Rasa Eskandari

Visit Rasa Eskandari's Google Scholar for full list of publications.

Journal Articles

Eskandari, R., Milkovich, S., Kamar, F., Welsh, D. G., Goldman, D., Ellis, C. G., & Diop, M. (2024, December). Non-invasive point-of-care optical technique for continuous in vivo assessment of microcirculatory function: Application to a preclinical model of early sepsis. The FASEB Journal, 38(23), e70204.

Mawdsley, L.1, Eskandari, R.1, Kamar, F., Rajaram, A., Yip, L. C. M., Abayomi, N., Milkovich, S., St. Lawrence, K., Carson, J. J. L., Ellis, C. G., & Diop, M. (2024, August). In vivo optical assessment of cerebral and skeletal muscle microvascular response to phenylephrine. FASEB BioAdvances6(9), 390.

Kamar, F., Shoemaker, L. N., Eskandari, R., Milej, D., Drosdowech, D., Murkin, J. M., St. Lawrence, K., Chui, J., & Diop, M. (2024). Assessing changes in regional cerebral hemodynamics in adults with a high-density full-head coverage time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy device. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 29(S3), S33302-S33302.

Conference Papers and Abstracts

Eskandari, R., Milkovich, S., Kamar, F., Welsh, D. G., Goldman, D., Ellis, C. G., & Diop, M. (2024, April). Assessing Progressive Microvascular Dysfunction in Early Sepsis with Non-invasive Optical Spectroscopy. In Clinical and Translational Biophotonics (pp. TW1B-3). Optica Publishing Group.

Eskandari, R., Milkovich, S., Kamar, F., Welsh, D. G., Goldman, D., Ellis, C. G., & Diop, M. (2024, April). Continuous monitoring of microvascular function and perfusion in early onset of sepsis with noninvasive optical spectroscopy. In Critical Care Canada Forum 2023 Forum Abstracts (Vol. 71, pp. 50-53). Canadian Journal of Anesthesia.

Kamar, F., Eskandari, R., Shoemaker, L. N., Milej, D., Drosdowech, D., Murkin, J. M., St. Lawrence, K., Diop, M., & Chui, J. (2024, March). Effects of multiple intravenous administrations of phenylephrine on scalp and brain blood oxygenation: a pilot study with a full-head coverage time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy device. In Critical Care Canada Forum 2023 Forum Abstracts (Vol. 71, pp. 69-72). Canadian Journal of Anesthesia.

Eskandari, R., & Diop, M. (2023, March). Ideal light scatterer for near-infrared spectroscopy tissue mimicking phantoms. In Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue XV (Vol. 12376, pp. 30-33). SPIE.


Eskandari, R., Milkovich, S., Kamar, F., Welsh, D. G., Goldman, D., Ellis, C. G., & Diop, M. (2024, September). Early Detection of Sepsis-Related Microvascular Dysfunction with NIRS. Poster at fNIRS 2024 (Birmingham, UK).

Eskandari, R., Milkovich, S., Kamar, F., Welsh, D. G., Goldman, D., Ellis, C. G., & Diop, M. (2024, May). Non-invasive optical monitoring of peripheral and cerebral vasomotion in early sepsis. Oral talk at the 2024 Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (London, ON, Canada).

Eskandari, R., Milkovich, S., Kamar, F., Welsh, D. G., Goldman, D., Ellis, C. G., & Diop, M. (2024, April). Assessing progressive microvascular dysfunction in early sepsis with non-invasive optical spectroscopy. Oral talk at the 2024 Optica Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics (Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA).

Eskandari, R., Milkovich, S., Kamar, F., Welsh, D. G., Goldman, D., Ellis, C. G., & Diop, M. (2023, November). Continuous monitoring of microvascular function and perfusion in early onset of sepsis with non-invasive optical spectroscopy. E-poster presentation at Critical Care Canada 2023 Forum (Toronto, ON, Canada).

Eskandari, R., Milkovich, S., Kamar, F., Welsh, D. G., Goldman, D., Ellis, C. G., & Diop, M. (2023, September). Continuous monitoring of microcirculatory deterioration in septic rats with non-invasive optical spectroscopy. Poster at Sepsis Canada 2023 Scientific Meeting (Hamilton, ON, Canada).

Eskandari, R., & Diop, M. (2023, March). The ideal composition of tissue-mimicking phantoms for near-infrared spectroscopy. Poster presentation at Imaging Network Ontario 2023 Symposium (London, ON, Canada).

Eskandari, R., & Diop, M. (2023, January). Ideal light scatterer for near-infrared spectroscopy tissue mimicking phantoms. Oral talk at SPIE Photonics West 2023 (San Francisco, CA, USA).

Eskandari, R., & Diop, M. (2022, March). The ideal chromophore for Intralipid-based phantom experiments. Poster presentation at Imaging Network Ontario 2022 Symposium (Virtual).