Bridget Ryan, PhD

Position: Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine
Office: WCPHFM 2105
Phone: 519.661.2111 X20115
Dr. Bridget Ryan is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Family Medicine and Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Western University, and an Adjunct ICES Scientist. Her research focuses on patient-centred primary care, patients with multimorbidity, and on patients’ engagement in their health care, especially as it relates to technology such as virtual care. She holds a Fellowship in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence from the AMS Healthcare Group, exploring how best to deliver virtual care that is patient-centred and compassionate. She is Principal Investigator on a CIHR grant where patients and family physicians are working to co-create a model of Virtual and In-Person Primary Care (VIP-PC) delivery. She is Co-Principal Investigator on a CIHR grant developing primary-care-based tools to support family physicians and their patients in talking about social isolation. She is Co-Lead of DELPHI, a researchable database created from de-identified primary electronic medical records from practices in southwestern Ontario.