
  • Jimmy Singh and Sonia Mann Award in Paediatric Surgery

    July 13, 2020
    The Division of Paediatric Surgery would like express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Jimmy Singh and Mrs. Sonia Mann for their generous donation of $7,500 to fund the new medical student award "Jimmy Singh and Sonia Mann Award in Paediatric Surgery".

  • Collaborating to address rare childhood cancer

    December 03, 2019
    Dr. Andreana Bütter has been working on a collaborative study to improve outcomes for children with sarcoma. The study is spearheaded by Dr. Timothy Lautz at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago along with the Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative (PSORC).

  • New Frontiers in Research -Exploration Fund Awarded to Dr. Wang

    July 05, 2019
    Dr. Peter Wang has been awarded $247,000 for his study entitled "Investigating the Relationship Between Psychological and Physiological Factors on Surgical Trainability: A Surgical Simulation Study"

  • Dr. Leslie Scott awarded Dr. Graham Chance Award

    June 03, 2019
    Dr. Leslie Scott, Chair/Chief, Division of Paediatric Surgery, received the Dr. Graham Chance award at the 2019 Children’s Health Foundation Guiding Star Awards.

  • 4th Annual Paediatric Surgery Research Day

    April 02, 2019
    2019 Paediatric Surgery Research Day Winners Best Overall Presentation Title: Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) for the Diagnosis of Testicular Torsion: A Resident Education and Quality Improvement Initiative Presenter: Leandra Stringer Supervisor: Dr. Peter Wang Best Resident Presentation Title: Identifying systems delays in assessment, diagnosis, and operative management for testicular torsion Presenter: Ernest Chan Supervisor: Dr. Sumit Dave Best Clinical Research Title: A Qualitative Analysis on the Impact of Gastrostomy Tube Type on Psychosocial Wellbeing Presenter: Nathalie Carey Supervisor: Dr. Sarah Jones

  • 3rd Annual Paediatric Surgery Research Day

    May 28, 2018
    2018 Paediatric Surgery Research Day Winners Best Overall Presentation: Title: The Prevalence of HPV in Paediatric Tonsils in Southwestern Ontario Presenter: Monika Wojtera Supervisor: Julie Strychowsky Best Resident Presentation: Title: Does fetal tracheal occlusion reverse pulmonary hypoplasia and modify Wnt signaling pathway markers in a rabbit model of congenital diaphragmatic hernia Presenter: Martina Mudri Supervisor: Andreana Bütter

  • Welcome Dr. Peter Wang!

    July 20, 2017
    We are happy to announce the newest member to Paediatric Surgery, Dr. Peter Wang, paediatric urologist.

  • 2nd Annual Paediatric Surgery Research Day

    July 19, 2017
    2017 Paediatric Surgery Research Day Winners Best Overall Presentation: Peng You, PGY2 "Improving learning and confidence through structured otoscopy teaching - A prospective interventional study." Best Resident Presentation: Morgan McWilliam, PGY5 "A simulated training model for laparoscopic pylormyotomy: is 3D printing the way of the future?"

  • Inaugural Research Day

    March 23, 2016
    The 1st annual Paediatric Surgery Research Day showcased many great research endeavors in Paediatric Surgery

  • Dr. Timothy Carey: Scoliosis Clinic at LHSC

    March 17, 2016
    Dr. Timothy Carey is featured in insideLHSC providing information scoliosis and how London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) cares for paediatric patients with spinal abnormalities?

  • 'It's alarming': Study finds increased number of children with gallstones

    March 14, 2016
    Dr. Sarah Jones and Dr. Patrick Murphy's ICES study, "Increasing incidence of cholecystectomies in Canadian children" featured on CTV National News. Findings: there has been a 62-per-cent rise in incidences between 1993 to 1996 and 2009 to 2012 in patients under the age of 18.

  • Featured in Rapport 2015: Dr. deRibaupierre, Clinician-Researcher

    October 09, 2015
    Dr. Sandrine deRibaupierre was one of four clinician-researchers featured in Western's Rapport 2015; an article which highlights the "new era of clinician-researchers".

  • Welcome Dr. Julie Strychowsky

    September 28, 2015
    The Division is very happy to welcome Dr. Julie Strychowsky, otolaryngologist,to Paediatric Surgery.

  • Surgery Clerkship Faculty Teaching Award Recipients

    September 01, 2015
    Congratulation to Drs. A. Bütter and D. Bartley on receiving the Surgery Clerkship Teaching Awards!

  • Paediatric Surgery's New Blog

    August 31, 2015
    Topics in Pediatric Surgery, is a blog designed to provide current information on ongoing projects and research in the Division of Pediatric Surgery, as well as, current research findings and best practice derived from literature.

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