Plan Your Courses

Considering Year 4 of the Honours Specialization in IMS in September 2024?


NEW for 2024: see the email sent to students on Feb 16, 2024 regarding the Capstone Course selection process. 

Module Requirements:

The 10.0 courses required for the Honours Specialization in IMS are spread over Years 2-4.

Certain modular courses must be completed in Years 2, 3 and 4: 

  • Year 2: the six 2000-level half courses (3.0 courses) listed in the Admission Requirements must be completed by the end of Year 2

  • Year 3: the 3.0 courses from Groups 1-3 that must be completed prior to Year 4 are listed in the Weighted Average Chart (scroll down to IMS):

    • courses taken in Year 2 and during the summer sessions prior to Year 4 (e.g., Anatomy and Cell Biology 2200B), can count towards these 3.0 courses from Groups 1-3

    • only courses completed by the end of the Fall/Winter of Year 3 will be included in the Weighted Average (used to rank students for admission to Year 4)

    • 1.0 more modular course in the 2000-3000 range must be completed prior to graduation (i.e., in any of Years 2-4). Courses from Groups 1-2 and up to 0.5 course in Chemistry (and, no, Chemistry 2213A cannot be counted here since it is one of the six half courses in the Admission Requirements) will complete this 1.0 modular course

  • Year 4:
* See the email sent to students on February 16, 2024 outlining the capstone course selection process for the 2024 Summer registration period. 

Use the following resources to help with course selection:

Admission to Years 3 and 4 of the Honours Specialization in IMS is not guaranteed

The module has limited enrolment in both years. See Modules Offered in BMSc and the chart of Minimum Averages for Admisson to Honours Specialization modules for more information.