From the Desk of Dr. Quiñonez

Spring 2023/24


It is starting to warm up and the Spring growth is peeking through the soil. I can’t help but draw a line between that and what is happening at Schulich Dentistry. We have worked hard over a gloomy Winter to prepare our accreditation documentation, and I’m sure that many of those involved will tell you that our growth and success trajectory is starting to become visible.

We should be proud of what is happening at our School, as we emerge from previous pandemic realities stronger than ever. The challenge that is now immediately ahead of us is next week's accreditation site visit, and I am confident that we are putting our best foot forward.

Most importantly, for our growth and success trajectory to continue beyond this accreditation and into the years to come, we must all keep striving to be of service and to be the best. Examples of this are all around us and they are easy to see, one just needs to look or simply read some of the stories in this newsletter.

For instance, faculty members and staff are committed to and are busily planning and preparing for our full return to in-person teaching since the pandemic derailed our normal schedule. Faculty members are submitting more internal and external grant applications – certainly since I arrived – with some achieving success, and I know others will soon too. Faculty members and students are submitting greater numbers of abstracts to present at national and international conferences, and here everyone is experiencing great success.

Faculty members continue to give their time on weekends to support our off-hours simulation clinic, and I know students couldn’t be any more thankful. Federal members of parliament and their officials continue to visit our clinics to see and learn from the great work that we do. I also can’t help but be filled with joy when I see our new Schulich Dentistry branded clothing proudly being worn by students, staff, faculty, and alumni.

In other words, onwards and upwards!

~ Carlos

Carlos Quiñonez, DMD, MSc, PhD, FRCD(C)
Vice Dean and Director of Dentistry
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Western University