Dr. Les Kalman, BSc (Hon), DDS
Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry
Office: DSB 0134
Phone: 519.636.6933
Email: lkalman@uwo.ca
External Links: https://smileshade.ca/#Home
Research Cluster
Research Interests
- Additive Manufacturing
- Biomaterials
- Biomedical Engineering
- Comprehensive Care
- Connective and Mineralized Tissue Biology and Wound Healing
- Dental Public Health
- Diagnostics
- Education Research
- Endodontics
- Implantology
- Medical Devices
- Prosthodontics
- Restorative Dentistry
Les Kalman is an educator and researcher with a focus on (1) innovations in medical devices and technologies, with an emphasis on additive manufacturing (2) software solutions and (3) education advancement. He remains active with externally-funded research, has published over 50 articles and a book chapter. He holds two patents, a trademark and has translated innovations to industry.
Kalman served on the Board for UWOFA and the CAPHD and serves on the Standards Council of Canada, the Ambassadors Circle and Advanced Credentialing Committee for the ICOI. He has been recognized as an Academic Associate Fellow (American Academy of Implant Dentistry), Fellow, Master and Diplomate (International Congress of Oral Implantologists), Fellow (Academy of Osseointegration), Fellow (American College of Dentists) and Fellow (International Academy For Dental-Facial Esthetics). He has been awarded the Schulich Alumni of Distinction, the Merck Patients First award and was a CES Innovation Award honoree.
Opportunities for Undergraduate Student
- Interested candidates should send an inquiry e-mail along with their CV to: lkalman@uwo.ca
Select Publications
- Heboyan A, Lo Giudice R, Kalman L, Zafar MS, Tribst JPM. Stress Distribution Pattern in Zygomatic Implants Supporting Different Superstructure Materials. Materials. 2022; 15(14):4953. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15144953
- Kalman, L. Digital workflow for the colour verification of indirect anterior restorations. Digital, 2(2), 16-21.
- Kalman L. A novel workflow for indirect cobalt-chromium restorations using additive manufacturing without digital design. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects, 2021, 15(3), 147-151 doi: 10.34172/joddd.2021.025
- Kalman, L.; Dal Piva, A.M.d.O.; de Queiroz, T.S.; Tribst, J.P.M. Biomechanical Behavior Evaluation of a Novel Hybrid Occlusal Splint-Mouthguard for Contact Sports: 3D-FEA. Dent. J. 2022, 10,3. https://doi.org/10.3390/ dj10010003
- Behroozian A, Kalman L and Hemmatiyan M. Inclinometer: a new device for measuring intermolar torque and angle. J Adv Periodontol Implant Dent. 2021; 13(2): 96-98 doi:10.34172/japid.2021.011
https://japid.tbzmed.ac.ir - Kalman L, Kalman B. Preliminary assessment of dry electropolishing technology on a novel additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V implant abutment. Japan J Res. 2021;2(4):1-4
- Tribst JPM, DalPiva AMdO, da Silva-Concílio LR, Ausiello P & Kalman L. Influence of Implant-Abutment Contact Surfaces and Prosthetic Screw Tightening on the Stress Concentration, Fatigue Life and Microgap Formation: A Finite Element Analysis. Oral 2021, 1, 88–101. https://doi.org/10.3390/oral1020009
- Kalman L. In vitro assessment of a novel additive manufactured titanium implant abutment. J Clin Exp Dent. 2021;13(2):e99-103. doi:10.4317/jced.57389
- Behroozian A, Kalman L. Clear Twin Block: A Step Forward in Functional Appliances. Dent Hypotheses 2020; 11 :91-4.
- Kalman L. (2021) 3D printing in dentistry: fundamentals, workflows and clinical applications. In Chaughule R & Dashaputra RG (Eds.) Advances in dental implantology using nanomaterials and allied technology applications. (pp. 325-351). Springer.
- Kalman, L. Development of a novel shade determination application. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospect: 2019; 14(1):73-76.
- Kalman L., Hosein Y. and Chimel T. Workflow development of a 3D printed novel implant abutment. 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing: 2019;6(5): 234-237.