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Core Facilities

Core facilities within the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry include:
The BioCORE offers services in three well-established platforms including (i) synthetic biology and protein production; (ii) molecular identification, structure and interaction; and (iii) high-throughput molecular analysis.
- For more information visit BioCORE
Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping
The Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping utilizes state-of-the-art 3T whole-body, 7T head and 31 cm 9.4T horizontal MR imaging systems to investigate in-vivo studies of brain structure and function.
- For more information visit the CFMM Website
Centre for Translational Radiographic Imaging
The Centre for Translational Radiographic Imaging (CenTRI) utilizes state-of-the-art volumetric dual energy and dynamic CT Scan, weight-bearing cone-beam CT, Radiostereometric Analysis, Digital Angiography, and X-ray with Tomosynthesis capability.
- For more information visit the CenTRI Website here
The Imaging Pathogens for Knowledge Translation (ImPaKT) Facility is a one-of-a-kind facility combining PHAC certified containment level standards (CL2+ and CL3) with advanced in vivo imaging modalities. ImPaKT Facility features barrier-enclosed imaging scanners and instrumentation which will allow researchers to develop tools and methods to better understand the progression of infectious diseases, identify efficacious antimicrobial agents, develop diagnostic reagents to characterize hidden reservoirs of pathogens, and for the early and accurate detection of infections.
- For more information visit the ImPaKT Website
London Regional Flow Cytometry Facility
The LR-FCF provides technical and physical support for scientists wishing to utilize flow cytometry analysis and or cell sorting as part of their research. Users are able to utilize the LR-FCF for a wide variety of flow cytometry techniques, including cell sorting, immunophenotyping, cell cycle analysis, cell proliferation, gene transfer (efficacy and tracking), cell death (i.e. apoptosis), cell kinetics, activation states, redox states, chromosome analysis, and cytokine detection among others.
- For more information visit the London Regional Flow Cytometry Facility website
London Regional Genomics Centre
The facility provides state-of-the-art services on a fee-for-service/cost recovery basis and offers Next Generation Sequencing on the Illumina MiSeq and NextSeq platforms. Single cell sequencing and Spatial Transcriptomics is available on the 10x Genomics platform. We also offer Sanger sequencing, fragment analysis and qPCR. Data analysis and software training services are also available.
- For more information visit the LRGC website
London Regional Microscopy Facility
The London Regional Microscopy Facility (LRMF), at Robarts Research Institute, Schulich of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, houses many cutting-edge multiphoton and laser-scanning confocal microscopes; providing paramount systems for both fixed tissue and intravital imaging. The LRMF is dedicated to providing affordable, high quality, accessible, and user-friendly microscopy services for users in Southwestern Ontario. The facility is available to all researchers at Robarts and Western, in addition to members of the Southwestern Ontario research community.
The LRMF's flexible experimental approaches and techniques enable researchers to meet the diverse molecular imaging needs each unique project. Our staff provides complete training and assistance to all users.
- For more information visit the Facility website
Molecular Pathology core facility
The Molecular Pathology Core Facility entails a full spectrum of state-of-art histopathology equipment and expertise. The facility enables investigators to study fresh, frozen, or paraffin-processed tissues and analyze sections using various histological stains and molecular probes. In addition, micro-isolation of discrete cells within tissue sections can be accomplished using laser capture microscopy.
- For more information visit the Molecular Pathology website
Neurobehavioural Core Facility
The Neurobehavioral Core Facility provides Western University and the external research community with access to equipment, software and services for the performance of behavioral experiments in mouse models.
- For more information visit the Neurobehavioural Core Facility
Preclinical Imaging Research Centre
The Preclinical Imaging Research Centre is furnished with state-of-the-art non-invasive small animal imaging equipment complete with a dedicated animal surgery and preparation room. This facility was designed specifically to give investigators the ability to exploit the best in specialized small animal imaging technology to further basic and applied research.
- For more information visit the Preclinical Imaging
Translational Imaging Research Facility
The 3T MRI Core Facility is a unique regional resource for state-of-the-art evaluation using a variety of MRI techniques in a research setting. The Facility is used primarily for in-vivo studies of human and animal structure and function in the areas of respiratory, cardiovascular, orthopedic and neuro. The HeliSpin™ core facility processes helium-3, an investigational tracer gas used for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the lungs which is not possible with conventional (proton) MR imaging.
- For more information visit the Translational Imaging Research Facility website
Other research resources available to researchers within the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry include:
Brain Tumour Tissue Bank
Supplies brain tumour tissues to researchers across Canada and all over the world.
- For more information visit the Brain Tumour Foundation Website
CSTAR (Canadian Surgical Technologies and Advanced Robotics)
CSTAR provides access to world-class acute and chronic laboratory facilities that support preclinical testing and validation of emergent medical device technologies.
- For more information visit the CSTAR Website
Cyclotron and PET Radiochemistry
The Nordal Cyclotron & PET Radiochemistry Facility is used to produce positron-emitting radiopharmaceuticals (PERs). PERs are injected into patients undergoing a positron emission tomography (PET) scan. The half-life of the radioactive isotopes in PERs is short, which necessitates generating them with a cyclotron that is in close proximity to the clinic where they are used.
- For more information visit the Cyclotron and PET Radiochemistry website
ICES Western
ICES Western is a satellite site of the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) located in Toronto. ICES is an independent, non-profit organization, whose core business is to conduct research that contributes to the effectiveness, quality, equity and efficiency of health care and health services in Ontario. With the establishment of ICES Western, investigators and trainees who wish to pursue research aligning with the ICES mission now have the opportunity to access the large administrative data holdings held by ICES.
- For more information visit the ICES website
Imaging Facilities at the Lawson Health Research Institute
Imaging facilities at Lawson include:
- PET/MR Imaging
- 2 Tesla MRI/MRS
- 3 Tesla MRI/MRS
- Bioelectromagnetics Facilities
- Optical Imaging
- Nuclear Medicine
- 1.5 Tesla MRI
- For more information visit the Lawson Imaging Facilities
Lawson Clinical Research Services
Lawson Clinical Research Services provides the expertise and facilities to manage the clinical, technical and administrative aspects of both investigator and industry-sponsored research. The facility offers clients the opportunity to contract services, in whole or in part, required to successfully conduct clinical research.
- For more information visit Lawson Clinical Research Services
Ontario Tumour Bank
London Health Sciences Centre is one of four sites for the Ontario Tumour Bank, a province-wide biorepository and data bank focused on collection of tumour-related human biospecimens. It provides academic and industry cancer researchers with a diverse selection of high quality tumour-related specimens and data obtained directly by dedicated tumour bank staff, who follow a stringent set of procedures and ethical guidelines.
- For more information visit the Ontario Tumour Bank website
London Regional Transgenic and Gene Targeting Facility
The TGT Facility provides services including:purification of DNA fragments for microinjection; generation of founder transgenic mice; gene targeting services; embryo cryopreservation and rederivation by embryo transfer.
- For more information visit the Facility website