Joan Binnendyk

Joan Binnendyk is the Education Curriculum Specialist for The Centre for Quality, Innovation, and Safety (CQUINS) in the Department of Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University. Prior to her position with CQUINS, Joan held Educational Developer and CBME Project Lead positions within the department of Postgraduate Medical Education.
She was the recipient of the Best Paper award at the International Conference on Residency Education in 2014 and the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Award of Excellence in Innovation in 2018. Her scholarship has been presented nationally and internationally in the areas of curriculum mapping, assessment, clinical teaching evaluation, CanMEDS integration, and effective teaching methodology.
Joan holds a Bachelor of Arts from Western University, a Bachelor of Education in Adult Education from Brock University, and a Master of Adult Education from St. Francis Xavier University. She has taught at Fanshawe College, Lambton College, Colleges Ontario, and Western University.