Admission to Year 3 - Honours Specialization in Neuroscience

A maximum of 30 students are admitted into Year 3 of the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience each year.

Students registered in Year 2 of the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience are assured progression to Year 3 (and Year 4), provided they satisfy the Progression Requirements in the Academic Calendar. 


  • a full load of 5.0 courses during the Fall/Winter of Year 2 Neuroscience is not required for progression to Year 3 Neuroscience
  • progression to Year 3 Neuroscience does not require a particular minimum overall average in the courses taken during Year 2 Neuroscience - a minimum average of 75% is required only on the 3.5 - 4.0 modular courses taken by the end of Year 2 Neuroscience
  • a minimum mark of 50% (passing grade) is required in each option course in Year 2 Neuroscience
  • a minimum mark of 75% is required specifically in Neuroscience 2000

Should ALL of the students registered in Year 2 of the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience satisfy the Progression Requirements, they will move on to Year 3 of the module and no new students will be admitted.  Only those students registered in Year 3 of the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience can progress to Year 4 (and only those students in Year 3 of the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience will be allowed to register in Neuroscience 3000G). 

More detailed information about the admission process to Year 3 (adjudication) can be found on the Adjudication page.