Carole Creuzenet
Associate Professor
Postdoc: University of Guelph, Canada
Research Scientist: Institut national de la recherche agronomique, France
Postdoc: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
PhD: Institut national de la recherche agronomique, France
Engineer: Agronomy from National Institute of Agronomy of Paris-Grignon with specialization in Biochemistry, France
Office: Dental Sciences Building, Rm 3031
Phone: 519.661.3204
Lab Website:
Area of Study:
Glycobiology, virulence factors and host interactions for gastro-intestinal bacterial pathogens.
-Bacterial glycobiology, novel sugar synthesis enzymes, structure/function studies
-Bacterial virulence factors, bacterial genetics, knockout mutants, phenotypes
-Host bacteria interactions using tissue culture models with various cell lines
-Protein secretion mechanisms
-Protein / protein interaction studies (Biochemical methods, in vitro and in situ)
Research Profile
My lab studies the mechanisms of synthesis of bacterial surface carbohydrates (glycolipids and glycoproteins) and their role in virulence in gastro-intestinal pathogens Campylobacter jejuni and Helicobacter pylori. We have published many papers describing the biochemical activities of enzymes involved in sugar synthesis, leading to the formation of novel hexoses and heptoses. Our work covers the biochemical aspects and the bacterial genetics and host pathogen interaction aspects. We also study secreted immuno-modulatory proteins from Helicobacter pylori, including the search for host interacting partners and the mechanisms of secretion. Finally, we investigate the mechanisms of action of probiotic lactobacilli against H. pylori.
Publication Profile