From the Desk of Dr. Quiñonez

Fall 2023

Dr Quinonez portrait

Most of us can name an individual we look up to and who provides an example of what kind of person and professional we want to be. Whether it is a teacher, a parent, a peer, or another member of our community, we can describe someone who has left a lasting impact on us. Similarly, there is likely someone looking at you right now, taking cues from your advice, your actions, and your attitude, even when you don’t realize it. What do they see? What do you want them to see?

The research is clear that role modeling in clinical education matters. As a teaching tool, it is powerful, but its effect on student behaviour is not always positive (Creuss et al, 2008, p. 721) and if we are not careful, role models can actually “perpetuate undesirable practices…and unintended institutional norms” (Benbassat, 2024, p. 50). For better or worse, a connection can be drawn between the ethics exhibited by your role model and how ethical your own leadership is now (Brown and Treviño, 2014, p. 587).

On a personal level, I want you to think about the value of authenticity as a role model. Of course, we want to show our students and colleagues our very best performance and hope they will absorb and reflect what we can teach them. But it is also important that we do not hide our mistakes. Others will learn as much, if not more, from how we embrace accountability for our actions and how we behave in challenging times. No one expects us to be perfect, and admitting to our mistakes and letting others watch how we learn from them is an important part of striving to be the best.

Finally, in keeping with our mission, when you choose to be of service, it is something you do for everyone, not just for those you accept or agree with. If someone is suffering, you listen and help them up. If someone is down, you smile and give them warmth. If someone needs you, you give as much as you can.

These things matter to us at Schulich Dentistry, so please keep them top of mind in the days and years to come.

~ Carlos

Carlos Quiñonez, DMD, MSc, PhD, FRCD(C)
Vice Dean and Director of Dentistry
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Western University


Benbassat J. Role modeling in medical education: the importance of a reflective imitation. Acad Med. 2014 Apr;89(4):550-4. 

Brown, M. E., & Treviño, L. K. (2014). Do role models matter? An investigation of role modeling as an antecedent of perceived ethical leadershipJournal of Business Ethics122, 587-598.

Cruess SR, Cruess RL, Steinert Y. Role modelling--making the most of a powerful teaching strategy. (2008). BMJ., Mar 29;336(7646), 718-21.