• Remembering Della Reese

    November 21, 2017
    Thanks to two successful surgeries performed by Dr. Drake she was able to make a full recovery. She continued her singing and acting career and starred in the inspirational drama series Touched By An Angel, still in syndication.

  • WORLDiscoveries® Vanguard Awards celebrate commercial potential of health research

    November 09, 2017
    Dr. Matthew O. Hebb, a Lawson scientist, neurosurgeon at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) and assistant professor of neurosurgery at Western University's Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, was recognized for the development of two innovations that offer hope in treating two deadly diseases – Parkinson’s disease and glioblastoma.

  • CNS Faculty Assist in Administering Kuwaiti Resident Examinations

    November 02, 2017
    In October 2017, two Clinical Neurological Sciences (CNS) Department members, Dr. Michael Nicolle, Chief of Neurology and Dr. David Steven, Co-Chair of the Epilepsy Program, traveled to Kuwait with a delegation from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) to assist the Kuwait Institute for Medical Specializations (KIMS) administer specialty training exams to their neurology and neurosurgery residents, the first time that this type of examination has been administered in Kuwait.

  • Endovascular treatment of stroke leads to positive patient outcome

    October 29, 2017
    “EVT is a remarkable treatment option for stroke patients who won’t see a lot of benefit from tPA because of the size or placement of the clot,” says Dr. Mel Boulton, neurosurgeon at LHSC. “It’s not only a procedure that saves lives, it has also been demonstrated to lead to better patient outcomes; so that someone who would be destined to have deficits without EVT can be returned to normal or near normal quality of life.”

  • 2018 Inductees into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame

    October 03, 2017
    Dr. Vladimir Hachinski is among a group of exceptional healthcare leaders who will be inducted into The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF). Dr. Hachinski, a Distinguished University Professor in Clinical Neurological Sciences, is a world-renowned neurologist and has transformed the understanding, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the two greatest threats to the brain, stroke and dementia.

  • Resident Spotlight: Dr. Faizal Haji, PGY6, Neurosurgery, Clinical Neurological Sciences

    September 28, 2017
    In his last year of the Neurosurgical Residency program at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, Dr. Faizal Haji says the great mentors he has encountered over the years, and at all levels of education, have helped him to realize his potential and accomplish new feats.

  • Awards Day at the Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences

    September 26, 2017
    Tuesday, September 26th was “Awards Day” in the Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences. Every fall, the Department honours residents and faculty members for their accomplishments over the previous year.

  • A Multi-angled Approach to Research

    September 22, 2017
    “Cognition is often described as an invisible symptom in multiple sclerosis (MS),” explained Dr. Sarah Morrow. “It’s easy to write off because there isn’t a predictable decline like we see in dementia; it’s more episodic. It also presents differently from dementia – the first signs people notice are usually difficulty processing information or not remembering things unless they are written down.”

  • Providing care for adults with muscular dystrophy

    September 21, 2017
    Dr. Shannon Venance, neurologist at LHSC, along with Dr. Anita Florendo-Cumbermack and nurse practitioner, Wilma Koopman, lead the adult care team for muscular dystrophy within the neuromuscular clinic.

  • Rare case of stroke recovery after 23 years, noted by researchers at Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute

    September 21, 2017
    Functional MRI showed widespread recovery in both hemispheres of Humphrey’s brain, said Spence, who is also a scientist at Western’s Robarts Research Institute. Swimming had apparently triggered a rewiring within parts of the brain.

  • New treatment available for people with early multiple sclerosis

    July 03, 2017
    Researchers from the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry are part of a groundbreaking study showing that a common acne medication called minocycline can be used to help treat multiple sclerosis (MS) in its earliest stages.

  • LHSC epilepsy patients first in Ontario to benefit from robot-assisted neurosurgery

    June 14, 2017
    London Health Sciences Centre’s (LHSC) Epilepsy Program is the first in Ontario to perform a robotic-assisted stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) procedure, in which electrodes are placed into the brain to map epileptic seizure activity.

  • Stroke prevention among older Ontarians may also reduce risk of some dementias

    May 01, 2017
    Ontario’s stroke prevention strategy appears to be having an unexpected, beneficial side effect: a reduction also in the incidence of dementia among older seniors.

  • Deep Brain Stimulation

    April 01, 2017
    In June 2016, LHSC University Hospital neurosurgeon Dr. Keith MacDougall and his team performed an eight-hour surgery to implant two electrodes deep into DJ’s brain. The electrodes are connected to a battery-powered neurostimulator which is embedded under the skin just below her collarbone.

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