What is Email for Life?
Email for Life is an initiative implemented at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry (SSMD) in the summer of 2004. With the Email For Life service, all Medicine (MD) & Dentistry (DDS) undergraduate students with a graduation year of 2005 and above are granted a Schulich specific email address (in addition to the Western email address provisioned to all Western students) which is retained after graduation.
What is the format of the Email for Life Addresses?
Normally, Email For Life adresses are created using the following format:
First initial + Surname + Year of graduation + @meds.uwo.ca or @dents.uwo.ca.
First initial + Surname + Year of graduation + @meds.uwo.ca or @dents.uwo.ca.
What about duplicate addresses?
In the event that there are two students with the same name in the same year (E.g. Two Mike Browns) both email addresses will have a numeric digit added to avoid duplication. For example, if there were two Mike Browns in the MEDS Class of 2020 they would have addresses of mbrown12020@meds.uwo.ca and mbrown22020@meds.uwo.ca and neither would be granted the default address of mbrown2020@meds.uwo.ca.
Are there class Mailing Lists?
There are mailing lists created for each class – these lists are created and maintained by the Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) and Undergraduate Dental Education (UDE) offices at Schulich. The full class lists are created in the format: MEDS####@uwo.ca and DENTS####@uwo.ca (where #### represents the year of graduation).
In addition, for the MD program, each year, there are additional lists created in the format: MEDS####london@uwo.ca and MEDS####windsor@uwo.ca
For the DDS program, there is also an ITD specific list created in the format DENTS####ITD@uwo.ca.
For example, for the graduating class of 2019, the mailing lists would be:
MD program: meds2019@uwo.ca, meds2019london@uwo.ca, meds2019windsor@uwo.ca
DDS program: dents2019@uwo.ca, and dents2019itd@uwo.ca
Can I use my email program (Eg. Outlook) to access Email for Life?
Yes. However, The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry only officially supports the web interface and will not offer any assistance/support associated with using third party clients to access Email for Life. To configure your email program to access your Email For Life account, please use the following instructions found on the MyOffice, Desktop Client Setup webpage.
I am having problems changing my password: what do I do?
Students and Alumni please visit the following links:
Student Center Access Guide web page
Western Access Code Retrieval web page
Western Identity Manager Account Activation web page
Alumni with a current Faculty appointment at Schulich, please visit the Western Identity Manager web page
Student Center Access Guide web page
Western Access Code Retrieval web page
Western Identity Manager Account Activation web page
Alumni with a current Faculty appointment at Schulich, please visit the Western Identity Manager web page
- Then click on Non-Person Accounts > then click on List My Accounts
- Click Submit
- Select the new non-person account (example: ssmd-username) by clicking the check box next to the account
- Click Reset Password > then click on Submit
- You are now presented with a new password. You can write down or download this password.
Can I change my display name in Office 365?
If you would like to change only the display name e.g. first name, or use of middle name, please visit the ITS Helpdesk on the main floor of the Support Services Building.
What's the process to change my surname or legal first name in the Email for Life system?
Please contact the Undergraduate Medical or Dental Education Office to advise of the change.
Who do I contact for issues with my Email for Life email?
Please contact the Schulich Information Services Helpdesk via the Service Desk portal
Or in person in the Medical Sciences Building, Room M165 or call 519.661.2111 ext. 81377
Or in person in the Medical Sciences Building, Room M165 or call 519.661.2111 ext. 81377