• Announcement: Dr. Jorge Burneo appointed as the Jack Cowin Chair in Epilepsy Research

    December 10, 2018
    Dr. Jorge Guillermo Burneo, Professor of Neurology and Cross-Appointed Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Western University, has been appointed as the Jack Cowin Chair in Epilepsy Research, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University effective November 1, 2018 to October 31, 2023.

  • Jeffrey Chow, MSc, has paper published in European Journal of Anaesthesiology

    December 09, 2018
    The research comprised a portion of Mr. Chow's thesis, investigating bibliometrics in the anesthesiology literature.

  • Rapport Article, The Ups and Downs of Early Career Research, features Kelly Anderson, PhD and Dr. Luciano Sposato

    November 26, 2018
    Kelly Anderson, Luciano Sposato (both affiliated with Epidemiology and Biostatistics) and Stephen Renaud all agree that there are challenges to starting a research program when you are new to academia – but the rewards of the efforts are plentiful.

  • Western profs treat epilepsy with mindfulness

    November 14, 2018
    Making Mindfulness Matter, an eight-week Canadian Institutes of Health Research project, is a community-based family treatment program for children with epilepsy between the ages of four and 10 and their parents. The program is co-led by Western University’s Dr. Kathy Speechley, a professor in the Departments of Paediatrics and Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, and Dr. Karen Bax, professor and managing director of the Mary J. Wright Research and Education Centre at Merrymount.

  • Melissa Majoni, MSc Candidate, presented her research at the 2018 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress

    October 24, 2018
    Melissa Majoni, MSc Candidate, recently presented her a research project, part of her thesis work, at the 2018 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in Toronto.

  • Project and Bridge Grant Funding Announced by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

    July 24, 2018
    A total of 17 funded projects across the School and Lawson Health Research Institute were awarded project or bridge grant funding, as announced by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The recipient teams included Epidemiology and Biostatistics members Dr. Greta Bauer, Dr. Ayden Scheim (Alumnus), Dr. Luciano A Sposato, Dr. Jason Gilliland, Dr. Saverio Stranges, Dr. Jamie Seabrook, Dr. Piotr Wilk, Dr. Evelyn Vingilis, Dr. Kathy Speechley, Klajdi Puka (PhD Candidate), Dr. Guangyong Zou, and Dr. Emil Schemitsch.

  • Media Release: How family physicians are paid is linked to their rate of referral to specialists

    June 27, 2018
    Dr. Sisira Sarma, Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Western's Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry is the first author on a study published in the journal Health Economics that shows family physicians who switched from a blended fee-for-service payment scheme to a blended capitation model (a fixed rate per patient per year) increased their referrals to specialists by more than five per cent.

  • Dr. Evelyn Vingilis recognized nationally for impact on road safety in Canada

    June 25, 2018
    Congratulations Dr. Evelyn Vingilis, psychologist and Director of the Population and Community Health Unit, and Professor with the Departments of Family Medicine and Epidemiology and Biostatistics, on receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals.

  • Jacqueline Kueper attends CSHRF in Winnipeg

    June 20, 2018
    Jacqueline Kueper, PhD Candidate supervised by Dr. Dan Lizotte, recently attended the Canadian Student Health Research Forum in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She presented a poster titled, “A topic modelling approach to understanding the body of research on artificial intelligence and primary care.”

  • Research Day with the University at Buffalo and McMaster University

    May 28, 2018
    Faculty and students from the Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health, University at Buffalo, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact, McMaster University, and the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Western University, met in Buffalo on May 25th, 2018 to discuss research in their field and to foster collaborative links across the institutions.

  • Dr. Hachinski Wins 2018 Killam Prize for Pioneering Work

    May 09, 2018
    Dr. Vladimir Hachinski – past president of the World Federation of Neurology and a world-renowned stroke expert – has been named a 2018 Killam Prize winner for Health Sciences. He is a Distinguished University Professor at Western, a Professor in the Department of Neurology and a Cross-Appointee with the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry.

  • Successful Canadian Institutes of Health Research Funding Application for Hockey Fans in Training Team

    February 25, 2018
    Dr. Robert Petrella and the entire Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT) team are thrilled to announce that their recent grant application to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research was successful. Co-Applicants and Collaborators include numerous individuals from Western University, including Dr. Saverio Stranges (Chair), Dr. Guangyong Zou, and Dr. Merrick Zwarenstein, of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

  • Research by Dr. Shane Goodwin and Dr. Kathy Speechley finds that family environment influences emotional well-being in children with epilepsy

    February 08, 2018
    Published research by Dr. Shane Goodwin, PhD graduate from our program, and his former supervisor, Dr. Kathy Speechley, is highlighted in a media release from Lawson Research and in a recent interview with CTV news.

  • Dr. Philip Jones' retrospective, population-based study published in the journal JAMA

    January 25, 2018
    Research by Dr. Philip Jones, Lawson Scientist, and Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesia & Perioperative Medicine and Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, examines the practice of handing over patient care between anesthesiologists during surgical procedures.

  • Research by Emaad Mohammad shortlisted as Highly Commended at 2017 Undergraduate Awards

    January 18, 2018
    Emaad's submission “The Effect of Statin Medication on Exercise Capacity in Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Retrospective Cohort Study” was selected as a Highly Commended Entrant in the Medical Sciences category of The Undergraduate Awards Programme 2017.

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