Resident Spotlight: Dr. Jun Yin
Where were you born and raised?
I was born in Beijing, and came to Canada when I was 10. I was brought up in Rexdale in the GTA.
Where do you practice medicine and in what scope?
I'm based at the Strathroy Family Health Organization in the regional family medicine program, and we do nursing home weekly, hospitalist daily, obstetrics call monthly, ER shifts 1-2 times per month, ambulatory/office procedures occasionally, and clinical family medicine the rest of the time.
What drew you to the Family Medicine residency program at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry?
The location, close to both urban and rural settings, both secondary and tertiary hospitals, excellent staff physicians, and (Western's regional family medicine program) the most elective time of any program in Ontario.
Can you tell me about your experience in the program?
Lots of variety! About 1/3 of the time is spent outside the office. Excellent confidence-building and nurturing independence. Non-medical, but important aspects like billing and managing paperwork, are also taught and practiced.
What inspires you in your work?
When the patient you follow goes to the ER you're on shift for, and you admit them to hospital under your own care, and eventually you discharge them with outpatient follow-up with yourself.
Can you recount a positive lesson you’ve taken from your residency?
How about a non-medical one? I had a minor problem with my car once, and a patient who was a mechanic made a guess and suggested I take it in. I ended up avoiding a major complication.
What has been your greatest challenge?
The winter highway commute!
What special interests or hobbies do you have?
Podcasts/audiobooks, because you can listen while doing other things. I also travel on my vacation time.
What would you consider your most significant career accomplishment to date?
I am no longer bound to a circadian rhythm.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Part of a group practice with a mix of office, ER, hospitalist, and teaching.
What three words best describe you?
Calm, Nerdy, Lighthearted.