Graduate Teaching Assistantships
Step 1: familiarize yourself with the Schulich Medicine and Dentistry Centralized GTA Process:
- The GTA allocation process is structured to address the following requirements:
- Maintain the Departments’ ability to deliver high-quality undergraduate teaching;
- Support competitive stipends for PhD students in a fair, transparent, and equivalent manner for all Schulich PhD students;
- Fit within Schulich’s budgetary constraints;
- Wherever possible, provide the opportunity for graduate students to gain teaching experience as part of their career development process, regardless of their scholarship status; and
- Be as efficient as possible for Programs and Schulich to administer.
2. GTA positions will be assigned to graduate students across the School in a specific order and to a specific number of hours:
- PhD students without external scholarships, who are within their residency period and possess the experience/skill set to serve as a GTA in the assigned course, will be offered the equivalent of 0.5 GTA or 140 hours per year. [GTA-Eligible position]
- PhD or MSc students whom we are obligated to hire in compliance with the GTA Collective Agreement, Articles 13.04b and 13.05a. [GTA-Obligatory position]
- If positions are available, all other PhD and MSc students who are within their residency period and possess the experience/skill set to serve as a GTA in the assigned course will be offered the equivalent of a 0.25 GTA or 70 hours per year. [GTA-Discretionary position]
3. The value of all GTA positions held within Schulich or in other faculties will be incorporated into the student's respective funding package, not added on top. Any assignments beyond 0.5 GTA (140 hours) will lead to an increase of GF by at least 50% of the additional GTA assignment.
- Student's total funding packages will be communicated at the start of the Fall term. Graduate Fellowship (GF) funding may vary according to departmental minimum and maximum funding levels.
4. If a PhD or MSc student is offered a GTA position in another Faculty outside of Schulich, the student must complete a Non-Schulich GTA Acknowledgement Form signed by the student, supervisor, Graduate Chair and Associate Dean Research (Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies).
- GF funding for students with outside GTA positions will be discussed individually, and students will need to meet with their graduate chair.
- Non-Schulich GTA Acknowledgement Form is not required for students in course-based programs.
5. If a PhD or MSc student declines an Eligible or Obligatory GTA position then his/her stipend will be reduced by the value of a 0.5 GTA or the obligated GTA value.
- If a supervisor does not want their graduate student to hold an Eligible GTA position, and the graduate student is in agreement with this, then the supervisor is responsible for contributing the difference to the graduate student’s funding package. This agreement must be documented by completion of a GTA Opt-Out Form signed by the students, supervisor, and Graduate Chair.
Step 2: Review basic medical science course descriptions. GTA positions are available for the basic medical science courses listed in the accordion below:
Step 3: Complete and Submit your Application
The online application will be available May 31, 2024 and will CLOSE June 14, 2024 11:45pm.
- Please carefully read and complete the application ensuring that your student number, home department/program and name are accurately entered/selected. The home department/program you select in the application will intiate the completed application to be automatically routed to that department/program for review and consideration.
- Please ensure that you attach a copy of your CV (PDF only) before submitting the application.
- Please be SPECIFIC when providing details about your skill set(s) (for example: animal handling techniques include mouse and rats, performing surgey...")