Schulich Medicine & Dentistry launches new website
The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry is excited to present the new School website. The new website was created thanks to the support and feedback from faculty, staff, students and alumni.
New features include a blue top navigation which offers quick entry points to a variety of resources and School websites.
The blue “Current Students” link provides an entry point to our education programs and related links for our students.
The “Faculty / Staff” blue links provides a portal with popular websites, login tools, resources, templates and more.
The new website also features a purple “Popular Links” tab on the top right of the website. When clicked on, this tab expands and displays a number of popular links specific to Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, including Email for Life, GroupWise Web Access, Single Sign-On, One45, Acuity Star and more. This section also includes a Western’s faculty / staff directory search and Western’s department search.
How does this impact you?
With the website launch comes changes to URLs and links. A number of the websites being launched will have new website URLs and internal page URLs. It is essential that everyone is made aware of this upcoming change as many bookmarked pages and links (either from newsletters, documents, or promotional materials) will be changing.
Although the links are changing, if you do try to use an old URL, you will be re-directed to the homepage of the new website for that respective program.
If you encounter any problems, broken links, or have any questions once the sites have launched, please email them to: and your email will be queued in priority order.
We thank you for your patience as we begin launching the new websites. Please direct any questions, concerns or feedback to
Additional redeveloped websites launching in April:
You will also notice a number of the School’s program and departmental websites changing this month. The following redeveloped websites will be launched in April:
- Physiology and Pharmacology
- Pathology
- Anatomy and Cell Biology
- Biochemistry
- Medical Biophysics
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Medical Imaging
- Oncology
- Psychiatry
- Graduate Studies
- MD/PhD
- Learner Equity and Wellness
- Continuing Professional Development
- Global Health
- Research Office
- London Regional Transgenic and Gene Targeting Facility
- Project Management Office