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R.G.E. Murray Seminar Series Archive
Dr. Craig Jenne
University of Calgary
Dr. Ana Cabrera
Western University
Dr. Idowu Olawoye
Western University
Dr. Lawrence Goodridge
University of Guelph
Dr. Carole Creuzenet
Western University
Dr. Costin Antonescu
Toronto Metropolitan University
Dr. Kevin Kain
University of Toronto
Dr. Wanjun Chen
Mucosal Immunology Section, NIH NIDCR, USA
Dr. Robyn Klein
Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Patrick Moynihan
Senior Research Fellow/BBSRC David Phillips Fellow, University of Birmingham Biosciences
Dr. Haley Vecchiarelli
Post Doctoral Fellow, Tremblay Lab, University of Victoria
Dr. Kyle Burrows
Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto
Mr. Mark Vandenburg
Western University
Dr. Jeremy Hill
Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Jacques Ravel
University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Bas Surewaard
University of Calgary
Dr. Philippe Gros
McGill University
Dr. Thomas Ichim
Immorta Bio Inc., USA
Dr. Matthew Buechler
University of Toronto
Dr. Megan Levings
University of British Columbia
Dr. Jennifer Trowbridge
Tufts University School of Medicine
Dr. Samira Mubareka
Sunnybrook Research Institute and University of Toronto
Dr. Gonca Erdemci-Tandogan
Western University
Dr. Lori Frappier
University of Toronto
Dr. Mario Ostrowski
University of Toronto
Dr. Matthew Croxen
University of Alberta
Dr. Georgina Cox
University of Guelph
Dr. Chris LaRock
Emory University
Dr. Stephanie Shames
Michigan State University
Dr. Kaylee Byers
University of British Columbia
Dr. Karine Dufresne
Western University
Dr. Karen Maxwell
University of Toronto
Dr. Jennifer Gauthrie
Public Health Ontario
Dr. Alan Lomax
Queen's University, Canada
Dr. Marta Matuszewska
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Trushar Patel
University of Lethbridge, Canada
Dr. Ninan Abraham
University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Elitza Tocheva
University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. André Finzi
Centre du Recherche Du CHUM, Canada
Dr. Kelly McNagny
University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Neil Romberg
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Eric Pietras
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, USA
Denny Chin, John A. Thomas Award Seminar
Western University, Canada
Dr. Caroline Cameron
University of Victoria, Canada
Dr. Miguel Valvano
Queen's University, Belfast
Dr. Jenny Ting
UNC School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Wei-Zen Wei
Wayne State University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Brad Nelson
Deeley Research Centre, BC Cancer, Canada
Dr. Eleanor Gaunt
The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Mia Phillipson
Uppsala University, Sweden
Dr. David Willer
Drs. Matt Rytlewski and Jessica Tong
Discovery Biosciences, Oncology R&D, AstraZeneca in Gaithersburg USA
Dr. Stephanie Zukowski
Western University, Canada
Dr. Javier di Noia
Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montreal (IRCM), Canada
Dr. Matthew Lawrenz
University of Louisville, USA
Dr. Betty Diamond
Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, NY, USA
Dr. David Rothstein
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Dr. Mariya Goncheva
Western University, Canada
Dr. Stephen Tuffs
Western University, Canada
Dr. John Whitney
McMaster University
An Unexpected Mechanism of Interbacterial Antagonism
Dr. Xiufen Zheng
Western University
Tolerogenic dendritic cells in heart transplantation
Dr. Adam Burgener
Public Health Agency of Canada, University of Manitoba
Interplay of the mucosal microbiome with HIV infection and prevention
Dr. Jessica Prodger
Western University
Developing Novels Strategies for HIV Prevention and Cure in Africa
Dr. Jim Sun
University of Ottawa
Empowering macrophages to eliminate tuberculosis
Dr. Michael Federle
University of Illinois
A Streptococcus pyogenes quorum sensing network that represses innate immune activity and is required for murine nasopharyngeal colonization
Dr. Abayomi Olabode
Western University
Dr. David Edgell
Western University
Dr. Brad Nelson
Deeley Research Centre, Victoria, BC
Dr. Wei-Zen Wei
Wayne State University
Regulation of Mammary Tumor Immunity - Analysis by Quantitative Trait Linkage and Single Cell transcriptomics
Dr. Katri Korpela
University of Helsinki
Infant gut microbiota acquisition and development
Dr. Stephen Tuffs
Western University
Dr. Vincent Piguet
University of Toronto
Dr. Jim Cassat
Vanderbilt University
Dr. Mariya Goncheva
Western University
John Thomas Award Lecture
Brendan Daisley
Western University
Dr. Aleksandra Leligdowicz
University of Toronto, University of California San Francisco: Immune dysregulation and endothelial injury in early sepsis
Dr. Keith Pardee
University of Toronto: Using Cell-free Synthetic Biology to Build Tools for Human Health
Dr. Guido van Marle
University of Calgary: A Molecular Virologist and Global Health? Research and Educational Capacity Building in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Dr. Mariano Avino
Western University: New insights into HBV cophylogeny and HIV drug resistance studies (and more...)
Dr. Greg Fonseca
Cellular and Molecular Medicine, UCSD:
Using machine learning to define transcription factor architecture in macrophages
Dr. Daniel Barber
Protective and pathogenic CD4 T cell responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
Dr. Ana Cabrera
Western University
Thinking Outside The Box: How Technology Can Improve Patient Care
Dr. Stephen Renaud
Western University
Uterine natural killer cells: friends or foes of the fetus?
Dr. Mary O'Riordan
University of Michigan
Cells on fire: amplification of innate immune defenses by cellular stress circuitry
Dr. Ronald Swanstrom
UNC Chapel Hill
New Insights Into HIV Latency and Entry
Dr. Carl Richards
McMaster University
Gp130 Cytokines, Oncostatin M, Matrix remodeling and Th2/M2 immune skewing in Lung Inflammation
Dr. Francisco Olea-Popelka
Western University
Challenges posed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis interspecies transmission at a global scale
Dr. Miguel Valvano
Queens University, Belfast
Burkholderia cenocepacia, a fine line between inflammation and antibiotic resistance
Dr. John Whitney
McMaster University
Mechanistic insights into microbe-microbe interactions
Dr. Olivier Lantz
Mucosal associated invariant T (MAIT) cell development and functions
John A Thomas Lecture
Charles Yin
Macrophage dysfunction in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease
Dr. Arthur Mortha
University of Toronto
Host-Microbiome interactions as regulators of intestinal immune homeostasis
Ahmed Yousef
Khalifa University, UAE
Fantastic microbes and where to find them... A tale of extremophile eukaryotes and wastewater prokaryotes
Dr. Alison Fox-Robichaud
McMaster University
The interface between immunology and coagulation
Dr. Nahuel Fittipaldi
University of Toronto
Evolution of the pneumococcus following vaccine introduction: A population-based approach
Dr. Vinayakumar Siragam
National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada, Winnipeg
Dr. Saman Maleki
LHRI - Candidate for Cross Appointment
Awakening of antitumor immunity via modifying tumor DNA repair or patient microbiome
Dr. Greg Fairn
St. Michaels, Toronto
Membrane dynamics in the phagosome lifecycle and response to peptidoglycan
Dr. Bebhinn Treanor
University of Toronto Scarborough
Glycan-galectin interactions in the regulation of B cells
Dr. Agata Bartczak
Viela Bio
Revisiting anti-CD40L therapy and a look into the world of a Researcher in Biotech
Dr. Dohun Pyeon
Michigan State University
Immune Dysregulation by Human Papillomavirus during Cancer Progression
Dr. David O’Gorman
Western University
3D modelling of connective tissue fibrosis and peri-prosthetic joint infection
Dr. Parisa Shooshtari
Western University
Integrative Genetic and Epigenetic Analysis Uncovers Gene Regulatory Mechanisms of Autoimmune Disease
RGE Murray Lectureship
Dr. Cornelia Weyand
Stanford University
Energy Generation and Energy Sensing in Autoimmune T cells
Dr. Nathalie Grandvaux
Unuversity of Montreal
Redox regulation of the antiviral response: role of oxidative post-translational modifications
Dr. Fotini Gounari
University of Chicago: Molecular functions of Tcf-1 in thymocyte development and leukemia
Dr. Khashayarsha Khazaie
Mayo Clinic: Cancer and inflammation in the small bowel
Dr. Rod Dekoter
Western University: Sibling rivalry in the ETS family of teanscription factors: functional and dysfunctional relationships in immune health and disease
Dr. Alex Ensminger
University of Toronto: Effect the unexpected: metaeffectors in Legionella pneumophila and beyond
Dr. Neal Hammer
Michigan State University: Staphylococcus aureus fine-tunes aerobic respiration in order to colonize and persist within the host
Dr. Brad Urquhart
Western University: Variation of Drug Response in Kidney Disease
Dr. Saman Maleki
LRCP: Novel Approaches for Cancer Immunotherapy
Dr. Kate Parham
Western University: Do anti-myelin B cells cause anti-myelin autoimmunity?
Dr. Marie Elliot
McMaster University: The secret lives of Streptomyces bacteria: unveiling morphological and metabolic marvels
Dr. Tara Moriarty
University of Toronto: Navigating a River of Blood: How Lyme disease bacteria travel through the cardiovascular system
Dr. Silvia Penuela
Western University: Pannexin channels as novel regulators of cellular differentiation and cancer
Dr. Stephan Schwander
Rutgers University: canceled
Dr. Maria Fernandes
Lavel: The characterization of a shared inhibitory pathway in the pathogenesies of gout and rhumatoid arthritis
Dr. Michael Fruci
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada: Antimicrobial resistance in the agri-food production system:It's time to listen to heavy metal(s)!
Dr. Daniel Winer
UNH: An immunological basis for insulin resistance: The role of adaptive immunity and the emerging field of immunometabolism
Dr. Remco Kort
Vrije Universiteit: Micropia, more than a microbe museum
Dr. Carolyn Coyne
University of Pittsburgh: Breaking barriers: viral infections of polarized cell surfaces
Dr. Gediminas Cepinskas
Western University: canceled
Dr. P.K. Lala
Western University: Cyclo-oxygenase 2 mediated breast cancer progression: EP4 as a therapeutic target
Dr. Erkan Demirkaya
Dr. Joanna Goldberg
Emory University: Pseudomonas aeruginosa EF-Tu Trimethylation and Pathogenesis
Dr. Micheel Anderson
University of Toronto: Transcriptional regulation of gamma-delta T cell functional programming during thymic development
Dr. Christina Guzzo
University of Toronto: New Paradigms in HIV-1 Control and Pathogenesis: Interactions Between Soluble and Cell-Derived Molecules with the HIV-1 Envelope
Dr. Andres Finzi
Exposing Env: implications for antibody attack
Dr. Irina Grigorova
University of Michigan: It's all in the timing: antigen exposure and B cell fate
Dr. David Heinrichs
Western University: Two decades of Staphylococcology at Western
Dr. Mark Brockman
Simon Fraser University: Harnessing cross-reactive T cell receptors to combat HIV diversity and immune escape
Dr. Sarah Wootton
University of Guelph: AAV-vectored Immunoprophylaxis for the Prevention and Treatment of Filovirus Infections
Dr. Sam Basta
Queens University: Regulation of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells by activated Macrophages
Dr. Dan Wootton
Liverpool: How efferocytosis and sputum microbiota vary among patients with pneumonia
Dr. Byram Bridle
University of Guelph: Cancer Biotherapies: Lessons Learned from Translational Research
Dr. Andrew Redd
NIH/NIAID: HIV Viral Diversity, Superinfection and Neutralizing Antibodies
Dr Chris Glass
University California San Diego
RGE Murray Lectureship
Dr. Greg Gloor
Western University: Enterotypes, Autism, Aliens and the Elderly: the microbiome composition is a common thread
Dr. Rajesh Jacob
Western University: Anything but Accessory: HIV-Nef's Role in Cell Death and Exhaustion
Dr. David Brooks
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre: Linking and Targeting Inflammation and Immunosuppression in Chronic Infection
Dr. Quim Madrenas
Disease Tolerance to S. aureus
Dr. Sylvie Lesage
Immunogenetics reveal that p53 is coupled to NK cell maturation
Dr. Harinder Singh
Director of Immunobiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Using single-cell genomics to analyze immune cell fates
Dr. Ravi Menon
Robarts Research Inst: Structure and function of the human and non-human primate brain at ultra-high magnetic fields
Dr. Michael Watson
University of Michigan: Female Genital Tract Infections with Group A Streptococcus from asymptomatic carriage to puerperal sepsis
Dr. Keith Fowke
University of Manitoba: Can an aspirin a day, keep HIV away? - Preventing HIV by reducing inflammation in the female genital tract
Dr. Jason Moffat
University of Toronto:
Dr. Martin McGavin
Western University; Investigating a relationship between virulence and lipid metabolism in Staphlococcus aureus
Dr. Jessica Prodger
HIV-1 susceptibility and latent viral reservoirs in Rakai, Uganda
Dr. Bhagi Singh
Western University: Control of autoimmunity by peptides and microbes
Dr. Thomas Melendy
University of Buffalo: HPV creates a novel viral DNA replication system
Dr. Jeff Baker
Duke University:Autism and its Transformations: The History of a Contested Diagnosis
Dr. Eric Skaar
Vanderbilt – Nashville: The intersection of nutrition and infection at the host-pathogen interface
Dr. Julie Pfeiffer
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre: How gut microbes enhance enteric virus infection
Dr. Kevin Coombs
University of Manitoba:
Dr. Ali Ashkar
McMaster University: Humanized mice: Experimental models for human exclusive pathogens and diseases
Dr. Graham Pawelec
University Tubingen: Interplay between age, immuntiy, cancer and CMV
Dr. Colin Anderson
University of Alberta: The promise and Perils of an Immune System Reset
Dr. Lauren Solomon
Western: Exploring the Nuclear Option: Targeting Transcription Factors in Cancer
Dr. Vera Tai
University of British Columbia: Oceans, beaches, and bellies: Exploring Earth's microbes
Dr. Jeff Dixon
Western: Nucleotides and their receptors Mother Nature’s versatile toolkit-Lessons learned from unraveling the complex network of purinergic signaling in bone
Dr. Debby Burshtyn
University of Alberta: Impact of polymorphisms of the human inhibitory immune receptor LILRB1 on interactions with MHC-I and human cytomegalovirus
Dr. Roxana Rojas
Case Western: Hijacking and Evading: Two pathogenic strategies behind Mycobacterium tuberculosis’ success
Dr. Jim Karagiannis
Western: Molecular Genetic Analysis of the Regulatory Networks Governing Cytokinesis: From Theodor Boveri to the Modern Age
Dr. Leah Cowen
University of Toronto: Functional Genomics and Evolutionary Dynamics of a Host-Pathogen Interface
Dr. Gary Thomas
University of Pittsburgh: Adapting to Life’s Complexity: Endosome Trafficking Meets the Nuclear Transcription Machinery
Dr. Alex Timoshenko
Western: Galectins and Cellular Stress Responses
Dr. Jamie Mann
Western: HIV-1 vaccination strategies
Dr. Goetz Ehrhardt
University of Toronto: Ancient tools for novel insights into human B cell responses
Dr. Yasmina Laouar
University of Michigan: Constraints imposed on the immune system at both ends of the age spectrum
Dr. Julie Bubeck-Wardenburg
University of Chicago: Taking advantage of the host: insights from Staphyloccus aureus allpha-toxin
Dr. Emma Allen-Vercoe
University of Guelph: Presenting her work on: Human Gut Microbiota in Health and Disease
Dr. Nicole Ward
Case Western University: Using transgenic mice to study skin inflammation; a basic science approach for studying psoriatic disease
Dr. Olaf Scheewind RGE Murray Lectureship
Universtiy of Chicago: Postponed
Dr. Matt Whiteman
University of Exeter: Therapeutic potential of hydrogen sulfide in inflammation
Dr. Ryan Troyer special recruitment seminar
Oregon State University: Accessory gene contribution to lentiviral replication rate and novel herpesvirus identification
Dr. Claudine Bonder
Centre for Cancer Biology - Australia: Desmoglein-2: an emerging role in vascular biology
Dr. Karla Williams
LHSC: The role of invadopodia and microparticles in tumour cell metastasis and patient prognostication
Dr. Trevor Moraes
University of Toronto: Bacterial Mechanisms to Overcome Nutritional Immunity
Dr. Roberto Botelho
Ryerson University: Sculpting lysosomes and phagosomes during immune challenges
Dr. Matthew Miller
McMaster University: Beyond Neutralization: Understanding the Basis of “Universal” Immunity Against Influenza Virus
Dr. Jason Weinberg
University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor: Adenoviruses: Acute Infections and Long-Term Consequences
Dr. Andrew Leask
Western University: Scar wars: signaling networks in fibrosis
Dr. Chris Whitfield
University of Guelph: The architecture and assembly of the cell surfaces of pathogenic bacteria
Dr. Susan Koval
Western University: A career at Western studying predatory prokaryotes
Dr. David Stojdl
University of Ottawa CHEO Research Institute: Killing cancer: oncolytic viruses and manipulation of the tumor micro-environment
Dr. Marcus Clark
University of Chicago: B Cell receptor signaling and regulation of cell fate decisions
Dr. Jeff Lee
University of Toronto: Molecular mechanisms controlling the tug-of-war between retroviruses and their hosts
Dr. Andrew White
York University: How RNA Structure Regulates RNA Virus Gene Expression and Replication
Dr. Melissa Hannauer
Western University: The need for iron: Relation between heme and siderophores in iron acquisition in Staphylococcus aureus
Dr. Kevin Kain
University of Toronto: New biomarkers and interventions for life-threatening infections: from malaria to Ebola
Dr. Bogumil Karas
J. Craig Venter Institute: The emerging era of creating designer microbes - Recent advancements in cloning and manipulating natural and synthetic chromosomes in yeast
Dr. Michael Gale Jr.
University of Washington, Seattle: Innate immunity and the intracellular immune processes mediating virus-host interactions and infection outcomes
Dr. Yong Gao
Case Western: HIV diversity and anti-HIV vaccine development
Dr. Gabriel Nunez
University of Michigan: Linking Pathogen Virulence, the Microbiota and Inflammatory Disease
Dr. Amit Barr-Or
McGill University: B cell roles Re-defined: Translational studies in multiple sclerosis
Dr. Rafi Ahmed RGE Murray Lectureship
Emory University: T Cell Memory and Exhaustion
Dr. Patrick Venables
University of Oxford: Citrullination: the link between periodontitis and RA
Dr. Amanda Lewis MNI-MedMicro-ID joint retreat Keynote Speaker
Washington University, St.Louis: Biochemistry, glycobiology and phylogenetics of bacterial surface carbohydrates
Dr. Xi Yang
University of Manitoba: Cellular and molecular basis of immune responses to allergens and infectious agents
Dr. Ryan Shaler
Western: Human mucosa-associated invariant T cells are hyperresponsive to bacterial superantigens, rapidly becoming anergic and unresponsive to secondary bacterial challenge
Dr. Scott Gray-Owen
University of Toronto: Sweet Heat-Tactical immune triggering promotes infection and disease by the pathogenic Neisseria
Dr. Andres Finzi
University of Montreal: Modulating Env conformation: a new approach to eliminate HIV-infected cells
Dr. JoAnne Flynn Infection and Immunity Research Forum
University of Pittsburgh: Tuberculosis: predicting the future with imaging
Dr. David Smith
Western: The wild west of organelle gene expression: new frontiers, lawlessness, and misfits
Dr. Don Welsh
Western: Solving the Enigma of Excitation Contraction Coupling in Vascular Smooth Muscle
Dr. John Ronald
Western (Robarts): Visualizing therapeutic and diseased cells in living subjects through multimodality molecular imaging and in vitro diagnostics
Dr. Mario Ostrowski
University of Toronto: Mechanisms of chronic persistance and immunopathogenesis of human viruses
Dr. John Brumell
SickKids: Salmonella pathogenesis: Invasion, intracellular trafficking and autophagy
Dr. Patrick Keeling
University of British Columbia, Canada
Photosynthesis, coral reefs, and the origin of apicomplexan parasites
Dr. Martin Duennwald
Western University, Canada
Protein misfolding in aging cells
Dr. C. Yong Kang
Western University, Canada
A Cure for AIDS? Strategies for prophylactic and therapeutic HIV/AIDS vaccine development
Dr. Lillian Barra (Candidate for cross appointment)
Western University, Canada
Anti-Citrullinated Protein/Peptide Antibodies: Unraveling the Cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Dr. Sarah Lebeer
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Molecular and functional analysis of lactobacilli
Dr. John R. Gordon
University of Saskachewan, Canada
Regulatory dendritic cell therapy for immunologic diseases
Dr. Jude Uzonna
University of Manitoba, Canada
Reverse Immunology: a powerful tool for advancing effective vaccination strategy against parasites
Dr. Stephen Goff
Columbia University: Players in the Silencing of Retroviral DNAs in Embryonic Stem Cells
Dr. Michael Cohen (John A Thomas Award)
Western University, Canada
Dissection of the C-Terminal Region of E1A Redefines the Roles of CtBP and Other Cellular Targets in Oncogenic Transformation
Elena Verdu
McMaster University, Canada
Disease-associated microbiota contributes to gut dysfunction and inflammation in humanized-mouse models
Microbiology and Immunology - 75 Year Anniversary Symposium
Dr. Johan Delport candidate for cross appointment
Western University: New innovations and technology in clinical microbiology, how it impacts on our laboratory practice
Dr. Lisa Cameron candidate for cross appointment
Western University: Role of CRTh2, a PGD2 receptor, in Th2 immunity
Dr. Hon Leong candidate for cross appointment
Western University: Enumeration of Tumor Microparticles for Prostate Cancer Screening- Bridging Clinical Pathology with Nanotechnology
Dr. Charu Kaushic
McMaster University: Understanding HIV interactions in the female genital mucosa: Is it time for gender specific prevention strategies?
Dr. Warren Lee
St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto: Around and through – endothelial permeability as a therapeutic target
Dr. Blaise Boles
University of Iowa: Factors Impacting Staphylococcus aureus Colonization of Human Tissues
Dr. George Zahariadis
Western University: Caught Between a Brain and the Deep Blue Sea
Dr. Ron Germain Infection and Immunity Research Forum
NIH: Using Computation and Imaging to Better Understand Host-Pathogen Interactions and Immunity
Dr. Marc Coppolino
University of Guelph: Regulation of ECM Degradation during tumor cell invasion
Dr. Art Poon
University of British Columbia: Development, testing, and implementation of computational and statistical methods for HIV-1genetic sequence analysis
Dr. Sean Gill
Western University: TIMP3 promotes repair and resolution of inflammation following lung injury
Dr. Sean Cregan
Western University: Transcriptional regulation of neuronal apoptosis
Dr. Tom Hobman
University of Alberta: Dymanics of cellular and viral ribonucleoprotein complexes
Dr. Jonathon Swann
University of Reading
Dr. Dale Laird
Western University: Mechanisms linking connexin gene mutations to syndromic and non-syndromic disease
Dr. Bernie Kraatz
University of Toronto: Functional Biomaterials and Sensors
Dr. Shawn Li
Western University: Phosphotyrosine superbinders targeting the EGF receptor: potential applications in cancer research and therapeutics
Dr. Gary Shaw
Western University: Towards a molecular mechanism for parkin, a causative E3 ligase in early-onset Parkinson's disease
Dr. Lina Dagnino
Western University: Unexpected roles of inside-out and outside-in integrin signaling in epithelia
Dr Jeremy Burton seminar for cross appointment
Western University: The Realities of Applying Probiotics to Influence the Microbiota
Dr. Martin McGavin
Western University: Response and adaptive resistance of community acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, towards antimicrobial fatty acids
Dr. Jacques Ravel
University of Maryland: The temporal dynamics of the vaginal microbiota in health and disease
Dr. Ninan Abraham
University of British Columbia: Influenza, Lymphomas and Survival: the IL-7-related cytokines
Dr. Stan Dunn
Western University: Stator Stalk Structure, Function, and Evolution in Bacterial ATP Synthase
Dr. Jennifer Gommerman
University of Toronto: Exploring the role of the Lymphotoxin Pathway during immune responses to foreign and self-antigen
Dr. Perbaiz Abbasi seminar for cross appointment
Agriculture Canada
Dr. Michelle Smith
Washington University: From the field to the bench: Using a gnotobiotic mouse model uncovers a role for the gut microbiota in malnutrition
Dr. Edward Usherwood MNI Chair Recruitment Seminar
Dartmouth College: T cells, viruses and microRNAs - themes for the Usherwood lab
Dr. Alan Davidson
University of Toronto: How phages fight back against the CRISPR/Cas bacterial immune system
Dr. Ron Flannagan
Western University: Characterization of macrophage function in infection and immunity
Dr. Eric Arts MNI Chair Recruitment Seminar
Case Western Reserve University: Models for HIV transmission, pathogenesis and global spread
Dr. Daniel W. Bradley and Dr. Harvey J. Alter Gairdner Laureate Lecture
Discovering yourself while discovering viruses” & “To C or not to C”
Dr. Christopher Rudd MNI Chair Recruitment Seminar
University of Cambridge:
Dr. Hidde Ploegh Infection and Immunity Research Forum
Whitehead Institute, MIT:
Dr. Dawn Bowdish
McMaster University: Macrophage phagocytosis is essential for control of nasopharyngeal colonization
Dr. Pere Santamaria
University of Calgary: Peptide-MHC-based nanomedicines for the treatment of autoimmune disease
Dr. Rima Menassa
Agriculture Canada: Plant-made pharmaceuticals for animal and human health
Dr. Daniel Lamarre
IRIC- Université de Montréal: Novel cross-talk between a canonical-like WNT/b-catenin pathway and innate immunity
Dr. Stephan Sims
Western University: Calcium signaling in osteoclasts
Dr. Eleanor Fish
University of Toronto: IFNs - α/β the broad spectrum antivirals for the 21st century
Dr. David Litchfield
University of Western Ontario: Convergence of protein kinase and caspase signaling: a mechanism for pathological rewiring of signaling pathways to promote cancer cell survival
Dr. Shannon Dunn
University of Toronto: PPARs as regulators of sex differences in Th1 and Th17 immunity
Dr. Gord Southam
University of Western Ontario: Bacteria-mineral Interactions
Dr. Derrick MacFabe
University of Western Ontario: Is Autism An Infectious Disease? Fermentation Products Of Opportunistic Enteric Bacterial Infections As Key Environmental Triggers
Dr. Paula Foster
Robarts Research Institute: Cell Tracking for Cancer Immunotherapy and Inflammation
Dr. Phil Hanna
University of Michigan: Choke Points Analyses of the Anthrax Infectious Cycle
Dr. Ting Lee
Robarts Research Inst: Functional CT Imaging
Dr. Biljana Todorovic Thomas Award
Microbiology & Immunology: HPV Infection & Cancer – Deregulation of the Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor by HPV E7
Dr. Pam Ohashi
University of Toronto: Molecular pathways promoting T cell responses to self antigens
Dr. Ranjeny Thomas
University of Queensland: Preclinical development and trials of antigen-specific immunotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis
Dr. Jun Wang
Dalhousie University: A novel recombinant adenoviral transgene system for dissecting the role of IL-17/IL-17R signaling in tumor microenvironment
Dr. Albert Descoteaux
INRS–Institut Armand-Frappier: SNARE cleavage by Leishmania: impact on phagosome function
Dr. Jonathan Choy
Simon Fraser University: Regulation of immune responses in transplantation
Dr. Zia Khan
Western University: Vascular stem cells in the pathogenesis of chronic diabetic complications
Dr. Mauricio Terebiznik
University of Toronto: How filamentous Legionella invade mammalian cells: The importance of being long
Dr. Alan Cochrane
University of Toronto: Manipulation of HIV-1 RNA Processing to Suppress Viral Replication: A Novel Therapeutic Approach
Dr. Francois Jean
University of British Columbia: Shifting the paradigm on indirect-acting antiviral strategies: From protein-based inhibitors to therapeutic microRNAs
Dr. Peter Palese IIRF
Mount Sinai, New York: Toward a Universal Influenza Virus Vaccine
Dr. Keith Poole
Queen's University: Stress responses as determinants of antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Dr. Erwin Schurr
McGill University: Host genetics of tuberculosis susceptibility
Dr. Jack Bennink
NIAID: Imaging the Initiation of the CD8 T-cell Response to Virus
Dr. Alberto Martin
University of Toronto: The AID enzyme in antibody diversification: Lessons from a genome mutator
Dr. Heidi McBride
University of Ottawa: New insights into mitochondrial dynamics: from vesicles and beyond
Dr. Greg Gloor
University of Western Ontario: Next generation sequencing approaches: the vaginal microbiota
Dr. Susan Koval
University of Western Ontario: The Predatory Life Style of Diverse Bdellovibrios: Microbes on a Mission
Dr. Rob Knight RGE Murrary Lectureship
University of Colorado: Variation in the human microbiome across space in time
Dr. Michael Gold
University of British Columbia: The Rap GTPases, movers and shakers in lymphocyte trafficking and activation
Dr. William Swords
Wake Forest University: Bacterial eavesdropping in polymicrobial otitis media
Dr. Jim Pipas
University of Pittsburgh: Probing Cellular Growth Control with Polyomaviruses
Dr. Carole Creuzenet
University of Western Ontario: Investigating the function of HcpE and its role in the virulence of Helicobacter pylori
Dr. David Marchant Virology Recruitment Candidate
University of British Columbia: The Roles of Matrix MetalloProteinase-12 during Antiviral Immunity
Dr. Cezar Khursigara
University of Guelph: Cryo-electron microscopy: elucidating macromolecular structures and cellular architecture
Dr. Chetankumar Tailor Virology Recruitment Candidate
SickKids Hospital: Feline leukemia virus receptors in virus infection and disease
Dr. Matthew Miller Thomas Award
Functional Studies of the Human Adenovirus 55 residue E1A protein
Dr. Jimmy Dikeakos Virology Recruitment Candidate
Oregon Health & Science University: Setting the clock: A molecular timer controls HIV-1 immune evasion
Dr. Ze-Chun Yuan cross appointment candidate
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Disset Bacterium-Plant Interaction and Signaling Networks in the Rhizosphere
Dr. Marco Prado
Robarts Research Institute: Physiological functions of the prion protein: beyond prion diseases
Dr. Stephen Girardin
University of Toronto: Amino acid starvation: a critical arm of the host response to bacterial infection
Dr. Scott Halperin Infection and Immunity Research Forum
Dalhousie University
Dr. Brian Shilton
UWO: Energy and Dynamics in ABC Transport Systems
Dr. Gerry Wright
McMaster University: Origins and mechanism of antibiotic resistance
Dr. Michele Anderson
Sunnybrook Research Institute: Transcriptional control of hematopoietic fate choice in the thymus
Dr. Jun Liu
University of Toronto: Lsr2: a novel nucleoid-associated protein and a global regulator of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Dr. Miguel Valvano Seminar for Graduate Students
UWO: Navigating Student-Supervisory Relationships
Dr. Aaron Marshall CRC in Molecular Immunology
University of Manitoba: Role of PI 3-kinase and PH domain adaptor proteins in controlling humoral immunity
Dr. Jonathan Hill
Harvard University: T Cell Variability: From Microarrays to Microenvironments
Dr. Thaddeus George
Director of Biology, Amnis, Seattle WA: Analysis of Blood Cell Function using ImageStreamX Cytometry
Dr, Quim Madrenas
UWO: REQUIEM: on the art and science of death and dying
Dr. Kasper Hoebe
University of Cincinnati: Understanding immune pathology in Gimap5-deficient mice; the riddle of the Sphinx
Dr. Dennis Kasper RGE Murray Lecture
Harvard Medical School: Immunity to Bacterial Carbohydrates: Old Dogmas, New Tricks
Dr. Miriam Greenberg
Wayne Statte University: Cellular functions of cardiolipin as potential physiological modifiers of the Barth syndrome phenotype
Dr. Stephen Trent
University of Texas: Lipopolysaccharide modification systems are not just for LPS
Dr. Jean Gariepy
University of Toronto: Novel therapeutic agents based on the mechanism of action of shiga-like toxins
Dr. David Hoskin
Dalhousie University: Anti-inflammatory activities of piperine, a phytochemical component of black pepper
Dr. Billy Tsai
University of Michigan: How a toxin and a virus hijack common cellular machineries to cause disease
Dr. Dana Philpott
University of Toronto: Nod proteins in immunity and inflammation
Dr. David Kranz
University of Illinois: Engineering high-affinity recombinant T-cell receptors to target pepMHC antigens and bacterial superantigens
Dr. Andrew Martins John A. Thomas Award Lecture
UWO: The role of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in the anti-inflammatory effects of probiotics and regulation of the intestinal immune system
Dr. Lakshman Gunaratnam Candidate for Cross-Appointment
Dept Medicine UWO: Process and Consequence of Kidney Injury Molecule-1-mediated Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Cells following Tissue Injury
Dr. Gary Chan Molecular Virology Recruitment Seminar
University of Louisiana: Human cytomegalovirus reprograms monocytes to function as vehicles of viral dissemination
Dr. Joe Mymryk Molecular Virology Recruitment Seminar
Dept Oncology UWO:
Dr. Jennifer Corcoran Molecular Virology Recruitment Seminar
University of Dalhousie: Viral reprogramming of host endothelial cells in Kaposi's Sarcoma
Dr. Kelly Summers Educator Recruitment Seminar
Dr. John Taylor Molecular Virology Recruitment Seminar
University of Kansas: Dissecting the Roles of HTLV-1 Accessory Proteins in Virus Replication and Transmission
Dr. Alina Constantine Educator Recruitment Seminar
Dr. Tracey Hunt Taylor Educator Recruitment Seminar
Dr. Brenda Murphy Educator Recruitment Seminar
Dr. Uwe Mamat
Leibniz Center for Medicine and Biosciences Borstell, Germany: Biosynthesis and assembly pathway of Kdo, an essential component of the lipopolysaccharide in Gram-negative bacteria
Dr. James Carlyle
University of Toronto: MHC-independent NK recognition during cellular transformation, infection, and genotoxic stress
Dr. Mithilesh Jha Candidate for the Faculty Position in Immunology
Yale University: Regulation of Survival and Functions of T lymphocytes by L-type Calcium Channels
Dr. Mani Larijani
Memorial University: Mechanisms of genome mutators involved in adaptive immunity and lymphomagenesis
Dr. Bryan Heit Candidate for the Faculty Position in Immunology
SickKids , Toronto: Lipids Charge and ITAMS: Regulating Apoptosis and the Clearance of Apoptotic Cells
Dr. Steven Kerfoot Candidate for the Faculty Position in Immunology
Yale University: Fate decision zones for B and T cells early in the Germinal Center response
Dr. David Artis Infection and Immunity Research Forum
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Anthony Clarke
University of Guelph: Searching for chinks in the bacterial armor: Identification of peptidoglycan O-acetylation as a potential antibacterial target
Dr. Colin Anderson
University of Alberta: Autoimmunity: the danger of unleashing baby T cells
Dr. Jian Zhang
University of Chicago: New Pathways and Functions Regulated By E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Cbl-b in T Cells
Dr. Juan Carlos Zuniga-Pflucker Canada Research Chair in Developmental Immunology
University of Toronto: T cell development in vitro, implications and applications
Dr. Chris Whitfield
University of Guelph: Sugar coating - assembly of the cell surface of Escherichia coli
Dr. Brian Coombes
McMaster University: Regulatory evolution in Salmonella drives pathoadaptation at the host-pathogen interface
Dr. Miguel Valvano
University of Western Ontario: The psychodramatic life of an opportunistic pathogen: virulence vs. adaptability in Burkholderia cenocepacia
Dr. Michael Dosch
University of Toronto: Cognate Immune Control of Obesity
Dr. Kent Hayglass
University of Manitoba: Peanut allergy: Why you?Then again, why not you?"
Dr. Todd Schell
Pennsylvania State University: Regulation of the CD8+ T cell response through direct- and cross-presentation of antigen
Dr. Anice Lowen Candidate for the Tier II CRC in Viral Pathogenesis
Mount Sinai School of Medicine: Influenza Virus Transmission
Dr. Jean-Claude Martinou
Unversity of Geneva: Role of mitochondria dynamics in apoptosis
Dr. Patrick Schlievert
University of Minnesota : MRSA/MSSA Super Pathogens: The Toxin Factor(y)
Dr. Michael Princiotta
State University of New York: Optimizing Protein Antigen Expression in Recombinant Vaccine Vectors
Dr. Pedro Lowenstein
UCLA: Canceled
Dr. Greg Dekaban
University of Western Ontario: Cellular inflammatory response to spinal cord injury
Dr. Laura Hertel Candidate for Tier 2 CRC in Viral Pathogenesis
UWO: Human cytomegalovirus tropism, latency and immunoevasion
Dr. Mark Cattral
Toronto General Hospital: New insights into Tumor Dendritic Cells
Dr. Sameer Elsayed Candidate for Cross-Appointment
Dept of Medicine UWO: Antimicrobial Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus-MRSA and Beyond
Dr. Alp Sener Candidate for Cross-Appointment
Dept of Surgery UWO: Memory CD4 T-cell predominance following T-cell depletion derives from homeostatic proliferation of Naive CD4 T cells
Dr. Richard Losick Gairdner Lecture
Harvard University: Developmental Biology of a Bacterium
Dr. Barry Kreiswirth
Public Health Research Institute Center: A molecular epidemiologist's view of M. tuberculosis pathogenesis
Dr. Lee Ann Garrett-Sinha
SUNY Buffalo: Transcription factor Ets-1 in immunity and cancer
Dr.Fred Beasley John A. Thomas Award LectureUWO: Siderophore-mediated iron uptake by the pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus
Dr. Éric Cohen Canada Research Chair in Human Retrovirology
Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal: Recent advances in HIV accessory proteins biology
Dr. Victor Nizet Infection and Immunity Research Form
University of California San Diego
Dr. Qing-Sheng Mi
Wayne State University: Small RNAs play a big role: microRNAs and iNKT cell development and function
Dr. Sean Whelan
Harvard University: Cell biology of the entry and replication of vesicular stomatitis virus
Dr. Caroline Cameron
University of Victoria: Dissemination of the Syphilis Spirochete, Treponema pallidum
Dr. Gregor Reid
LHRI: The Important Role of Bacteria in Health
Dr. Nicola Jones
University of Toronto: Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer: what are the STATs?
Dr. Fred Dick
UWO: Using DNA tumor viruses to probe the functions of cancer genes
Dr. Tania Watts
University of Toronto: 4-1BBL in CD8 T cell activation and maintenance
Dr. Anice Lowen Candidate for the Virology Position
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York: Influenza Virus Transmission: Studies in the Guinea Pig Model
Dr. Stephen Barr Candidate for the Virology Position
University of Alberta: The Host Interferon-induced Protein TRIM22 Blocks HIV Assembly/Release
Dr. Peter Margetts
Div. of Nephrology, McMaster University: Epithelial mesenchymal transition in peritoneal injury
Dr. Tetsure Ikegami Candidate for the Virology Position
University of Texas: Reverse genetics of Rift Valley Fever Virus-New Role of Major Virulence Factor NSs
Dr. Dohun Pyeon Candidate for the Virology Position
University of Wisconsin-Madison: Interactions between Papillomavirus and Host Cell Cycle-Early Infection to Oncogenesis
Dr. Suzanne Dale
McMaster University: Applying Your PhD to Medicine: Why I Became a Clinical Microbiologist
Dr. Karla Kirkegaard Margaret Moffat Research Day
Stanford University: New lessons from poliovirus: dominant drug targets and novel routes of dissemination
Dr. John Howe
Schering-Plough Research Institute: Advances in the development of two new classes of HIV antivirals: CCR5 antagonists and integrase inhibitors
Dr. James Riley
University of Pennsylvania: Overcoming murine T cell envy-Insights into human T cell therapy and biology
Dr. Malak Kotb
University of Tennessee: Translational Infectious Disease Phenome Project (TIPP): Systems Approach to Infectious Diseases
Dr. Rusung Tan
University of British Columbia: Natural killer cell regulation of type 1 diabetes
Dr. Laurie Dempsey
Senior Editor Nature Immunology: An insider's view of publishing in Nature-branded journals
Slade Loutet John A. Thomas Award Lecture
University of Western Ontario: Antimicrobial peptide resistance in Burkholderia cenocepacia-implications for drug development
Dr. Martin McGavin Candidate for "Inflammation Research" Position
University of Toronto: Adaptations of Staphylococcus Aureus to Chronic Infections
Dr. Rodney Dekoter Candidate for "Inflammation Research" Position
University of Cincinnati: Regulation of immune development and function by PU.1 and related Ets transcription factors
Dr. Chinten J. Lim Candidate for "Inflammation Research" Position
University of California: Spatial Restriction of PKA Activity Promotes Integrin Alpha-4 Dependent Cell Migration
Dr. Thomas Silhavy RGE Murray Lectureship
Princeton University: Outer membrane biogenesis in Gram-negative bacteria
Dr. Luc Van Kaer
Vanderbilt University: Modulation of immune responses with glycolipid-reactive natural killer T cells
Dr. Todd Klaenhammer
North Carolina State University: Genomics of probiotic lactobacilli: from genes to traits
Dr. Luis P. Villarreal Infection & Immunity Research Form
University of California, Irvine: Sources of self: Genetic parasites and the origins of adaptive immunity
Dr. Andrew Makrigiannis Candidate for Tier 2 CRC in Viral Pathogenesis
McGill University - IRCM: Positive Regulation of Dendritic Cell Function via Class 1 MHC
Dr. Guido van Marle
University of Calgary: HIV-1 in the Gut
Dr. Terry Delovitch
University of Western Ontario: Regulatory iNKT Cells and Protection from Type 1 Diabetes
Dr. Quim Madrenas
Robarts Research Institute: Infectious Music: how microbes shaped our music
Dr. Seth Bordenstein
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole: Nature's Russian Doll: Bacteriophage in Bacterial Endosymbionts
Dr. Donald Woods
University of Calgary: Pathogenesis of Disease due to Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderia mallei
Dr. Jim Smiley
University of Alberta: New twists to host shutoff by herpes simplex virus
Dr. Eric Sundberg
Boston Biomedical Research Institute: Superantigen-mediated T cell activation: Structure, Function and Therapeutic Development
Dr. Subash Sad
NRC Institute for Biological Sciences: Differentiation of CD8 T cells during infection with intracellular pathogens
Dr. Derrick MacFabe
University of Western Ontario: postponed
Dr. Leda Raptis
Queen's University: A novel pathway of Stat3 activation
Dr. Michelle Barry
University of Alberta: Poxviruses: Control of Apoptotic Death and Protein Degradation
Dr. Khashayarsha Khazaie
Harvard Medical School: Immune responses that PROMOTE colon cancer
Dr. Lynn Enquist
Princeton University: Imaging herpesvirus infections of neural tissue and neurons
Dr. Christine Posavad
University of Washington: Natural and vaccine-induced T cell responses to HSV in humans
Dr. Roy Duncan
Dalhousie University: Lost in translation- Polycistronic viral mRNAs and alternate mechanisms of translation initiation
Dr. Scott Hultgren
Washington University: Uropathogenic E. coli: More to the Picture than Meets the Eye
Dr. Gabriel Nunez
University of Michigan: Function of TLRs and NLRs in Immunity and Disease
Dr. Hassan Javanbakht; Candidate for the Molecular Virology Position
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Retroviral Restriction factors
Dr. Bruce Beutler
Scripps Research Institute: How we sense infection and respond to it: the forward genetic approach
Dr. Marco Vignuzzi Candidate for the Molecular Virology Position
University of California - San Francisco: Population Dynamics of Viral Pathogenesis: Fidelity, Mutation and Cooperativity in the RNA Quasispecies
Dr. Robert Perry
University of Kentucky: Small-molecule regulation of plague biofilm formation cyclic-di-GMP and polyamines
Dr. Janet Wood
University of Guelph: Transporter ProP of Escherichia coli: Osmosensor and Osmoregulator
Dr. Stephen Jameson
University of Minnesota : T cell homeostasis
Dr. Rafick-Pierre Skaly
University of Montreal: T cell homeostasis in HIV infection
Dr. Xiaoning Si Candidate for the Molecular Virology Position
University of British Columbia: CVB3 Pathogenesis: An Integrative Approach
Dr. Rafael Garduno
Dalhousie University
Dr. Scott Gray-Owen
University of Toronto: The Pathogenic Neisseria:Dancing with Humans
Dr. Michele Barry Candidate for Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Viral Pathogenesis
University of Alberta: Lessons from Studying Poxviruses: Modulation of Apoptotic Death Protein Degradation
Dr. Derrick MacFabe
University of Western Ontario: The Self- Centred Bug"- The Possible Role ofEnteric Bacterial Metabolites in the Pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Dr. George O'Toole
Dartmouth Medical School
Dr. Branch Moody
Harvard University: The surprising diversity of lipid antigens for human CD1-restricted T cells
Dr. Ciriaco Piccirillo
McGill University: Multi-faceted functions of CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in organ-specific autoimmunity: Lessons from mice and men
Dr. Peter Cadieux Candidate for cross-appointment
University of Western Ontario: Infections and Calculi in Urology
Dr. Mark Wainberg
McGill University: Mechanistic basis for subtype differences in HIV drug resistance: Implications for public health
Dr. Frank DeLeo
National Institutes of Health: Evasion of Innate Host Defense by Bacterial Pathogens
Dr. Bent Rubin
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique-Pierre Fabre: Mechanisms of T cell recognition Of Tumour Cells during adaptive and innate immunity
Dr. Mario Ostrowski
University of Toronto: The Challenge of an HIV vaccine: any new paradigms
Dr. Jonathan W. Yewdell
NIAID, NIH: Virus Induced tRNA Misacylation-A New Innate Immune Mechanism?
Dr. Peter Kvietys
LHRI: Neutrophil transendothelial migration
Dr Alain Stintzi
University of Ottawa: Campylobacter journey through the digestive tract
Dr Dr. Thomas Gajewski
University of Chicago: T cell anergy and other negative regulatory mechanisms
Dr. Fritzler
University of Calgary: Autoantibodies to miRNA components: What are GWBs anyway?
Dr. Charles Dozois
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier: Extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli-Staying alive in harsh places
Dr. Rob Hegele
RRI: Genomics and phenomics in atherosclerosis
Dr. Patricia Spear
Northwestern University: Multiple entry receptors for Herpes simplex virus: Host and viral mutations that alter receptor usage, call tropism and disease
Dr. Jonathan Bromberg
Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York: Migration and trafficking in transplantation tolerance
Dr. Quim Madrenas
UWO: Inflammation, Research Institutes, and the Funding of Science in London
Dr. Lori Frappier
University of Toronto: Cellular Protein Interactions of the Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA1 Protein: Insights into EBV Persistence and Cell Immortalization
Dr. Silvia Vidal
McGill University: Innate resistance to cytomegalovirus infection: role of NK cell receptors, MHC class I and their interactions
Dr. Michael Murphy
University of British Columbia: Mechanisms of heme and iron transport in Campylobacter jejuni
Dr. Ronald Schwartz
Harvard University: T cell anergy and peripheral tolerance
Dr. Joanna Shisler
University of Illinois: Viral immunolodulation strategies: Poxvirus regulation of the cellular NF-kappaB transcription factor
Dr. Fritz Bach
Harvard Medical School: Postponed to September 2006
Dr. Andrew D. Wells
University of Pennsylvania: Chromatin remodeling at cytokine genes during T cell immunity vs. tolerance
Dr. Katherine R. Spindler
University of Michigan: Mouse adenovirus: Capitalizing on mouse genetics to study virus-host interactions
Dr. Ronald N. Germain
National Institutes of Health, DHHS: Understanding Adaptive Immunity: From Molecules to Models to Movies
Dr. Petar Lenert Candidate for Clinician Scientist Position
University of Iowa: Does DNA pay a Toll in lupus?
Dr. Shawn Lewenza Candidate for the Functional Genomics Position
Institute Pasteur: Investigating the role of lipoproteins in Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenesis and biofilm formation
Dr. Jose Teodoro Candidate for the Functional Genomics Position
University of Massachusetts: Identification of novel viral and cellular pathways targeting tumour growth
Dr. John McCormick Candidate for the Functional Genomics Position
Lawson Health Research Institute: Genome plasticity in group A streptococci and the superantigen arsenal
Dr. Michael Imperiale
University of Michigan: Adenovirus Assembly and DNA Packaging
Dr. Satish Raina
Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland: "Sensing the stress: You have the help-bacterial model"
Dr. Andr Cantin
University of Sherbrooke: Bronchial epithelium, mucus and host defenses
Dr. Erin Gaynor
University of British Columbia: Life on the edge: insights into how Campylobacter jejuni navigates the complex virulence-transmission cycle
Dr. Paul Ritvo
Univ of Toronto: Vaccine Acceptance and Dissemination: How long will it take before HPV vaccines save lives in Africa?
Dr. Lothar Steidler
ActoGeniX NV, Zwijnaarde, Belgium: Live Therapeutics: Genetically Modified Lactococcus lactis in Medicine
Dr. Marc Ouelette
Laval: Molecular microbiology of the TonB interactome
Dr. Norma Andrews
Yale: IIRF keynote speaker
Dr. Brigitte Huber
Tufts University: HERV-K18 superantigen and its implications for EBV
Dr. Kathy Siminovitch
Toronto General Research Institute: Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein - forging the link between T cell activation and the actin cytoskeleton
Dr. France Daigle
Université de Montréal: Bacterial gene hunting with SCOTS
Dr. Sergio Grinstein
Division of Cell Biology Hospital for Sick Children : Imaging of phospholipids and GTPases during phagocytosis
Dr. Patrick Sullivan
University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center: Cancelled - Mitochondrial Permeability as a Therapeutic Target following Traumatic CNS Injury
Dr. Deyu Fang
Department of Biological Chemistry University of Michigan Medical Center. Candidate for the Faculty Position In Mechanisms Of Inflammation: The Regulatory Roles of Ubiquitination in Immune System
Dr. Shijun Zheng
University of Pennsylvania. Candidate for the Faculty Position In Mechanisms Of Inflammation: Critical roles of TRAIL in cell death during Listeriosis and ConA induced hepatitis
Dr. John McCormick
LHRI: Toxins and pathogenicity islands in Gram-positive cocci: Genome plasticity and the evolution of virulence
Dr. J. Madrenas
RRI: Plasticity of signal transduction through CTLA-4
Dr. Woong-Kyung Suh
University of Toronto Candidate for the Faculty Position In Mechanisms Of Inflammation Regulation of immune responses by the members of CD28-B7 family costimulatory molecules
Dr. David Boone
UCSF Dept of Medicine Candidate for the Faculty Position In Mechanisms Of Inflammation: Regulation of Toll-like receptor signaling by ubiquitination
Dr. Bob Hancock
University of British Columbia: Function and therapeutic potential of natural host defence peptides
Dr. David Hess
Washington University: Murine and human stem cell populations that mediate pancreas and liver regeneration
Dr. Philip D. King
University of Michigan Medical School: Regulation of T Cell Signal Transduction and Self/Non-Self Discrimination by the T Cell-Specific Adapter (TSAd) Protein
Dr. John Collier
Harvard: Anthrax toxin and the problem of toxin translocation across membranes
Dr. Charles G. Orosz
Ohio State University: CANCELLED
Dr. Jorge E. Galan
Yale: Modulation of host cellular functions by the bacterial pathogen Salmonella
Dr. Mansour Haeryfar
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Candidate for the Faculty Position In Mechanisms Of Inflammation: Regulatory T cells in Antiviral Defense, Inflammation and beyond
Dr. Donna L. Farber
University of Maryland at Baltimore: Generation and functional plasticity of memory CD4 T cell
Dr. Uri Galiliy
University of Massachusetts Medical School: The natural anti-Gal antibody: A foe in xenotransplantation and a friend in cancer immunotherapy
Dr. Frank Church
University of North Carolina: Cut and Die: Proteolytic Cascades and their Inhibitors Regulating Blood Coagulation
Dr. Susanne E. Acklin
UWO : Technology Transfer at UWO: From Lab to Market - Bridging the Gap
Dr Mikael Skurnik
University of Helsinki: Role of YadA, Ail, and lipopolysaccharide in Serum Resistance of Yersinia enterocolitica serotype
Dr. David Harlan
NIH: Autoimmune beta cell destruction is the chief impediment to a T1DM cure. Strategies for overcoming that hurdle
Dr. David White
RRI Candidate for cross appointment: Xenotransplantation of porcine islets of Langerhans into type 1 diabetic patients. A cure for diabetes?
Dr. Narinder Mehra
All India Institute of Medical Sciences: Cancelled
Dr. Nikhil Tandon
All India Institute of Medical Sciences: Immunogenetic basis and Antibody Status of Type 1 diabetes
Dr Caigan Du
UWO Candidate for cross appointment: Renal tubular epithelial injury in response to inflammation
Dr. Brian D. Lichty
McMaster: Vesicular Stomatitis Virus: An Emerging Therapeutic Platform
Dr. Brian Shilton
UWO: The General Secretory System of E. coli: Nature of the SecA-Preprotein Interaction
Dr. Tom Linn
UWO: Bacillus cereus Sigma Factors: On the Pathway to Virulence?
Dr. Miodrag Grbic
UWO: Evolution of arthropod development: from ancestral developmental program to developmental novelties
Dr. Patrick Sullivan
University of Kentucky: Novel Therapeutic Interventions for the Treatment of Brain and Spinal Cord Injury: Taking Aim at the "Powerhouse" of the Cell
Dr. John Wilkins
University of Manitoba: Proteomics: Clinical and Basic Applications in Immunology
Dr. Martin Chalfie
Columbia University: Mechanosensory Transduction in C. elegans
Dr. Michael Rees
Medical College of Ohio: Role of Innate Immunity in Xenotransplantation
Dr. Jonathan Bramson
McMaster: The Immunobiology of Genetic Vaccination
Dr. Marc Tini
UWO: Convergence of DNA repair and Transcription via CBP/p300 acetylases
Dr. Ken Bayles
U. of Idaho: The molecular control of bacterial programmed cell death
Dr. Marisa Alegre
U. of Chicago: Targetting NF-kB activation in T cells to achieve tolerance
Dr. Pascale Cossart
Pasteur Institute: Infection by Listeria monocytogenes: from Cell Biology and Genomics to Pathophysiology
Dr. Amiya Banerjee
Cleveland Clinic: New insight into the mechanism of gene expression of negative strand RNA viruses
Dr. Russell Bishop
U of Toronto: Structure and function of an outer membrane endotoxin remodeling enzyme
Dr. Albert Berghuis
McGill: A structural view of antibiotic resistance
Dr. John McDonald
Washington University School of Medicine: Role of stem cells and repair of the damaged spinal cord
Dr. Ronald Atlas
National Security and Biological Research: Science and Policy
Dr. Reggie Lo
U. of Guelph: Development of an edible vaccine against bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis by expressing Mannheimia haemolytica antigens in transgenic alfalfa
Dr. Gregg Hadley
U. of Maryland: Role of the integrin, CD103, in promoting interaction of CD8+ T cells with epithelial compartments
Dr. Peter A. R. Vandamme
Universiteit Gent: Sense and nonsense in bacterial taxonomy: a field workers' view
Dr. Peter Forsythe
U. of Calgary: Developing better therapies for Brain Tumour: Targeting oncolytic viruses and invasion
Dr. Yang Liu
Ohio State: Expanding the Horizon for T cell costimulation
Dr. Dennis Cvitkovitch
U. of Toronto: The mob mentality of Streptococcus mutans: Cell-cell signalling in Dental Plaque
Dr. Derek Dykxhoorn
Harvard: Killing the messenger: Dissecting the basic biology of mammalian RNA interference and its application
Dr. Ramakrishna Vankayalapati
U. of Texas: TBA
Dr. Sung Kim
Dr. Michelle Barry
University of Aberta: Vaccinia virus: tales of death defying feats
Dr. Simon F. Lacey
Beckman Research Institute: Cellular Immunity to Human Cytomegalovirus, and to BK virus, a human polyomavirus
Dr. Laura Hertel
Stanford University : Of Cytomegalovirus, Dendritic cells and Microarrays: digging the tunnel to the goldmine
Dr. Ramu Subbramanian
Harvard Medical School : Magnitude and Diversity of Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Responses Elicited by Prime-Boost Vaccination Regimens
Dr. Stephen Polyak
University of Washington : Interactions of Hepatitis C Virus With Innate Antiviral Signal Transduction Pathways
Dr. Gary Koretzky
U. of Pennsylvania : The role of adapter proteins and enzymes in hematopoietic cell development and funciton
Dr. Klaus Fruh
Oregon Health and Science University: Viral immune modulation
Dr. Patrick Lee
Dalhousie: Reovirus oncolysis
Dr. Pam Sokol
University of Calgary : Comparative Virulence Analysis of the Burkholderia cepacia complex
Dr. James Koropatnick
UWO Chair Candidate: Metals, metallothionein, and cell signaling
Dr. Ann Marie Schmidt
Columbia: RAGE and the complications of diabetes and beyond
Dr. Miguel Valvano
UWO Chair Candidate: LPS Trek: The wonderful voyage of a bacterial glycolipid across two membranes
Dr. Sam Rabkin
Harvard: Taming the Enemy: Herpes Simplex Viruses for Cancer Therapy
Dr. Liisa Selin
U of Massachusetts: No one is naïve: the significance of heterologous T-cell immunity
Dr. Steven Porcelli
Albert Einstein College of Medicine: Lipid Antigen Presentation by CD1: Roles in Host Defense and Immunoregulation
Dr. Josef Penninger
U of Toronto: Genetic control of heart size and heart muscle function
Dr. Enrique Vines
UWO: The Tol import system and LPS surface expression: A journey to stress
Dr. Jack Da Silva
North Carolina Supercomputing Center: Computational Molecular Genetics of HIV-1 Adaptive Evolution
Dr. E. Long
NIH: Regulation of NK Cell Activation
Dr. Michele Bendeck
U of Toronto: MMP's, matrix and smooth muscle cell functions in atherosclerosis
Dr. Mohamed Karmali
Health Canada: Emerging Public Health Challenges of Bacterial Foodborne Pathogens with Special Reference to Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC)
Dr. John Bell
U. of Ottawa: Oncolytic viruses and the treatment of cancer
Dr. Melissa Carpenter
RRI: Human Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine
Dr. Eric Pamer
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center: Adaptive and innate immune defenses against bacterial infection
Dr. Jenny Jongstra-Bilen
Toronto Western Hospital: Cross-talk between Fcg-receptors and Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) for optimal phagocytosis
Dr. Gordon McBean
UWO: Climate Change and Public Health Implications
Dr. Sung Kim
LHRI: Mechanism of macrophage cell death induced by anthrax
Dr. Mohamed Sayegh
Brigham and Women's Hospital: Role of new T cell costimulatory molecules in allograft rejection and tolerance: hierarchy versus redundancy
Dr. Don Avery
UWO: Bioweapons, Microbiology and Arms Control: The Canadian Experience
Dr. Bob Zhong
UWO: Update on Xenotransplantation
Dr. Gergely Lukacs
U. of Toronto: The ins and outs of CFTR trafficking
Dr. Cynthia Chambers
U. of Massachusetts Medical School: Regulation of T cell activation by inhibitory signals
Dr. Skip Virgin
Washington Univ: Host and Viral Genes that Regulate Herpesvirus Infection, Oncogenesis and Latency
Dr. Gabriel Criado
Robarts Research Institute: CD4 and lck: The Odd couple
Dr. Peta O'Connell
Robarts Research Institute: Dendritic cells and Transplantation
Dr. Richard Moyer
Univ. of Florida: The poxvirus serpins: Additional complexities suggested by interactions with other proteins
Dr. Bruce Blazar
U. of Minnesota: The role of T cell costimulatory pathways and regulator cells in allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
Dr. Thomas Forsthuber
Case Western University: Modeling Multiple Sclerosis in "humanized" HLA-DR transgenic mice
Dr. Jay Levy
U. of California, San Francisco
Dr. Kevin Coombs
U. of Manitoba: Assembly and disassembly of reovirus; from genetics to MALDI TOF mass spectrometry
Dr. Eva Turley
LRCC: A parallel universe? Hyaluronan regulated signaling
Dr. Anita Chong
Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center: Regulation of allograft tolerance induced by bone and anti-CD40L
Dr. Vince Manganiello
Dr. Dev Mangroo
U. of Guelph: Ins and Outs of Nuclear tRNA Export: A tale of two Texans
Dr. J. Ebersole
U. of Kentucky: Periodontal Diseases: Is Immune Protection Achievable?
Dr. Abigail Salyers
U. of Illinois: Antibiotic Resistance Gene Transfer by Intestinal Bacteria
Dr. S.J. Ono
U. of London: The CC Chemokine/Receptor System in Mast Cell Development and Activation- Implications for Therapy
Dr. Ganes Sen
Cleveland Clinic: Mode of Activation and Functions of Viral Stress-inducible Genes
Dr. Fred Keenan
Director of International Research UWO: International Research at Western
Dr. C. Yong Kang
UWO: Mechanism of Viral Interference Mediated by Defective Interfering Particles
Dr. Jeremy Mogridge
U of Toronto: Anthrax toxin assembly on the mammalian cell surface
Dr. Li Zhang
U of Toronto: Graft infiltrating cells: Friend or Foe?
Dr. Jeremy Burton
LHRI: The Vaginal Bacterial Microflora: New Perspectives and Tools for Tomorrow
Dr. Joe Lam
Univ. of Guelph: WaaP, a potential antimicrobial target, is a novel eukaryotic type protein-tyrosine kinase essential for the biosynthesis of core oligosaccharide in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Dr. Elena Verdun
McMaster: Enhancement of oral tolerance or immunization with intestinal flora antigens in experimental colitis?
Dr. Denis Kinane
U. of Louisville: Cellular and humoral immune responses of periodontal disease
Dr. Gregory J. Kato
Johns Hopkins: Role of PDE4 Phosphodisterase in Lymphoid Malignancy
Dr. Lori Burrows
Sick Kids: Genes involved in development of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms
Dr. Karen Mossman
McMaster: Immune evasion and oncolytic properties of herpesviruses
Dr. Ricky Chan
Univ. of Toronto: A lipoprotein of Campylobacter jejuni involved in triggering the signalling pathways of epithelial cells leading to the activation of NF-kB and p38 MAP kinase
Dr. Keith Poole
Queens: Efflux-mediated multidrug resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: pumps, pumps and more pumps
Dr. Miguel Valvano
UWO: Export of Lipopolysaccharide: To flip or not to flip
Dr. Brian Wilson
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: CD1d-restricted T cells target dendritic cells and regulate the development of autoimmune diabetes
Dr. David Rothstein
Yale: CD45 Isoforms, Signals, And Tolerance: Novel Roles For an "Old" Molecule
Dr. Phillip Popovich
Ohio State: Manipulating the Neuroimmune Axis: a novel approach to repairing the injured spinal cord
Dr. David Perkins
Harvard: Profiles of Rejection
Dr. Mark Gijzen
Agriculture Canada: An Asthma-Causing Protein from Soybean Seed Dust: A Case of Naturally Occurring Gene Amplification
Dr. Roland Tisch
U. of N. Carolina: Dissecting the T cell response in autoimmune diabetes
Dr. Michael Surette
U. of Calgary: Population behaviors in bacteria: cell-cell communication and swarming behavior
Dr. Brett Finlay
UBC: Pathogenic E. coli: why diarrhea is our bread and butter
Dr. Andrew Luster
Mass. General Hospital/Harvard: Chemokines and the control of T cell trafficking in disease
Dr. Ed Leiter
Jackson Labs: The Mouse Homolog of RT6, a Rat T Cell Differentiation Alloantigen
Dr. Steven Norris
U. of Texas: An elaborate antigenic variation system in Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete
Dr. Paul Potter
UWO: The History of Immunology
Dr. Anthony Schryvers
U. of Calgary: Receptor-mediated Iron Acquisition from Transferrin in Pathogenic Bacteria
Dr. Luc Van Kaer
Howard Hughes: Antigen presentation by classical and nonclassical MHC class I molecules
Dr. Michael Clare-Salzler
U. of Florida: Antigen presenting cell defects in the NOD mouse
Dr. David Spaner
U. of Toronto: Modeling adoptive cancer immunotherapy in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Dr. Tracy Handel
U. of California Berkeley: Chemokine-receptor recognition; the story so far
Dr. W. Ford Doolittle
Dalhousie and CIAR Program in Evolutionary Biology: Chopping down, or at least uprooting, the Tree of Life
Dr. Jerry McGhee
U. of Alabama: GALT Revisited: Roles For Peyer's Patches In Mucosal Immunity, Inflammation and Oral Tolerance
Andrea Weston
John Thomas Award: Mechanisms underlying chondrogenesis and myogenesis: common signaling pathways
Dr. Keith Bishop
U. of Michigan: TGF Beta1 Gene Therapy in Vascularized Cardiac Allografts
Dr. John McCormick
U. of Minnesota: Bacterial superantigens and toxic shock syndrome
Dr. Frank Scannapieco
SUNY Buffalo: Molecular Biological Studies of Oral Biofilm Formation
Dr. Jeff Nisker
UWO: Bioethics of Human Reproduction Research: Population, Genetics and Stem Cells
Dr. Kelly Summers
UWO: Dendritic Cells in Arthritis
Dr. Jana Jass
Umea University: Atomic force microscopy to investigate E. coli pathogenesis
Dr. Ken West
Dalhousie: The Dendritic Cell and the Immunological Synapse
Dr. Joan Cook-Mills
U. of Cincinnati: VCAM-1 Signaling during Lymphocyte Migration
Dr. Jeff Howard
Lawson: Dupuytren's disease: A clinical model of wound myofibroblasts?
Dr. Dwayne Barber
U. of Toronto: Signaling by the Erythropoietin Receptor and TEL-JAK2: A Window into Normal and Leukemogenic Signal Transduction Pathways
Dr. William Cruikshank
Boston University: Regulation of chemokine activity by IL-16
Dr. Reginald Gorczynski
U. of Toronto: Immunoregulatory role of CD200 molecule
Dr. Weiping Min
UWO: Dendritic cell-mediated mechanism of tolerance in transplantation
Dr. Ian Chin-Yee
LHSC: CD34 Subsets: Clinical Implications
Dr. David Serreze
Jackson Laboratories: A conspiracy between the good gone bad, and some killer B's in type I diabetes
Dr. James Mahony
McMaster: Chlamydia - not just a sexually transmitted infection!
Dr. Kevin Kane
U of Alberta: Cloning and characterization of novel natural killer cell receptors
Dr. Norman Iscove
OCI: Identifying the genetic determinants of self-renewal and differentiation programs in hematopoietic precursor cells
Dr. Anne Croy
U. of Guelph: New Murine Models To Assess Homing and Functions of Natural Killer Cells in the Pregnant Uterus
Dr. Katie Haskins
U. of Colorado: T Cells in the Immunoregulation of Diabetes in the NOD Mouse
Dr Rob Sutherland
U. of Toronto: Identification and Quantitation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells for Research and Clinical Use: CD34, CD109 and beyond the ISHAGE
Dr. Julie Deans
U. of Calgary: Lipid Rafts in B lymphocytes: Role in antigen receptor signaling and CD20 function
Dr. Massismo
Trucco: Targeting Autoimmune Diabetes with Gene Therapy
Dr. Ira Mellman
Yale University School of Medicine: Initiating Immunity:The Cell Biology of Dendritic Cells
Dr. Dev Mangroo
U. of Guelph: Cancelled - Initiating Immunity:The Cell Biology of Dendritic Cells
Mark Cameron
John Thomas Award: Interleukin-4-mediated Prevention of Type I Diabetes in Nonobese Diabetic Mice
Dr. Jeff Wrana
U of Toronto: POSTPONED - Signaling Through the Transforming Growth Factor ß (TGF-ß) Superfamily
Dr. Justin Nodwell
McMaster: The Regulation of Morphogenesis in a Multicellular Prokaryote
Dr. Cal Harley
Geron Corporation: Telomerase and Embryonic Stem Cells: Complementary Technologies for Regenerative Medicine
Dr. Kathleen Okruhlik
UWO: Philosophy of Science Today
Dr. Kang Howson-Jan
LHSC: Clinical Aspects of Stem Cell Transplantation
Dr. Stuart Knechtle
U. of Wisconsin: Tolerance in Organ Transplantation: New Approaches
Dr. Vijay Kuchroo
Harvard: Genetic and Cellular Basis for Autoimmunity and Self Tolerance
Dr. Jin-Xiong She
U. of Florida: Predictions of Type 1 Diabetes by Genetic Polymorphism and Microarray Analysis
Dr. Richard Ulevitch
Scripps Research Institute: Multilevel Regulation of Innate Immunity
Dr. Silvano Sozzani
Mario Negri Inst. Milan, Italy: Chemokine Signalling
Dr. Carol Herbert
UWO: Basic Science After the Human Genome: medical education and research
Dr. Marcelo Tolmasky
CSU Fullerton: The growing threat of infectious diseases: molecular mechanisms and dissemination of bacterial antibiotic resistance
Dr. Jim Smiley
Univ. of Alberta: Shutoff during HSV-1 infection: Virus of host and vice-versa
Dr. Chris Whitfield
U. of Guelph: Moving high-molecular-weight polysaccharides through the bacterial cell envelope: synthesis and assembly of group 1 capsular polysaccharides
Dr. Gillian Gardiner
Lawson Res. Inst: Functional Food and Biomedical Applications of Probiotic Bacteria
MINI SYMPOSIUM "Biomaterials, Wound Infections and Inflammation"
Dr. Janine Maddock
U. of Michigan: Clustering of Bacterial Chemoreceptors
Dr. Li Zhang
U. of Toronto: Antigen-specific tolerance induced by double negative regulatory T cells
Dr. Nick Sinclair
UWO: Coinhibition & Intracellular Feedback: Two ITIM-Based Forms of Negative Signaling
Dr. Matthias von Herrath
Scripps Res. Inst: Regulatory lymphocytes and APCs in type 1 diabetes
Dr. Jun Liu
U. of Toronto: Mycobacterial cell wall: structure, function and biosynthesis
Dr. David Cooper
Harvard: Outwitting evolution - recent studies in xenotransplantation
Dr. Matilde Leon-Ponte
Robarts Res. Inst: HTLV-II epidemiology in Guahibo and Yaruro Venezuelan Amerindians
Dr. Lori Frappier
U. of Toronto: Structure and Function of the Epstein-Barr virus origin binding protein, EBNA1
Dr. Nicholas Sinclair
UWO: Immune Responses Also Sicken: Implications for Lymphocyte Signaling
Dr. John Hiscott
McGill: Transcriptional regulation of cytokine/chemokine gene expression during HIV-1 pathogenesis
Dr. Stephen Miller
Northwestern University: Role of Epitope Spreading in the Chronic Pathogenesis of Autoimmune and Virus- Induced Demylelinating Diseases
Dr. Philippe Poussier
Toronto: Lack of intestinal T lymphopoiesis is associated with inflammatory bowel disease
Dr. Michel Sadelain
Sloan-KetteringCancer Center:Genetic approaches to enhance the anti-tumoral activities of human T lymphocytes
Dr. Jim Woodgett
Ontario Cancer Inst: Anti-apoptotic signalling: role of protein kinase B and the search for its targets
Dr. Michael Julius
Toronto: Functional Coupling of TcR with the CD3 Complex
Dr. Carl Robinow.
UWO:Update on Basidiobolus ranarum, a unicellular, uninucleate mould of dubious ancestry
Dr. Sandra Ruscetti
NCI-FCRDC:Deregulation of Erythroid Signal Transduction Pathways by the Friend Spleen Focus-Forming Virus
Dr. James Staley
U. Washington: Poles Apart: Biodiversity and Biogeography of Sea Ice Bacteria
Dr. Mark Atkinson
U of Florida: What do we really know about the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes in humans?
Dr. Bob Zhong
UWO: Xenotransplantation: Is it a dream or a reality?
Dr. Andy Teng
UWO: CD4 T cells in infectious disease and self tolerance
Dr. A. Singer
NCI: Signals driving thymocyte development
Dr. Shirley Tilghman
Princeton: The mechanism and function of genomic imprinting
Dr. W. Sheffield
McMaster: Building slowly cleared antithrombotic albumin fusion proteins
Dr. Mark Sobsey
UNC-School of Public Health: Cryptosporidium parvum in Drinking Water: Recent Developments in Detection Methods and Control Measures
Dr. Mark Poznansky
RRI: Science in the new Millennium: new avenues of research, funding and community outreach
Dr. John Schrader
UBC:Rethinking the Ras pathway
Dr. Josef Penninger
Toronto:OPGL: a common link between T cells and bone loss
Dr. Joseph Tully
NIAID: Current impressions of the taxonomy, phylogeny, and pathogenicity of members of the class Mollicutes
Dr. R. Wange
NIA/NIH: Itk activation: a story of ZAP-70, Lat and the inadequacy of membrane targeting
Dr. Jonathan Katz
Washington U. (St. Louis): Less is more: understanding type 1 diabetes in the NOD mouse using reductionist approaches
Dr. Martin McGavin
Sunnybrook: Control of adhesive and invasive phenotype by Staphylococcus aureus
Dr. Eleanor Fish
Toronto: Interferon-alpha signaling: not just Jaks and Stats
Dr. Michel Tremblay
Université Laval: The Incorporation of Host-encoded Icam-1 in the Envelope of Hiv Positively Affect the Viral Life
Dr. Dario Vignali
St. Jude Memphis: Gateway to the Immune System: T Cell Receptor Recognition of MHC:peptide Complexes
Dr. Fred Possmayer
UWO: Pulmonary Surfactant Apoproteins: their role in surfactant function
Dr. Danielle Malo
Dr. Scott Gray-Owen
Toronto: Host cell responses to Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection: interactions between the Opa outer membrane proteins and human CD66 receptor family
Dr. Ronan Foley
Hamilton Civic Hosp:Melanoma Cancer Vaccine: Autologous CD34+-derived Dendritic Cells Transduced with an Adenovirus Expressing gp100
Dr. Donald Low
Mount Sinai Hospital: The emergence of antimicrobial resistance: Has it gone too far?
Dr. Suzanne Bernier
UWO: Cell signaling in chondrocytes
Dr. Stephen Ferguson
RRI: Molecular mechanisms of G protein coupled receptor endocytosis
Dr. David Lo
Scripps Research Institute: Integrating innate and adaptive immunity
Dr. Herb Schellhorn
McMaster: Stationary phase, RpoS-dependent gene regulation in Escherichia coli
Dr. Rick Miller
Toronto: NK cell recognition mechanisms
Dr. Nancy Martin
Queens: Folding and presentation of Gram negative bacterial virulence determinants from the perspective of disulfide bond formation
Dr. G. Kidder
UWO: Connexin mutations and female infertility
Dr. Juan Zuniga-Pflucker
Toronto: Molecular Control of Thymocyte Development and T cell Lineage Commitment
Dr. Dale Laird
UWO: Trafficking, assembly and function of a connexin43- green fluorescent protein chimera in live mammalian cells
Dr. John Reynolds
U. of Calgary: Determinants of life and death in the B cell system
Dr. Marc Jenkins
U. Minnesota: Defining the activation requirements of antigen- specific CD4 T cells and B cells in vivo
Dr. Dale Greiner
Diabetes Division, Univ. Mass. Med. Ctr.: Transplantation tolerance induced by an anti-CD154 antibody and donor-specific transfusion
Dr. Sherwood Casjens
U. of Utah: The unusual genome of Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete
Dr. Kent HayGlass
U. of Manitoba: Why aren't you allergic? Cytokines, chemokines and maintenance of clinical tolerance