Dr. Kyle Carter

Position: Associate Professor and Enhanced Skills Program Director, Department of Family Medicine
Office: Southwest Middlesex Health Centre
Email: kcarte@uwo.ca
Dr. Kyle Carter graduated from Schulich School of Medicine at Western University in 2011. He went on to complete his Family Medicine training at the Southwest Middlesex Health Centre in 2013. Following this, Dr. Carter pursued a fellowship in Emergency Medicine at Western, and subsequently worked as a full-time emergency physician at the St Thomas Elgin General Hospital. During this time, Dr. Carter continue to practice full complement family medicine working as a hospitalist in both Sarnia and St Thomas.
In 2015, Dr. Carter joined Western University as a clinical teacher at the Southwest Middlesex Health Centre where his residency training began. Since this time, Dr. Carter has been bestowed many teaching awards, including Best Core Regional Family Medicine Teacher, PARO Best Teacher award and the prestigious Ian McWhinney teaching award. He was promoted by Western University to Associate Professor in 2021.
Dr. Carter’s academic interests include the translation of point-of-care ultrasound from the emergency department to family practice office, simulation based critical event teaching and allergy medicine within family practice. Dr. Carter received a focused practice designation in allergy and continues to practice and teach basic allergy work within his practice.
Alongside his family practice, Dr. Carter is the Program Director for all enhanced skills training at Western University and oversees the training and certification of all family medicine residents pursuing additional fellowships after completing family medicine residency.
Outside of medicine, Dr. Carter enjoys spending time at his cottage in the Muskokas with his wife and four children. He is an avid fisherman, hunter and outdoor enthusiast. Coaching his children in sports is an evolving passion for Dr. Carter and fills most of his time outside the office.