Industry Development
Schulich Medicine & Dentistry is actively interested in exploring new opportunities for engaging with research partners, and is fostering new collaborations between our basic and clinical researchers and partners from industry and academe.
Interactions can take many forms, including: development of long-term collaborations, contract research, industry-sponsored clinical trials and personnel exchanges (including students/trainees/scientists).
What can we do for you?
We can assist with team building to respond to funding and research opportunities, including: identifying team leaders and key individuals, actively promoting team development, fostering potential links with external investigators/teams, and encouraging networking. In addition, we can facilitate site visits and interactions with industry representatives. We can meet with researchers to explore opportunities for partnering. We also help develop and provide professional development opportunities on topics such as commercialization and the regulatory process.
Who do we work with?
We engage with multiple stakeholders, including WORLDiscoveries, TechAlliance, industries, and local and provincial organizations to develop new opportunities for researchers in Schulich Medicine & Dentistry.
For further information contact:
Schulich Research Office
Clinical Skills Building, Room 2720
Western University
London, Ontario, Canada
t. 1.519.661.2111 x83755