Graduate Awards

Physiology and Pharmacology Graduate Program

Graduate Opportunity Scholarship

The Department of Physiology and Pharmacology is dedicated to increasing representation of racialized and marginalized groups in the broad fields of Physiology and Pharmacology through equity and inclusion best practices. We aim to recruit and retain a diverse representation of outstanding students who will contribute toward research excellence in Physiology and Pharmacology. The goal of the Opportunity Scholarship is to attract Canada’s most promising and diverse graduate students. Preference will be given to students who are Black, Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis), 2SLGBTQIA+ and students with a disability.
Number of awards: Up to 2 per year
Value of award: $15,000

Edward James Middleton Bursary

The Edward James Middleton Bursary is awarded annually to graduate students enrolled in a Physiology and Pharmacology or Biochemistry program, based on financial need. To be considered, applicants must submit a one-page statement outlining their research studies and financial need. This bursary was established through a generous bequest from the estate of Dr. Edward James Middleton (PhD 1959 from Rutgers University, MSc 1955 and BSc 1952 from Western).

Number of awards: Up to 3 per year
Value of award: $9,500 

Mogenson Trust Physiology and Pharmacology Graduate Scholarship

This scholarship was established by many generous donations to the Mogenson Trust. Donations were made to the Mogenson Trust by family, friends and colleagues in memory or in honour of the following individuals: Bill Bottom, G. Murray Fraser, Margaret P. Moffat, Gordon J. Mogenson, Hari and Gundrun Sharma, George W. Stavraky, and Esme Walker.

These awards are given annually to full-time Masters or Doctoral students in the Physiology and Pharmacology program, or students that have recently graduated from the Physiology and Pharmacology program. Awards will be based on academic achievement and research excellence.

In October of each year, the Graduate Studies Committee will consider nominations for each of the awards. The awards are presented at the Annual Department Banquet and Awards Ceremony which coincides with the Department Research Day and Stevenson / Gowdey Lectures. 

Questions regarding the nomination process for the awards can be sent to the Interim Graduate Program Administrator, Olga Krougly.

Physiology and Pharmacology David Armstrong Graduate Student Award

This award was established in the memory of Dr. David Thomas Armstrong, a valued faculty member with Physiology, and Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Western University. Awarded annually to a full-time graduate student in a Masters’ or Doctoral program in Physiology and Pharmacology at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, based on academic and research achievement. Preference will be given to a student studying women’s health and/or endocrinology.

Nomination package must include:  a) letter of nomination from the candidate’s supervisor; b) the candidate’s updated curriculum vitae. Selection will be made by the Graduate Studies Committee.

Physiology and Pharmacology Graduate Student Council Award

Established and funded by the PPGSC, this annual award will recognize a graduate student in the Physiology and Pharmacology program who has demonstrated leadership and made an outstanding contribution to the Department. The award is presented at the Annual Department Banquet and Awards Ceremony which coincides with the Department Research Day and Stevenson / Gowdey Lectures.

All graduate students in the Physiology and Pharmacology program are eligible to be nominated.  Students who have graduated are eligible for up to one year following their graduation.  Any member of the Department (faculty, staff or student) may nominate a candidate for the award. The winner will be determined by a vote of the Department’s graduate students.

Nominations should include a letter describing the nominee’s outstanding leadership contributions to the Department or to the graduate student body.  Emphasis should be placed on contributions made within the last 12 months.

The nomination deadline is typically early October each year. Please follow this link to nominate a graduate student.

Questions regarding the nomination process for this award can be sent to the Graduate Program Administrator, Olga Krougly.