Resident Research Career Development

three med students




Objectives: RRCD is intended to foster the development of promising young residents and/or fellows within Schulich Medicine & Dentistry into successful clinician-scientists. This program will facilitate the identification, development and recruitment of these individuals by supplying financial support for further training, mentorship for career development and advocacy for faculty appointment.

Program Guidelines: A maximum of two residents (or fellows) from each department can be nominated to apply for the RRCD award available each year.  These individuals must be targeted to join the faculty on an academic appointment as clinician-scientists after appropriate training is completed.

Individuals must submit a complete application package, which will be reviewed and ranked by the RRCD Committee.

Successful applicants will be expected to apply for external salary awards during their research training period, and external operating awards on commencing their faculty appointment.

Application Deadline: Monday, January 8, 2024

Application Package: Applicants must submit a complete application package consisting of:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Two-page summary outlining applicant's statement of intent
  3. One-page letter of support from department chair outlining applicant's potential integration with existing research programs and/or Institutes, collaborations, etc.

Program Guidelines:

  1. Eligible applicants must be in their final year of clinical resident training, or final year of clinical/research fellowship training.
  2. Applicants must be identified and nominated by their departments.
  3. The department nominating the applicant must be committed to offering the candidate a faculty position upon successful completion of research training, and be prepared to match Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry funding for the RRCD program on a 1:1 basis.
  4. SSMD will provide financial salary support for the trainee for a 1-year period, with a potential for a 1-year renewal. These funds must be matched 1:1 by the applicants department. Salary support will total CAD$90,000 annually inclusive of all benefits, with 50% provided by the Dean's Office of Schulich and 50% by the department. The RRCD salary support is expected to be the entire salary of the candidate and not a supplement. It is meant to ensure that the candidate has sufficient remuneration while getting the necessary and expected research training at their visiting institution.
    Note: If a trainee does not return to the University after completion of training, it is expected that funds will be reimbursed.
  5. Successful applicants will be expected to send a progress report to the RRCD Program Chair outlining in general terms what has been happening over the past year. Any publications or presentation made related to the individual's research, or awards or other grants obtained should be mentioned in this report. Further, it is expected that the rationale for the second year of funding be outlined if that is requested. This report is due by the end of March.
  6. Each successful applicant and his/her department head must form a Mentorship Committee (see below) prior to commencing research training. Ideally, the members of the Mentorship Committee will be identified in the application package.
  7. The RRCD candidate and their nominators should consider this award as partial or full salary support for the trainee and it is not the expectation of the committee that the recipient should receive salary from additional sources.
  8. It is the expectation of the RRCD committee that the trainee shall spend a minimum of 75% of his/her time off-site engaged in Research.
  9. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring department to ensure all steps are taken for the trainee's return to London.
Mentorship Committee: Each successful applicant shall have a Mentorship Committee consisting of 3-5 members. This committee should be approved by the RRCD Committee, and serve to guide the development of the individual through their research training as well as early career as a clinician-scientist. 

Mentorship Committee Structure:

  • Successful applicant
  • Department/Division Chair
  • Research mentor
  • RRCD Committee member
  • Department/Division member or collaborator (optional)

Mentorship Committee Function:

  • Meet at least once prior to beginning of RRCD training period
  • Meet on completion of training (and during training if possible)
  • Meet 2-3 times per year on commencement of faculty position
  • Facilitate and serve as advocate for:
    1. optimal research training environment
    2. faculty appointment negotiations (space etc)
    3. financial issues and time protection
    4. external grant applications

RRCD Committee Structure and Function: The RRCD Committee will consist of 4-5 individuals from within the SSMD approved by the Dean. These individuals will typically be established, successful clinician-scientists who can provide insight into the development of young, independent academic researchers. The specific roles of this committee are to:

  • Identify, review and rank applications for RRCD Awards
  • Facilitate development of, communicate with and participate in Mentorship Committee
  • Provide guidance for potential funding opportunities through training and early career
  • Facilitate evaluation of grant applications prior to submitting to peer-review agencies
  • Evaluate progress of candidate and establish accountability via:
    1. mentorship reports
    2. grant submissions
    3. funding successes
    4. publication record

RRCD Administration: The successful candidate will be notified of his/her award by the Chair of the RRCD Committee. Copies of the notification will also be sent to the relevant Department Chair and Department Administrative Officer, and the Associate Director of Finance, Schulich Medicine & Dentistry.


Program Director:  Dr. Reena Khanna