
 What is Adjudication?

Adjudication is the process of deciding whether or not students are eligible for their Intent to Register (ITR) choices.  Adjudication decisions are based on (i) the courses completed by the end of the Fall/Winter session and (ii) the courses in which students are registered (if any) during the upcoming summer. Review the general and year-specific information about Intent to Register, including the many FAQs such as "what if you are not eligible for both your First and Second Choices".

When does adjudication occur?

The Adjudication Period occurs in May-mid-June once final marks are available for Fall/Winter courses. Students taking courses in the summer undergo another adjudication when marks for summer courses are available.

How and when do students find out their adjudication results?

After students have been adjudicated, their Grade Reports will be posted in Student Center (see "Find your final marks and Grade Report" below"). The Remarks section of your Grade Report indicates if you are eligible for the program/module you requested during ITR. Grade Reports for students who have applied to graduate at Spring Convocation should be posted by the end of May. Grade reports for all other students should be posted by mid-June. Students not eligibile for their either their First or Second Choice will find the degree/module(s) to which they have been assigned in Student Center (My Academics > My Program) after they have been term-activated. See below for more details.

Is it possible to change modules after the adjudication results are made by submitting a request for a "Change of Status"?

See "Can I change my degree and/or module(s) for the upcoming Fall/Winter" under After Adjudication for information.

General Information

Adjudication Process for students requesting Medical Sciences 2

Requirements to progress to Medical Sciences 2:
are first reviewed by the Office of the Registrar and many students are
"auto-adjudicated" (quickly adjudicated).
Adjudication forms are sent to the BMSUE Office for any student who cannot be auto-adjudicated (e.g. students with transfer credits or summer courses).

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Adjudication decisions are made and students who are ELIGIBLE for Medical Sciences 2 are admitted to Medical Sciences 2.

Adjudication decisions are made and the adjudication forms of students who are
NOT ELIGIBLE for Medical Sciences 2 are forwarded to the appropriate Academic Advising Office for final adjudication.

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Students find out their adjudication decisions by:

  • Viewing their Grade Report in early-mid June (go to Student Centee > Academics > Program Status > Grade Report - Progression). The Grade Report includes final marks and adjudication decisions (Remarks).

Students find out their adjudication decisions by:

  • Viewing their Grade Report in early-mid June (go to Student Center > Academics > Program Status > Grade Report - Progression. The Grade Report includes final marks and adjudication decisions (Remarks).

Adjudication Process for students requesting Year 3 BMSc

 Adjudication form arrives from the Office of the Registrar in mid-May

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Eligibility for admission to Year 3 BMSc
eligibility for module(s) requested during ITR are assessed by the BMSUE Office.

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Adjudication decisions are made and students who are
ELIGIBLE for Year 3 BMSc
are admitted to Year 3 BMSc and assigned to module(s) based on ITR choices
and space available in modules
(spaces in Honours Specialization modules are limited).

Adjudication decisions are made and the adjudication forms for students who are
are forwarded to the appropriate Academic Advising Office for final adjudication.
Students who are not eligible for Year 3 BMSc may not re-apply to the BMSc program in the future unless an
Appeal for Admission to Year 4 is granted immediately after second year.
See BMSc Information on the Academic Advising website.

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Students find out their adjudication decisions by:

  • Viewing their Grade Report in early-mid June (go to Student Center > Academics > Program Status > Grade Report - Progression). The Grade Report includes final marks and adjudication decisions (Remarks).

Students find out their adjudication decisions by:

  • Viewing their Grade Report in early-mid June (go to Student Center > Academics > Program Status > Grade Report - Progression). The Grade Report includes final marks and adjudication decisions (Remarks).

See the consequences of not submitting an ITR by the deadline on admission to Year 3 BMSc.

Adjudication Process for students requesting Year 4 BMSc

 Adjudication form arrives from the Office of the Registrar in mid-May

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Eligibility for module(s) requested during ITR is assessed by the department
(only if requesting an Honours Specialization module)
and the BMSUE Office
(if requesting Double Majors and Specialization modules).

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Adjudication decisions are made and students who are ELIGIBLE
for the modules requested as their First Choice are assigned to these modules
(spaces in Honours Specialization modules are limited).

Adjudication decisions are made and students who are NOT ELIGIBLE
for the modules requested as their First Choice are considered for the modules requested as their Second Choice. If eligible, then they are assigned to these modules.
If not eligible for their Second Choice, the BMSUE Office determines in which modules these students should be registered for the upcoming year and assigns them to these modules.

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Students find out their adjudication decisions by:

  • Viewing their Grade Report in early-mid June (go to Student Center > Academics > Program Status > Grade Report - Progression). The Grade Report includes final marks and adjudication decisions (Remarks).

Students find out their adjudication decisions by:

  • Viewing their Grade Report in early-mid June (go to Student Center > Academics > Program Status > Grade Report - Progression). The Grade Report includes final marks and adjudication decisions (Remarks).

After Adjudication

Find your final marks and Grade Report (adjudication decisions)

Final marks and Grades Report are posted in Student Center after adjudication decisions have been made and processed.

  • Go to Student Center > Academics > Program Status > Grade Report - Progression
  • Grade Reports should be posted by mid-June

The Grade Report includes final marks and:

  • adjudication decisions, informing students if they are eligible for their First or Second Choices that they submitted during the Intent to Register period
  • other comments, if appropriate, about courses that need to be completed, certain graduation requirements, etc.


How do I check what I submitted for my Intent to Register?

From early April onward, go to Student Center: click on Academics > Program Status and Intent to Register (ITR) - make sure that you select the correct term. Each choice is displayed over a few lines, indicating the type of degree selected and a line for each module selected as in this (old) example of a First Choice.

Wait lists for Year 4 Honours Specialization modules

Your grade report will specify if you have been placed on a waiting list for a Year 4 Honours Specialization module and if you will be registered in your Second Choice or in a different module(s) for the upcoming year. If you will be registered in a module that you did not request during ITR, then you will be able to see this module in My Program in Student Centre but only after you have been term-activated by the Office of the Registrar.

  • Departments and the BMSUE Coordinators will not let students know where they are situated on a waiting list.
  • If you were placed on a waiting list and a space becomes available in the Honours Specialization module you requested, then you will be emailed by the department at some point during the summer. You must respond to the department and the department will contact the BMSUE Office to have your module(s) updated, if you accept the spot.
  • It is impossible to predict whether a spot will open later in the summer as this is contingent upon a person leaving the Honours Specialization module for another program and your position on the waitlist.

Recommendation for course selection if you are on a waiting list:
register for the courses needed for the module(s) in which you are registered for Year 4 (and perhaps register for additional 4000-level courses needed for the wait-listed module to make the transition easier, if admitted).

The selection of supervisors for fourth-year research projects for Honours Specialization modules:
often occurs in September and departments will be in touch with students in June about the process. The Honours Specialization in IMS and the Honours Specialization in Biochemistry and Cancer Biology do not require research projects in Year 4, and students will receive information about the capstone courses in these modules later in June.

Concerned that you might not be eligible for what you requested?

If you are not eligible for either of your Intent to Register (ITR) choices, then a decision will be made during the adjudication period by the BMSUE Office (and, sometimes, the Academic Counselling Office) as to what would be the most appropriate program/degree/module(s) for you for next year. This decision will be based on your ITR choices, the courses you have completed, the courses (if any) in which you are registered for the summer, and your marks.

  • if both your First and Second choices were for the BMSc Program and you are eligible to register in the BMSc Program but not the module(s) that you requested, then you will be registered for other modules within the BMSc Program. You will find out in which modules you have been registered once you have been term-activated for the upcoming year by the Office of the Registrar.

  • if you are entering year 3 and are NOT eligible for any module(s) in the BMSc Program, then you will likely be registered in a BSc degree degree (perhaps in Double Majors, one of which is a basic medical science Major.

PLEASE do not contact the BMSUE Office or the Academic Counselling Office before you have been term-activated to find out in which modules(s) you will likely be registered. BE PATIENT and this information will be available by mid-June and you will have time to ask questions, etc. before registration begins.

For students not eligible for admission to Year 3 BMSc, there is an appeal process and details are located on the webpage for Appeals. 

How (and when) to find your program/plan (degree/modules) for the upcoming Fall/Winter

After the Office of the Registrar posts the Grade Reports in Student Center, they begin to "term-activate" students for the upcoming Fall/Winter session. The process to term-activate students who are adjudicated into either their First or Second Choice is fairly quick. Term-activation takes longer when the degree or module(s) to which students have been assigned requires manual intervention (e.g. when a student is not eligible for either choice and a different module or modules is assigned).

Term activation is the process of creating a "line of registration" which includes:

  • the level (year),
  • the status (either full- or part-time status), and
  • the program/plan (e.g. "Medical Sciences" for second-year students, or "Bachelor of Medical Sciences degree" and the particular module or modules for third- and fourth-year students) for the upcoming Fall/Winter

After you have been term-activated, you can view your program/plan by going to Student Center > Academics > Program Status > Academic Program (it is displayed over a few lines - degree on one line, module on second line, additional module on third line)

The BMSUE Office will check all students who have been admitted to Medical Sciences 2, Years 2-4 of the Neuroscience program and Years 3-4 of the BMSc Program to make sure that all students are term-active prior to the first day of registration. Students going into Year 4 will be checked first, followed by students going into Year 3, etc.

Can I change my degree and/or module(s) for the upcoming Fall/Winter ("Change of Status")?

Year 2:  re-registering in Medical Sciences First Entry (Med Sci 2)

Students who were registered in Medical Sciences 1 during the past fall/winter but requested and were admitted to a degree program for Year 2 may revert back to Medical Sciences First Entry (Medical Sciences 2) provided they satisfy the requirements to progress to Medical Sciences 2.

To submit a Change of Status form:

  • wait until July 4 and then go to the Academic Advising Office's webpage for Degree/Program Changes.
  • click on the link to access the Academic Advising Help Portal
  • click on "Program" on the left and then on "Change of Status" on the right
  • scroll down to Notes at the bottom and state that you want to re-register in Medical Sciences First Entry (Medical Sciences 2).
  • Deadline to submit is July 10 (i.e., submit between July 4 and July 10)
Refer to the Degree and Program Changes page for the deadline to submit your Change of Status. Requests submitted by the published deadline will be sent from the Academic Advising Office to the BMSUE Office to be reviewed in the few days following. Students will be notified whether the request has been approved or denied. Students should contact the BMSUE Office no earlier than mid-July about the status of a pending request.

Year 3 BMSc

Students admitted to Year 3 BMSc will be assigned to modules during the adjudication period in May, based on their Intent to Register choices. Once assigned to their modules, students in Year 3 BMSc may not change their modules within the BMSc Program for Year 3. During the Intent to Register period in Year 3, students will submit their Intent to Register for the modules in which they wish to register for Year 4. See Course Selection for Year 3 BMSc for helpful information.

  • Immediately following the adjudication period in May, the BMSUE Office notifies the Office of the Registrar about the manner in which the spaces are to be reserved in the 2000- and 3000-level laboratory and lecture courses offered by the basic medical science departments. Since moving students to different modules would impact the spaces reserved in courses for students already assigned to these modules, revisions to the basic medical science modules are not permitted for Year 3.

Students admitted to Year 3 BMSc who wish to switch out of the BMSc Program and into a BSc degree may submit a request to the Academic Advising Office via their Help Portal. See Degree/Program Changes on their website for the process and deadlines.

Students who did not submit their ITR for Year 3 BMSc and have been granted permission by a BMSUE Coordinator to submit a Change of Status request to be considered for admission to Year 3 BMSc must submit their request between June 25 and July 3. Details on the process are posted on the Academic Advising Office's webpage for Degree/Program Changes. Once in their Help Portal, click on "Program" on the left and then on "Change of Status" on the right. Click on the appropriate boxes and fill in the module information. Students will be considered for late admission to Year 3 BMSc for either Double Majors or an Honours Specialization module that it is not full, as indicated on the chart of Minimum Averages for admission to Honours Specializations. Students requesting an Honours Specialization module will not be permitted to add a Major or Minor module offered by the basic medical sciences when submitting a late request to register in Year 3 BMSc.

Year 4 BMSc

To submit a Change of Status form:

Refer to the Degree and Program Changes page for the deadline to submit your Change of Status. The form will sent by the Academic Advising Office to the BMSUE Office to be reviewed in the few days following. Students will be notified whether the request has been approved or denied. Students should contact the BMSUE Office no earlier than late June about the status of their request.

NOTE: requests to add a Major or Minor module to an Honours Specialization module will only be considered if the courses for both the Honours Specialization and the additional Major or Minor can be completed during the upcoming year. Students are advised to consult the Common Course Policy since this policy comes into effect when students wish to complete two modules that contain "common courses".

Change of Status requests submitted after the deadline will be reviewed in due course but might not be processed before registration for Year 4 begins.

Not returning in September

  • Please contact the BMSUE Office asap to let us know you're not returning to Western in the fall for any of Medical Sciences 2, Years 3 and 4 BMSc, Years 2-4 Neuroscience
  • We would love to know what you are doing, instead, so let us know (if willing)
  • We will inform you of any steps you need to take, if appropriate

Course selection

Course Registration