Training Program Description
The Orthopaedic Surgery Training Program at Western University has evolved as a structured program in which every member of the department is expected to participate in teaching. All trainees should view this as a major responsibility and share this commitment to teaching.
This teaching obligation is especially true with regard to the medical students. Many students now spend considerable time in either elective or selective rotations in Orthopaedic Surgery. These rotations are in high demand, not only because of the nature of our specialty but also because of the rewarding experience as expressed by previous students. Some of these students are seriously considering Orthopaedic Surgery as their future. Therefore, encouragement and participation is required.
Compulsory attendance is demanded for all trainees (residents and students) at all formal didactic teaching sessions. This includes Orthopaedic Surgery City-Wide Grand Rounds from 07:15 to 08:15 and the Orthopaedic Resident Seminar Teaching from 08:30 to 11:30 every Wednesday morning. All trainees are to be released from service commitments by their staff for these teaching times and attendance is mandatory.