, Therefore I've Had My Coffee: Caffeine & Pregnancy
- Antenatal Corticosteroids, where we have come from and where we are going. A review of evidence to inform Practice
- The evolving path to an OB/GYN residency in Canada
- Maternal obesity, placental function and fetal growth: Can we intervene?
- Female Sterilization: The Who in Ligation and Reversal
- Going Viral: Harnessing Social Media to Improve Patient Care
- Layer by Layer: Reviewing the Evidence for Caesarean Surgical Techniques
- Placental Growth Factor: From Down Syndrome to Preeclampsia
- Female Sexual Dysfunction
- Gestational Diabetes – Long-term impacts for mother and offspring
- To Err is Human; To Prevent Medical Errors, Divine
- What's new in Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia
- Immunization in Pregnancy: Emphasis on Pertussis and Influenza
- Illicit Substance Use in Pregnancy
- What Is The Solution to Pollution? An update on preventing surgical site infection after caesarean section.
- Eenie Meenie Miney Mo: Choosing the Surgical Approach to Hysterectomy
- Healthcare for Transgender Patients
- Approach to the adnexal mass in children and adolescents
- Complete the Circuit: Modern Electrosurgery
- The Story of IVF - 40 years and more than 5 million babies
- Dietary Supplements in Fertility
- Maternal mortality in Canada
- Perinatal Genetics - What the Modern Obstetrician Should Know
- An Evidence Based Approach to Anti-hypertensives in the Antepartum and Postpartum Period
- Subtyping FGR and Preeclampsia- Clinical implications of Placental Examination
- ASA 101: The role of Aspirin in pre-eclampsia
- Preoperative Anemia: A Story of Postoperative Morbidity and Mortality
- A review of pelvic inflammatory disease: What is the ideal antibiotic regimen in 2018?
- There Will Be Some Cramping: Pain and Analgesia for Office IUD Insertions and Endometrial Biopsies
- Postpartum Care for Women with Preeclampsia
- HPV Vaccine and Cervical Cancer Screening
- Influenza in Pregnancy
- Current standards for oxytocin use during induction & augmentation of labour: Are we UpToDate or are we just washed-out?
- Fertility preservation in endometrial cancer
- The Role for Gynaecologic Surgery in Patients with Breast Cancer, or a Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome
- The Opioid Epidemic: How to stop adding fuel to the fire
- To push, or not to push: that is the question. Second Stage Management: A Review of Delayed versus Immediate Pushing
- Exploring autophagy as a therapeutic vulnerability in metastatic ovarian cancer
- When the Time is Right: Risk Stratification and Timing of Induction of Labour
- VBAC: A review to aid in shared decision making
- Reduced Fetal Movement and Predicting Stillbirth
- Diagnosing Threatened Preterm Labour: Utility and Efficacy of Screening Tests
- At the Broken Places: What I have Learned as Assistant Dean for Resident Wellbeing
- What’s for dinner Afterbirth? - A review of human placentophagy
- Blastocyst Formation and Obesity: Not a great combination!
- An Update on Prevention, Screening and Management of Alloimmunization in Pregnancy
- Medical Education: Good Game Well Played (GGWP)
- Cervical Insufficiency: The Ever Changing Cervix
- Jim Silcox Lecture: “Cultivating exceptional teams: unexpected lessons from Navy SEALs, pilots, and kindergarteners”
- Magnesium Sulphate for Fetal Neuroprotection: A review of the rationale behind the new 2019 SOGC clinical practice guideline
- Placenta Previa Redux: how low is too low?
- Long-term cardiovascular risk in women with pre eclampsia
- Management of Placenta Accreta Spectrum
- Prevention & Management of OASIS
- Obesity in Gynecologic Surgery
- ERAS for Cesarean Sections
- "What's in a Name...": Terms Confusing Decision-making in Reproductive Genetics from PGD to NIPT to 2020
- Obesity and Infertility
- Hysteroscopic Myomectomy: The Old & the New New
- Endometrial Hyperplasia: Many Shades of Grey
- Can we eliminate cancer of the cervix?
- Mifeprstone: experiences and applications
- Early Pregnancy Loss: An Update on Diagnosis and Management
- COVID-19 Grand Rounds Webinar Broadcast from GNYHA: Special Considerations for the Perinatal Patient
- COVID Rounds
- When mesh goes wrong, what should we do?
- Prevention & Recognition of Bladder & Ureteric Injuries in Gynecological Surgery
- Pregnancy & Bariatric Surgery
- A Crash Course on Hidradenitis Suppurativa - The why, the what and the How
- Delayed Cord Clamping in preterm infants
- Obstetrical Care amid the Opioid Crisis
- Telemedicine in Urogynecology: Implication for patient centered clinical care and research
- Indigenous Maternity Care: An introduction to Indigenous midwifery and addressing systemic racism within medicine
- Supporting of Gender-Based Violence through the universal application of Trauma-Informed Care
- Viral hepatitis in pregnancy: What do we "C" and what can we "B" doing better?
- Baby fever: Evidence-based management of chorioamnionitis
- Fertility Options in Pituitary Insufficiency
- Elentra Training Refresher
- Mothers, sign your placenta donor card! Ex vivo modelling of maternal-fetal pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis on Labour and Delivery - Old Bugs, New Tricks
- Effective Teaching in the Operating Room
- Misoprostol for induction of labour
- Sonohysterography: a 3-in-1 infertility work-up test
- Aspirin for Preeclampsia Prevention
- Tibolone: an old drug in a new market
- Approach to constipation assessment: a review of defecatory disorders in women
- Racism in Medicine
- Treatment of Iron Deficiency
- Venous thromboembolism in pregnancy
- Oxygen signaling in the placenta: from physiology to pathology
- Trauma-Informed Birth Practices: Guiding principles to a trauma informed approach - Summer Rounds
- Non-Invasive Preimplantation Genetic Testing
- Management of Persistent and Recurrent Stress Urinary Incontinence
- To Close or Not to Close? The Question of Trocar Site Hernia
- "Vulvar Ulcers – the Why, Where and What?" Continuation of Vulvar series - volume 2
- Maternal diet/body composition in programming of fetal and placental development and metabolism
- Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: a Review of Appropriate Investigations
- Contraceptives in Adolescents
- Endometriosis and Infertility, an update
- The Midwifery Model of Care
- The Impacted Fetal Head and Reverse Breech Extraction
- Uterine Artery Dopplers and the Future of Preeclampsia Screening
- Let's phone a friend! Recommendations by a vulvar dermatologist on the management of vulvar lichens
- Hemostasis, thrombosis, and wound healing are impossible without “Little-plate” or “Clot-Cell"
- Feel the burn: A review of vulvodynia
- Intramuscular versus vaginal progesterone for programmed frozen embryo transfers: Which evidence do you trust?"
- Let's do it Upright (Alternative birthing position)
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Navigating Uncertainty
- Cardiac disease in pregnancy
- Leiomyoma: Review of the medical, surgical and interventional management
- "Fertility preservation for medical reasons"
- "Care of the Critically Ill Obstetrics Patient with COVID-19: Review of Two Cases at LHSC"
- A Review of Fetal Growth Restriction
- Sickle Cell Disease in Pregnancy
- Designer Vaginas: A Review of Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery
- Dichorionic Diamniotic Twins
- Progesterone Only Contraception and Bone Mineral Density
- Webbed Feat: Intrauterine synechiae and Asherman Syndrome
- Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
- Demystifying the sonographic appearance of benign adnexa: Introducing ORADS
- Endometriosis: A review of the evidence
- Diagnosis of PPROM
- Racial inequities and Antiblack Racism in Medicine
- The Approach to Non-Obstetric Surgery during Pregnancy
- Cracking the code: Assisted Hatching
- Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance: A highlight on fetal scalp lactate sampling
- Sexual dysfunction in women: a practical approach
- Isthmocele: Overview of diagnosis and management
- "Denial is delay": PPH Guideline Update 2022
- Management of Breast Cancer in Pregnancy