• Announcement: Dr. David A. Steven appointed as Chair/Chief, Clinical Neurological Sciences

    December 03, 2018
    Dr. David A. Steven has been appointed as Chair/Chief, Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University and its teaching hospitals, London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph's Health Care London, effective January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2023.

  • Against all odds: The road to patient advocacy

    November 25, 2018
    “My life changed the day Dr. Angelica Hahn (now retired) brought me and my parents into the decision making process. She heard what I wanted, and from that day forward she was one of my biggest advocates in helping me live the life I wanted to live,” says Preston. “Dr. Hahn, along with my nurse practitioner, Wilma Koopman, and my parents advocated for me to attend regular classes at school when the school board insisted I go into a special ed. class because I was in a wheelchair.

  • Waking up to a health-care crisis: When life and art froze

    November 11, 2018
    As the pain worsened, Easden returned to the Emergency Department at LHSC’s University Hospital. She received a CT scan, then an MRI, and was eventually referred to neurosurgeon and orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Fawaz Siddiqi.

  • CNS Neurology Residents Visit Former Faculty Member Dr. George Ebers

    September 13, 2018
    Dr. George C. Ebers is a world-renowned neurologist and researcher in multiple sclerosis. Neurology Residents Dr. David Kim and Dr. Adrian Budhram visited Dr. Ebers at his home to discuss his experiences at the University of Western Ontario and his neurological career.

  • Faculty Members Receive Certificates of Promotion

    July 31, 2018
    Five faculty members received their certificates of promotion at CNS Grand Rounds.

  • Western to host 2019/2020 Neurosurgery Rookie Camp

    July 17, 2018
    As a beginning neurosurgery resident, taking part in this camp will give PGY1s the essential knowledge and skills needed to excel as they embark on residency training. They will learn from Canada’s top neurosurgeons, in realistic scenarios that will simultaneously test and develop their abilities.

  • Gut microbiome plays a role in atherosclerosis

    July 11, 2018
    Researchers at Western University's Robarts Research Institute along with scientists from Lawson Health Research Institute have shown a novel relationship between the intestinal microbiome and atherosclerosis, one of the major causes of heart attack and stroke. This was measured as the burden of plaque in the carotid arteries.

  • CNS Faculty Support Summer Medical Student Research

    June 27, 2018
    The Summer Research Training Program (SRTP) and Schulich Research Opportunities Program (SROP) provide support for undergraduate medical students to engage in research under the supervision of Schulich faculty members.

  • CNS Celebrates One-Year Twitter-versary!

    June 26, 2018
    The Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences launched its official Twitter account on June 16th, 2017 as a part of an overall communications strategy with the goal of elevating the Department’s status in the world of neuroscience research, at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, and the international research and educational community.

  • The Legacy of Dr Earl Russell

    June 13, 2018
    Dr. Dwight Moulin, Dr. Earl Russell Chair in Pain Management, is featured in this article in the UWOMJ looking at the legacy of Dr. Russell's work.

  • Dr. Dwight Moulin Recognized in UWOMJ Article

    June 12, 2018
    Dr. Moulin was interviewed for this article on Dr. Earl Russel due to his current role as the Dr. Earl Russell Chair in Pain Management.

  • Dr. Jennifer Mandzia Featured in CTV News Interview

    June 06, 2018
    Dr. Mandzia was interviewed as a part of a segment on the Heart and Stroke Foundation's report on how women are disproportionately affected by stroke.

  • Congratulations to two new Collaborative Research Seed Grants teams

    April 24, 2018
    Dr. Matthew Hebb is a member of one of the two new interdisciplinary research teams have received funding from the Collaborative Research Seed Grants (CRSG) program at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry.

  • Recognizing Research: 2018 Research Day Award Winners

    April 18, 2018
    The Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences hosted its 2018 Departmental Research Day on April 17th, 2018. This annual event features platform and poster presentations by residents, graduate students, PhD candidates, and postdoctoral fellows.

  • Alumnus and Former Faculty Member Dr. Alastair Buchan to Receive Honourary Degree

    April 11, 2018
    Dr. Buchan will receive an honorary degree this spring as Western celebrates its 311th Convocation.

  • CNS Faculty and Staff to be Recognized at Awards of Excellence Dinner

    April 10, 2018
    Dr. Mel Boulton, Neurosurgeon, and Ms. Nicole Farrell, Manager of Administration and Finance, are the recipients of 2018 Schulich Medicine & Dentistry Awards of Excellence.

  • Invisible impact: cognitive effects of Multiple Sclerosis

    April 02, 2018
    MS is an inflammatory disease in which the body's immune system attacks its own tissues. With MS, the immune system destroys myelin, which is the fatty substance that coats and protects nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord.

  • Dr. Tim Doherty honoured by CAPM&R

    March 28, 2018
    Congratulations to Dr. Tim Doherty, for being named the 2018 Award of Merit Recipient from the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Dr. Doherty is being honoured for his contribution to the field of Physiatry.

  • Epilepsy Program Co-Founders Honored with Plaque

    March 27, 2018
    On March 27th, 2018, 36 years after the Western University Epilepsy Program was originally founded, the Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences honored its co-founders, Dr. Warren T. Blume and Dr. John P. Girvin, with a plaque to be placed outside of what has become Canada’s largest Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU).

  • LHSC's Epilepsy Monitoring Unit improves patient experience with addition of an Epilepsy Navigator

    March 26, 2018
    March 26th is Purple Day for epilepsy – a seizure disorder that affects 50 million people worldwide. It is an important awareness day that LHSC is pleased to support.

  • In search of meaningful feedback conversations

    March 20, 2018
    Article by Dr. Chris Watling and Kori LaDonna arguing for the value of embracing vulnerability and inspiring honest conversation to enhance the meaningfulness of feedback.

  • Tom Mikkelsen Announced as Guest Speaker at 2018 CNS Research Day

    March 13, 2018
    The Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences will host its annual Research Day on April 17th, 2018 at the Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre. The full day event will feature research presentations from faculty, residents, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows as well as a guest presentation from Dr. Tom Mikkelsen.

  • National Neurology Grand Rounds Spring 2018 Date Announced

    March 01, 2018
    Dr. Gerald Pfeffer, Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary, will be the speaker at National Neurology Grand Rounds this May.

  • The 2018 Charles G. Drake Professorship: A History of Collaboration

    February 01, 2018
    On January 31st, 2018, the Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University celebrated the Charles G. Drake Distinguished Visiting Professorship.

  • Research uncovers new link between head trauma, CTE and ALS

    January 15, 2018
    Researchers at Western University have uncovered a unique neurobiological pathway triggered by head trauma which underlies both Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also called ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease).

  • CNS Alumnus Appointed to Order of Canada

    January 09, 2018
    CNS Alumnus and former faculty member Dr. Thomas E. Feasby has been appointed to the Order of Canada.

  • One Year Twitterversary!

    March 14, 2024
    The Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences has been on Twitter for a full calendar year! Here's to the next one!

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