Research Resources


Minimum training required:

1) Lawson Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Training

- Completed every 3 years
- Takes ~50 minutes to complete
- Available on the hospital learning platforms: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Clinical Research | Lawson Intranet (

2) Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS) Training

- Completed once
- Takes ~3 hours to complete
- TCPS2 training is available at:

Research or Quality Improvement Project

Trying to determine if your project is needed ethics approval?

Read “Distinguishing Between Quality Assurance/Improvement, Program Evaluation & Research

Still unsure, complete the QA/QI/PE form within WREM where more information can be provided for the REB to review 

Need Ethics Approval?

You will need approvals from both Lawson AND Western Ethics before you can begin your study.

The basic process - Create an account for Lawson and Western:

Lawson account: Email

WREM account:
Go to 
Click 'Western University's REB'
Click ‘New User’

Start your application in Lawson ReDA, then export to Western WREM, and Lawson LORA (if necessary)

Helpful Links

Schulich Medicine and Dentistry Research

Western Human Research Ethics

Western Research Guidelines and Templates

Western Library

Clinical Trials Ontario Templates and Forms

Clinical Trial and Research Study Registration

Patient Consent for Publication

Need statistics help?


The following links can be accessed through LHSC Intranet:

Lawson SOPs

Lawson Forms and Templates

Lawson REDCap