Postgrad Updates

Fall 2024/25

Pass the Pager

Dr. Damir Rosic with Dr. Michael ShimizuThe OMFS Pass the Pager event took place at Toboggan June 27, 2024.  Dr. Damir Rosic finished his OMFS residency program after 6 years with Schulich Medicine & Dentistry. Dr. Nicholas Chow, who was a GPR with us 2023/2024, was welcomed as the new incoming PGY1 OMFS resident. Dr. Natasha Holder is now the Chief Resident for the OMFS residency program.  

We also congratulated the exiting GPRs whose contributions during the program were greatly appreciated:  Drs. Heba Al-Ameri, Amreena Gill, Nicholas Chow and Joshua Worthen (in absentia as he has departed to attend an OMFS residency program).  We also welcomed the new incoming GPRs: Dr. Rebecca Greene is from Western University.  Dr. Brandon Worthen is Joshua's younger brother and is from Dalhousie University. Dr. HyoKeun Cho is from UBC, and Dr. Brad Bigsby is from University of Saskatchewan.


residents posing at Toboggan restaurant

residents posing at Toboggan restaurant

Graduating Grad Ortho

graduates from Grad Ortho Class of 2024Dr. William Keven Hockley brought greetings on behalf of the Vice Dean and Director to the Class of 2024 of the Graduate Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics Program.  They celebrated the completion of their program with a luncheon held at Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre.

Class of 2024: (from left)

Drs. Sean White, Sepideh Noruziaan, and Tae Kwon