Continuing Medical Education

The Department holds various Continuing Medical Education (CME) events, including:

The Neuromuscular Conference & EMG Workshop

More information to come... 

CNS Research Day

The Department hosts an annual Research Day where residents, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows present their research findings. The day begins with presentations, which precede and follow lunch, with poster viewing on breaks. The afternoon presentations feature an honorary guest speaker.

View more information about CNS Research Day here.

CNS Update Day

More information to come...

Updates in Managing Neurological Disorders in Family Practice - Free Webinar

Are you interested in furthering your management skills in headache, TIA/stroke, seizures or vertigo? Or need to know more about resources in Southwestern Ontario?

Four practical and interactive talks will be delivered on the second Tuesday of the month from October to January.

Target audience: Family Physicians and other health care professionals involved in delivering primary care in Southwestern Ontario.


Updates in Managing Neurological Disorders in Family Practice

November 9, 2021
7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

“Approach to Vertigo and Dizziness” Dr. J. Alexander Fraser

Session Objectives:

  1. Explain the difference between the terms ‘vertigo’ and ‘dizziness’
  2. Use a structured clinical history to narrow down causes for a complaint of ‘dizziness’
  3. Describe the physical examination signs and maneuvers that best localize a complaint of ‘vertigo’

View the presentation slides from this talk here.

December 14, 2021
7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

“Primary Care Management of Seizures and Epilepsy” Dr. Jorge Burneo

Session Objectives:

  1. Apply a systematic approach to assessing the patient with a first epileptic seizure
  2. Identify those with newly diagnosed epilepsy and implement a treatment plan
  3. Describe what to do when seizures do not respond to 1 or 2 anti-seizure drugs
  4. Recognize the most common somatic and psychiatric co-morbidities associated with epilepsy

January 11, 2022
7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

“An Update on TIA and Stroke” Drs. Lauren Mai & Jennifer Mandzia

Session Objectives:

  1. Apply an evidence-based early management plan to patients presenting with a transient ischemic attack or non-disabling stroke.
  2. Recognize the role of antithrombotic therapy and its combinations in early secondary stroke prevention
  3. Identify the importance of lifestyle factors and vascular risk factor modification in stroke prevention with a focus on updates to the Canadian Stroke Best Practices Recommendations.

February 8, 2022
7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

“Approach to Migraine Management” Dr. Lik Hang Tommy Chan

Session Objectives:

  1. Diagnose migraine based on the international classification headache disorders 3rd addition
  2. Classify the acute and preventive treatment of migraine
  3. Recognize the new therapies (acute and preventive treatment) of migraine


For more details and events hosted by Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, please visit their website.