Preparation of Thesis
Students should consult the guidelines for preparation and examination provided by SGPS for criteria and specifications. There are three basic procedural steps for thesis submission.- Submission of the thesis for examination. Submitting your ETD is a quick and simple process. After your thesis supervisor has approved your thesis, follow the instructions on the SGPS website for submitting your ETD documents to Scholarship@Western and submit the required approval form.
- Oral examination. Arrangements are made by the Program Office.
- Submission of the revised thesis for acceptance as partial fulfilment of graduation requirements. Candidates for master's and doctoral degrees who have successfully completed their oral examinations and who have made all required revisions to their theses must submit an electronic copy to SGPS.
Please make sure to delay the publication of your thesis by checking the respective box upon thesis submission if not ALL of the thesis data has been accepted for publication in a peer reviewed journal yet.
The regulations surrounding the process or producing, submitting, examining and publishing graduate theses at Western are provided by SGPS. It is the students responsibility to be aware of all applicable deadlines.
- Steps towards thesis exam (Neuroscience) (PDF, 184KB)
- Preparing for a Defense - a Timeline (PDF, 907KB)