Celebrating Our Achievements

Fall 2024/25

Since the last edition of Dentistry news, we have a lot to celebrate!

Dr. Dong and Dr. Jessani holding plaquesThree individuals associated with Schulich Dentistry were nominated to become Fellows of the International College of Dentists and on March 8, 2024 they attended the convocation ceremony held in Vancouver. Dr. Cecilia Dong and Dr. Abbas Jessani (pictured, left) were recognized for their contributions to dentistry along with Dr. Matthew Morrison (OMFS'2019) (pictured, right).

Dr. Drew Smith was also in attendance and his support was appreciated by the new fellows.Matthew Morrison holding a plaque

Congratulations are also due to several long-term members of the Schulich Dentistry community who reached 25 years of service!

Dr. Anthony Mair, Lisa Stachow-Swales, and Dr. Peter Taylor received recognition for their dedication to Western University.

A few familiar faces at Schulich Dentistry were celebrated at the Western Excellence in Leadership Recognition Event in June:

Certificate of Achievement in Excellence in Leadership

  • Dr. Abdul Al-Osman
  • Courtney D'Ariano

Stream Achievement: Western Leader Orientation

  • Erin Robertson

As a facilitator in the Excellence in Leadership Program, Lisa Johnson was a special guest at the event.

Erin, Courtney, and Lisa; Courtney is holding a certificatepictured: Erin Robertson, Courtney D'Ariano, and Lisa Johnson

Esemezie-CHMS.pngAlex Esemezie (pictured, right), an MSc student in EpiBio from Dr. Noha Gomaa's research team, has been offered a CHMS Externship opportunity to work at Statistics Canada on the CHMS-oral health component data calibration and collection. Alex ranked amongst the top candidates in this national competition which takes place annually between DDS and graduate students from across all ten Canadian dental schools. This will be an excellent opportunity for Alex and he will represent Western well.