Two prestigious Canada Research Chairs named at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry
February 09, 2016
Congratulations to Schulich Medicine & Dentistry researchers Eric Arts and Andrew Pruszynski on being named Canada Research Chairs (CRC). Arts has been named Tier 1 CRC in HIV Pathogenesis and Viral Control, and Pruszynski has been named Tier 2 CRC in Sensorimotor Neuroscience.
Canadian Association for Medical Education (CAME) Certificate of Merit recipients announced
January 29, 2016
Three Schulich Medicine & Dentistry faculty members have been selected to receive the CAME Certificate of Merit Award for 2016. Congratulations to Drs. Kevin Fung, Sheri-Lynn Kane and Cyrus Hsia.
Dr. Bertha Garcia reappointed as Vice Dean, Education at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University
January 28, 2016
Dr. Bertha Garcia, Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine has been reappointed as Vice Dean, Education at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, until June 30, 2017.
Strategic Plan Update featuring Dr. Margaret Steele
January 27, 2016
Dr. Margaret Steele provides an update on the Strategic Plan Refresh - what has been accomplished and next steps in the process.
Overcoming mental health stigma through education
January 27, 2016
More than 60 per cent of those dealing with mental illness will choose not to seek the help they need, and stigma is one of the main reasons why. Dr. Javeed Sukhera's current research is focused on innovative ways to reduce stigma and the adverse impact of stigma on patient care in health care environments.
Ending stigma through research - Q&A with Wataru Inoue, PhD
January 27, 2016
Wataru Inoue, PhD, studies the effect of chronic stress on the brain and the biological basis for depression. The Robarts scientist sat down with us to discuss ending stigma around mental health and how his research may help diagnose, treat and prevent clinical depression in the future.
Maly Bun receives 2015 United Way Labour Appreciation Award
January 27, 2016
Maly Bun's oustanding commitment to the United Way has been recognized with the 2015 Labour Appreciation Award. Presented annually, the award recognizes outstanding volunteers within workplaces who contribute to the organization and to their community...
The human connection
January 27, 2016
Kelly Anderson, PhD, and Lloy Wylie, PhD, are deepening our understanding of mental illness in refugee populations, and what communities can do to provide better care.
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