3PC (family physicians)

Pandemic Planning for Primary Care (3PC)


Funder:CIHR logo

Family physicians play an important role in pandemic response and recovery, but existing pandemic response plans do not adequately incorporate family physicians. The goal of the project is to inform the development of pandemic plans by examining the roles and experiences of family physicians in four Canadian regions: Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and British Columbia.
The project is a multiple case-study of regions in each of the four provinces, using a two-part, mixed-methods design that consists of the following components:
Chronology of family physician roles during the COVID-19 pandemic response
Qualitative interviews with family physicians
By conducting this study, the results will provide high-quality evidence and tools (e.g., checklists) for government ministries, public health units, health organizations, and family physicians to use, both for future waves of COVID-19, and for future pandemics.


Principal Investigators:  Drs. Maria Mathews (Western University), Lindsay Hedden (Simon Fraser University), Julia Lukewich (Memorial University), Emily Gard Marshall (Dalhousie University)

Co-Investigators: Shabnam Asghari, Kris Aubrey-Bassler, Judith Belle Brown, Erin Christian, Thomas Freeman, Paul Gill, George Kim, Rita McCracken, Bridget Ryan, Gordon Schacter, Shannon Sibbald, Nardia Strydom, Amanda Terry, Amardeep Thind, Eric Wong, Maria Alexaiadis, Maddi McKay, Alexander Summers,  Jamie Wickett, Jennifer Young