Alumni of Distinction 2023

May 2023

We congratulate Dr. Karin Van Ryswyk and Dr. Kim Beaucage on their well-deserved recognition.

Karin Van Rsywyk headshopDr. Karin Van Ryswyk, DDS '86
Alumni of Distinction Award – Dentistry

Dr. Karin Van Ryswyk graduated from Western Dentistry in 1986. Three years later she began her private practice, built the building from the ground up, and maintained this vibrant practice for 30 years.

In 1997, Dr. Van Ryswyk was elected to serve on the London and District Dental Society (LDDS) Executive. During this five-year term, she became the LDDS president from 2000- 2001. Significantly, and happily, she broke a historic gender barrier, by becoming the first female President of the LDDS. Her leadership roles have continued to flourish since then. Most recently she became Schulich's Student Professionalism and Ethics Association (SPEA) liaison, for the Ontario Section (OS) of the American College of Dentists (ACD).

Dr. Van Ryswyk is held in high esteem by her peers and has been honoured with Fellowships in the International College of Dentists, the American College of Dentists and the Pierre Fauchard Academy. She is also a recipient of the Ontario Dental Association Award of Merit.

Dr. Van Ryswyk has steadfastly and passionately given her time, knowledge, and expertise over many years to improve both our Schulich Dental School and our London community. In recent years, her focus has been to care for the well being and education of her student colleagues at Western University.


Kim Beaucage headshotDr. Kim Beaucage, PhD '14, DDS '18
Young Alumni Award – Dentistry

Dr. Kim Beaucage was accepted into the competitive Dental Clinician-Scientist program, and became involved in a number of projects, both her own and those of other students. Her hard work led to a half a dozen publications during her time as a PhD and dental student.

Dr. Beaucage was also a significant catalyst for the creation of the Dental Academic Research Trainee (DART) Group at Schulich Dentistry. She organized monthly sessions and activities, brought in relevant speakers, and established a program that had a strong foundation that continues on even after her graduation.

She continues to be involved with teaching at Schulich Dentistry and is an adjunct assistant professor for both Dentistry and Physiology and Pharmacology, as well as her own commitments to her dental career with the establishment of practices in Waterloo and Kitchener. Her specialized expertise in skeletal biology enables her to provide dentally relevant lectures in areas such as musculoskeletal physiology, physiological tooth movements, and craniofacial growth and development.

While Dr. Beaucage graduated from Dentistry just a few short years ago in 2018, she has accomplished a great deal already and has made important and ongoing contributions to our School and to society.

More information about the 2023 recipients of Schulich Medicine & Dentistry Alumni Awards of Distinction is available here.