
Interview Selection & Notification

Each admission cycle, Schulich Dentistry invites top ranked candidates for an interview for the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) Program, based on a holistic assessment of:

  • academic performance
  • DAT scores
  • Casper scores
  • Western Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement (ABS)
Interview decisions are communicated by email from the Admissions Office approximately 2 weeks prior to the interview weekend.

Interview Weekend

Interviews are facilitated virtually.

Interviews are held in February. Please refer to the Important Dates webpage for specific dates.

Interviews are 30-minutes duration, structured and standardized, and conducted by a three-person panel consisting of a dentist, a community member, and a current dental student.

Accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities through the interview process.

Post-Interview Ranking

Candidates will be ranked based on a compiled score representing scholastic achievement, DAT score, Casper score, Western Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement, and an interview. Candidates who have a conferred graduate degree by the application deadline are awarded bonus points.

The quality of the applicant pool varies from year to year and can influence the minimum academic competitive level and the minimum DAT and Casper scores.

Decision Communication

First Round Offers of Admission, Wait List Offers, and Declines
Decision communications including first round offers of admission, wait list offers, and declines are communicated by email in late February or early March. Candidates are instructed to visit their Student Center to view Schulich Dentistry admission decisions.

Subsequent Offers of Admission from the Wait List
Offers of admission to waitlisted candidates are communicated by phone, beginning early/mid-March and continuing until the class is filled. Thereafter, the wait list will remain open and active as long as feasible, often until the beginning of classes.

The specific ranked position of a candidate on the wait list is not provided. General information regarding the relative ranked position of a candidate on the wait list may be obtained contacting the Schulich Dentistry Admissions Office and providing the OUAC application number.

Designating an Authorized Contact
Candidates, who for any reason, may not be reachable during the active wait list period may wish to authorize another person to be contacted to ensure they do not miss an offer of admission.

To "designate" another person(s) to receive information, accept an offer of admission, and/or to speak on their behalf, candidates must:
  1. Login and update the "release of information" section in their Student Center to officially allow Schulich Admissions to speak to designates, AND
  2. Contact the Admissions Office via email:
    1. to advise when they will be unreachable, and
    2. to provide contact information (names, contact numbers) of the individual(s) authorized to speak on candidates' behalf.

Post Admission

Applicants who receive and accept an offer of admission must meet Schulich Dentistry post-admission requirements by stated deadlines. Failure to comply with post-admission requirements and/or deadlines may result in an offer of admission being withdrawn.

Post-admission requirements include, but are not limited to, the following:

Statement of Potential Health Risks and Immunization Requirements
Schulich Dentistry students will be required to care for persons with infectious diseases (including but not limited to Hepatitis B and HIV) should they be assigned to them. Students accepted into the DDS Program will be sent complete documentation regarding health policies and immunization requirements. Documentation of immunization and tuberculin status will be required.

Police Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening
Schulich Dentistry students will interact with vulnerable populations through the course of their academic programs. In recognition of the requirements of clinical agencies to ensure that dental students do not place vulnerable populations at risk, Schulich Dentistry requires that all students provide, as a condition of their admission into the DDS Program, a current Police Records Check including a Vulnerable Sector Screening.

Police Checks including Vulnerable Sector Screenings obtained prior to May 1 of the year of entry will not be accepted.

In the rare instance where you do not receive all clear status, you may request a hearing before the Executive of the Admissions Committee. The Executive of the Admissions Committee’s decision is final.

Decision Review

Candidates who do not receive an offer of admission to Year One of the DDS Program may request a review of the decision of the Dentistry Admissions Committee, provided such a request is based on significant new information that was not previously available to the candidate.

Appeal requests must be filed with the Schulich Dentistry Admissions Office no later than two weeks after the issuance of the original decision. Requests will be passed on to the Dentistry Admissions Committee whose decision is final.