
A diverse group of people from different cultures, professional experiences, academic backgrounds, and areas of expertise make this program happen.


Over 75 learners from across Canada are participating in this program across 3 streams: Future Trial Leaders - Post-Doctoral Fellows - Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP).

Learners will be guided by leading Canadian experts in the field of clinical trials.

The Advisory Committee will help guide and monitor the progress of the training program and future directions. It will also advise on the design, implementation, and high-level operations of the training program.

Facilitators will moderate peer-group sessions involving 6 - 10 people per group, which will be held for an hour each month over the upcoming two years. They will encourage robust discussions among learners about clinical trials' design and implementation.

We are fortunate to have 3 Indigenous Knowledge Keepers who will guide our journey on the learning pathway that aims to distill the racism that Indigenous people face and build cultural competence within the health sector. We are here to support learners as they embark on this pathway.

We are a diverse team of people interested in pragmatic clinical trials who have been working on building this program, each from their area of expertise.