New Patients
At your initial screening appointment, you will be assessed to determine if you are a suitable patient for our students.
Patients and prospective patients are advised that not everyone is suitable to become or remain a patient in the teaching clinics of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Dental Clinics due to the teaching requirements for our students. The following criteria may indicate unsuitability:
- A lack of medical information
- Extensive and/or complex dental treatment required
- Patient management challenges are beyond the capability of an undergraduate student
- Complex medical history
- Dental treatment needs which are not compatible with our educational program
- A combination of any of the above criteria
Prospective patients are reviewed on entry to the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry dental clinics and periodically thereafter. They may be found to be unsuitable to be treated in the Schulich Medicine & Dentistry dental clinics or, due to the criteria above, may be asked to seek dental care in an alternative facility after being a patient of the Schulich clinics.