Connect with a BMSUE Coordinator
Please note that the Academic Advising Office for Science and Basic Medical Science students is responsible for queries about struggling with University adjustment, the impact of course selection and academic performance on eligibility for modules and degrees, accommodation for missed coursework, etc.
Roles and responsibilities of the BMSUE Coordinators:
The BMSUE (Basic Medical Sciences Undergraduate Education) Coordinators are NOT academic advisors and have different roles and responsibilities.
Why do students contact the BMSUE Coordinators?
- general information about the BMSc Program and the modules offered within BMSc
- information about admission to, progression in, and the courses required for the Neuroscience program
- whether requirements to progress to Medical Sciences 2, to be admitted to Year 3 BMSc, etc., are satisfied
- questions about access to basic medical science courses (priorities, restrictions, reserved spaces)
- issues about registration for basic medical science courses
- advice about which modules to select during Intent to Register
- international exchange
- eligibility to graduate (BMSc and Neuroscience programs, only)
Who are the BMSUE Coordinators and how do students contact/see them:
Jen Chambers, BMSUE Coordinator (Interdisciplinary Studies), supports students in Medical Sciences 1 and 2, IMS modules (Honours Specialization and Specialization) and Neuroscience modules, as well as Major in Medical Sciences.
To connect with Jen:
- Submit questions via the BMSUE Question Portal.
- Book an individual appointment: Zoom appointments available (see below)
- Virtual on Zoom every Monday and Thursday (one on one; waiting room will be in place)
- Mondays, 11:00am-12:00pm - link to join waiting room for Zoom drop-in
- Thursdays, 11:30am-12:30pm - link to join waiting room for Zoom drop-in
Kathy Boon, BMSUE Coordinator, supports students in Medical Sciences 2, and Years 3 and 4 BMSc (but not Honours Specialization/Specialization in IMS).
To connect with Kathy:
- Submit questions via the BMSUE Question Portal.
- Book an individual Zoom appointment (see below for details).
- Join Kathy's drop-in Zoom sessions (students enter the waiting room and will be brought in one-at-a-time in the order in which they joined the Zoom session to speak privately with Kathy)
- Friday, January 3 from 1:00-3:00 - click to join waiting room
- Tuesdays, from 11:00-12:00 - click to join waiting room (no drop-in on March 4)
- Wednesdays, from 3:00-4:00 - click to join waiting room
- Fridays, from 1:30-2:30: click to join waiting room
- BMSUE Ask Me Anything (in-person) on Mondays from 1:00-2:00: ask Kathy questions about courses, modules, etc., in the lobby of the Medical Sciences Building
BOOK an individual Zoom appointment:
Individual Zoom appointments are 15 minutes in duration - quickly review the Notes and Details below before you book with one of the BMSUE Coordinators - and a maximum of one appointment can be booked within the span of one month.
Notes about booking an appointment:
- student number and uwo email address must be provided when booking an appointment
- appointments must be booked at least 24 hours in advance
- students may not book more than one appointment per month. Students who book multiple appointments will be asked to cancel one or more of them.
- the time/zone must be set to Canada/Eastern when booking an appointment.
- students who wish to cancel their bookings are strongly encouraged to cancel/decline their booking at least two days prior to their appointment. This will allow for other students to book in that timeslot.
Details about your virtual (Zoom) appointment:
- you will receive an email message the day prior to your appointment, indicating the Zoom link for the appointment
- if the BMSUE Coordinator is running late for the Zoom meeting, then stay in the meeting and the coordinator will join as soon as possible. The coordinator will still spend 15 minutes with you in the Zoom meeting.
- if you are late to the meeting, then the BMSUE Coordinator will wait for ~ 5 minutes. If you have not joined the Zoom meeting within ~ 5 minutes of the start time, then the coordinator will likely leave the meeting
Should you book a Zoom meeting with Jen or with Kathy?
Jen Chambers:
- Medical Sciences 1 and 2
- Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences (IMS) - including the Combined BMSc (IMS)/HBA Program
- Major Medical Sciences
- Neuroscience