Research Methodologies

PDO 58.1Studies of Novel Drugs and Multimodality Combination Treatments: Research Methodologies

We utilize conventional experimental systems and novel patient derived experimental models, such as patient-derived organoids (PDO) to study responses to chemotherapy, novel drugs and radiotherapy and to understand better the mechanisms of breast cancer progression and resistance to treatment. We obtain promising preclincial results that can serve a basis for clincial trials in patient populations to improve their outcomes. 


Patient Derived Organoids

 PDO patient to dish

We utilize patient derived organoids (PDOs), which are 3-D cell cultures that are established from patient tumour tissues. They offer a much better model of breast cancer cell biology because the cells maintain their 3D structure and better mimic in vivo cell-to-cell interactions. Because each PDO is patient specific, it allows us to look at the heterogeneity between patient samples and could lead to patient specific treatment strategies. (image produced in part with


Spatial Omics

spatial omics workflow

We use modern cutting-edge omics technologies of spatial transcriptomics, proteomics and multiomics to study mechanisms of breast cancer progression, responses to treamtent, the role of the immune system and discovery of clincially essential biomarkers and novel drug treatments. Nanostring's GeoMX DSP reads and analyses thousands of genes and proteins in spatial context to determine which genes show differential expression. (image produced in part with


CRISPR Cas9 Gene Silencing

We utilize genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screens to understand the mechanisms of cancer resistance and sensitivity to radiation and chemotherapies. We indetify and validate novel molecular targets that might play an essential role in breast cancer pathogenesis and be used as biomarkers and targets for novel treatments.