To be the leader in providing undergraduate education in the basic medical sciences in preparation for employment, graduate studies and professional schools
In keeping with Western’s mission to provide the best student experience among Canada’s leading research-intensive universities, our role is to:
- Provide an outstanding educational experience in a broad spectrum of basic medical science disciplines
- Enhance the classroom lecture experience with associated laboratories which use state-of-the art technologies
- Provide opportunities for excellent students to perform novel research under the mentorship of award-winning scientists
- Ensure that our graduates are well-informed regarding further educational opportunities and career development
September 2001:
The Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMSc) Program began in September 2001, when the 4-year General Bachelor of Medical Sciences program was introduced and six Bachelor of Science Honors programs were changed to Bachelor of Medical Sciences Honors degree programs (Biochemistry, Biophysics, Microbiology & Immunology, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Toxicology with Environmental Sciences, and Physiology) .
September 2003:
The BMSc Honors Medical Sciences program was introduced, allowing students the choice between an interdisciplinary honors degree in the basic medical sciences and a discipline-specific honors degree that required a fourth-year research project.
September 2004:
Western introduced the modular system for undergraduate programs, known as "New Academic Choices", and the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and the Department of Pathology joined the group of basic medical science departments to offer undergraduate modules (department of Biochemistry, Medical Biophysics, Microbiology and Immunology, and Physiology and Pharmcology).
September 2006:
Admission to the BMSc Program became competitive as a maximum capacity of 300 students in Year 3 was established.
September 2013:
Medical Sciences First Entry was introduced as a two-year "program" for students interested in modules leading to BMSc degrees. Admission to the BMSc Program was shifted to Year 3 for students admitted to Western in 2013 with students admitted to Medical Sciences First Entry being assured admission to Year 3 BMSc, provided they satisfy certain conditions. The maximum capacity in Year 3 BMSc was increased to 500 students.
New courses and modules have been introduced by the basic medical science departments over the years and the following are now offered (some in conjunction with Science departments):
- 21 Honors Specialization modules that lead to BMSc (Honors) degrees;
- 5 Honors Specialization modules that lead to BSc (Honors) degrees;
- 1 Specialization modules that lead to BMSc degrees (non-honors;)
- 9 Majors;
- 5 Minors.
Across the seven basic medical science departments that contribute to the courses and modules leading to a BMSc degree there are a number of expectations and program learning outcomes that should be attained by all of our graduates. These degree outcomes are based on the Western Degree Outcomes and all of our graduates are expected to have met these outcomes in the broadest sense. Within each one of the field specific disciplines the depth and breadth of knowledge for specific fields of study will vary and how these outcomes are assessed and evaluated within each discipline may also vary, but these outcomes outline the minimum achievements/attributes expected of our students. The BMSc Degree Outcomes can be found here.