Evaluation and Equivalencies

Note: Western students planning to take a course(s) at another university (either on a Letter of Permission or on an Exchange) and students admitted to Western with transfer credits from another university/college, must follow certain steps/processes to have the courses evaluated for equivalency to Western courses.

The manner in which courses are evaluated is the same for both transfer students who need to have their background evaluated and Western students wishing to take courses elsewhere. The course(s) must be evaluated by a counselor in the department at Western offering courses in the same subject area to determine how the course(s) fit into the student's module/degree. To evaluate a course properly, the departmental counselor will need as much of the following information as possible:

  • list/sequence of lecture topics
  • text or texts used
  • laboratory content (yes/no and # of lab hours)
  • method of assessment (tests, exams, assignments, labs)
  • course weight at other institution (full or half course)
  • level of course, as it fits into the other institution's curriculum

See the list of Departmental Counsellors for the various Science and Basic Medical Science Departments for contact information. For more information contact Psychology Counselling at: psycouns@uwo.ca After having courses evaluated by a departmental counsellor, the information must be submitted to the Academic Counselling Team in North Campus Building 280 (exception: Neuroscience and BMSc students going out on an exchange). See below for more details.