Admission Requirements

For admission to the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) Program, applicants must meet all of the following Academic and Non-Academic admission requirements:

1. Undergraduate Degree
2. Prerequisite Subject Areas
3. DAT
4. Casper
5. Western Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement (ABS)
6. Interview

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure all documentation is submitted to the appropriate office by the deadlines indicated.

Falsification or misrepresentation
of information from any portion of the application process, including interviews, will result in removal of the application from consideration and may be considered in any future applications to the University.

References are NOT required in the admissions process.

Shadowing and volunteer hours
are NOT admission requirements.

Admission policies
are reviewed annually and admission requirements from previous years may not apply. We encourage applicants to visit our website regularly, as the University reserves the right to review and change admissions policies and requirements at any time, without notice.

Individuals who completed a dental program or equivalent elsewhere are NOT eligible to apply to the DDS Program, but may be eligible to apply to the Advanced Standing Program For International Dental Graduates (ASPIDG). Please visit the ASPIDG webpage for admission information.

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions webpage to assist in the understanding of our admission requirements.


Undergraduate Degree

Applicants must have completed, or be in the final year of, a program leading to a 4-year undergraduate degree at a recognized university.

All undergraduate degree requirements must be completed and the degree conferred by June 30 of the application cycle.

Prerequisite courses must be completed in Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Human or Mammalian Physiology. Applicants are advised to engage in a broad background of education in keeping with their own interests. In past, students who have studied psychology, economics, engineering, nursing, physiotherapy, etc. have entered the program.

Academic Average

Admission consideration is based on the most recent 4-year undergraduate degree.

Courses taken during the application cycle are NOT eligible for academic average consideration

Applicants must have achieved at least 80% or higher in each of the 2 best undergraduate years*.

Each of the 2 best years used for academic average consideration must contain ALL of the following:

  • At least 30 credit hours (5.0 full or equivalent courses) completed during the September to April academic year. This constitutes a full course load**. Distribution of the 30 credit hours during the September to April academic year (i.e. between the semesters in one academic year) is not relevant. Summer courses are not eligible for academic average consideration.
  • At least 18 credit hours (3.0 full or equivalent courses) whose published academic level is at or above the year of study.
    • Distribution of the 18 credit hours completed during the September to April academic year (i.e. between the two semesters in one academic year) is not relevant.
    • Course level restrictions apply only to the 2 years used for academic average consideration:
      • Year 1: 18 of 30 credit hours (3.0 of 5.0 full course equivalents) at or above the 1st-year level.
      • Year 2: 18 of 30 credit hours (3.0 of 5.0 full course equivalents) at or above the 2nd-year level.
      • Year 3, 4 or additional undergraduate years: 18 of 30 credit hours (3.0 of 5.0 full course equivalents) at or above the 3rd-year level.
  • A maximum of 6 pass/fail credit hours (1.0 full or equivalent course) is permitted per year.

*The best 2 years used for academic average consideration can be ANY of the academic years within the 4-year undergraduate degree, as long as each year meets the minimum academic average, course load and course level requirements outlined above.

**Part-time years cannot be considered for academic average, regardless of the requirements of degree programs.  A year with less than 30 credit hours cannot be considered for academic average.

Academic transcripts must clearly show that applicants have met both the course load and course level requirements, as outlined above. Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions webpage for more information.

Applicants presenting the 2019-2020 academic year for academic average consideration* must meet all of the following:

  • The year must have a minimum 30 credit hours (5.0 full or equivalent courses) completed between September 2019 and April 2020, of which 18 credit hours (3.0 full or equivalent courses) have a published academic level at, or above, the year of study.
  • Academic average will be calculated on grades from the fall 2019 semester only*. 
  • A maximum of 6 pass/fail credit hours (1.0 full or equivalent course) will be permitted in the fall 2019 term (September to December). Discovery Credits (Western students) will be considered within, not in addition to, the 6 credit hour pass/fail allowance.

*The academic average calculated from grades reported for the fall 2019 semester will represent the academic average for the entire 2019-2020 academic year.

Grade Conversion

Schulich Dentistry uses percentages for determination of academic average. For transcripts that indicate alpha-numeric grades, the percentage grades will be used.

Schulich Dentistry uses the OMSAS (Ontario Medical School Application Service) scale to convert alpha grades achieved at other Canadian universities to Western University standards. The most current version of the scale can be found on the  OMSAS website.

Course Considerations

Degree Considerations

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Prerequisite Subject Areas

The following university-level prerequisite are required.

Successful completion requires a pass or credit designation. If more than one course must be completed to cover the Biochemistry or Physiology content required, a pass or credit must be obtained in each of the courses.

  1. Organic Chemistry: any half year (3 credit hour) course
    It must be an 'Organic Chemistry' course. A 'Chemistry' course that includes a section on organic chemistry will NOT be considered for the requirement.

  2. Biochemistry: a half year (3 credit hour) approved course/course combination
    Approved Biochemistry Course Equivalents (PDF 201KB) posted August 29, 2024

  3. Human or Mammalian Physiology: a full year (6 credit hour) approved course/course combination  
    Approved Physiology Course Equivalents (PDF 220KB) posted August 29, 2024

Please also note:
  • Lab components are NOT required to meet prerequisite requirements.
  • Prerequisite courses completed more than 10 years prior to the application deadline will not be considered.
  • CEGEP courses are not used in the admissions process, except for consideration toward meeting approved prerequisite course requirements.
  • Prerequisite courses can be taken at any time but must be completed by April 30 of the potential year of entry.
  • Prerequisite courses do NOT need to be:
    • part of the course load of an academic year whose average is used in the application process, or
    • taken within the four-year undergraduate degree, or
    • taken at the same institution as the four-year undergraduate degree
  • Prerequisite courses may be retaken if a pass or credit designation was not achieved on the first attempt. Retaking an approved prerequisite course will not adversely affect the application.
  • Applicants may be asked to submit official detailed course syllabi to determine whether courses meet the prerequisite requirements.
  • Applicants presenting prerequisite courses that are not approved are encouraged to apply as early as possible to avoid delays in the application assessment.

Physiology Challenge Exam

Applicants who apply without an approved Physiology course, or who are not expected to complete an approved Physiology course by April 30, will need to be prepared to write the Physiology Challenge Exam on short notice, if invited to interview. 

The Physiology Challenge Exam is administered online during the interview weekend.  Applicants must obtain a pass on this exam to continue to be eligible for admission consideration. A Physiology prerequisite course taken after the challenge exam will not be considered.

Physiology 2130: course outline on which the Physiology Challenge Exam is based

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All applicants must take the DAT administered by either the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) or the American Dental Association (ADA). 

Eligibility Period

DAT scores must be received by Western University by the November 1 application deadline.

CDA/ADA scores could take up to 8 weeks to be released, so applicants are advised to plan accordingly. Please contact CDA/ADA directly for information regarding their timeline for release of electronic results to ensure they are received by our application deadline.

DAT must be written within the two years prior to the application deadline and the scores must be received by the November 1 application deadline.

Eligible Scores

  • DAT scores must be sent directly to Western University by the CDA/ADA.
  • DAT scores must be received by Western University by the November 1 application deadline.
  • When registering for DAT, check the appropriate box to release your results to Western:
    • CDA - select "Western University"
    • ADA - select "Schulich School of Dentistry of Western University"
  • Only the most recent DAT, written within the eligible time period, will be used. DAT results are kept on file for the duration of their eligibility period (2 years).
  • Only DAT incorporating the Reading Comprehension section fulfills Schulich Dentistry admission requirements.
  • All sections of DAT may be considered in the selection process. We do not require the Manual Dexterity section.

Specific information and registration materials concerning DAT are available at the Canadian Dental Association website  or the American Dental Association website.

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All applicants must complete Casper within the application cycle in which they apply.

Casper by Acuity Insights is an online, open-response situational judgement test that measures competencies and attributes that we believe are important for successful students and graduates of our program. Casper will also further enhance fairness and objectivity in our selection process.

Please visit Acuity Insights website for Casper test dates and to book your Casper test. Please note, Schulich Dentistry does not require applicants to complete Snapshot or Duet.

Test Dates and Fees

When registering for a Casper test date, ensure that you select the following options:
  • country: Canada
  • language: English
  • program: Dentistry
  • school: Western University

Eligible Scores

  • must be sent by Acuity Insights directly to the Admissions Office,
  • must be received by the Admissions Office by the November 1 application deadline,
  • are valid for one application cycle only.


If you require accommodation to complete the Casper online test, you must submit an Acuity Insights Accommodation Request Form to Acuity Insights, signed by both you and your qualified professional, at least 3 weeks prior to your desired test date.

More information regarding accommodations for Casper testing can be found on Acuity's FAQ webpage.

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Western Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement

Schulich Dentistry takes a holistic approach to applications to our DDS Program, with emphasis not only on academics but also on non-academic traits and life experiences, ensuring our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are committed to enrolling self-directed, motivated, resilient students who reflect the diversity of the patients they serve, and who demonstrate compassion and advocacy for others.

The Western Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement (ABS) invites applicants to tell their story and share what makes them unique by linking activities/experiences. Schulich Dentistry is interested in how their activities/experiences connect with the following topics:

  • Teamwork and Leadership
  • Respect for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • Social Accountability and Social Responsibility
  • Self-directed Learning, Problem-solving and Critical Inquiry

You may re-use content from a previous Western ABS that you submitted. Western ABS content must be authored entirely by you. Any other submissions can result in your application being disqualified.

Completing the Western ABS
The Western ABS is due by the OUAC application deadline as indicated on our How To Apply webpage.

Schulich Dentistry understands and recognizes that not all individuals have had equal opportunities for volunteering, research or extracurricular activities due to life circumstances. Applicants who have had unusual life circumstances will have the opportunity to explain those circumstances so that we better understand who they are 

The Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement is due on November 1st, 2024, at 4:30PM ET. You will not be able to open the link or submit your Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement after this deadline so please be prepared to meet the deadline. You can find the link on our How to Apply webpage. No exceptions will be made if the Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement are not submitted by the deadline.  It is strongly recommended that you complete your Autobiographical Sketch & Personal Statement all at one time.  Each page of the form will be locked and you will be unable to go back and edit your answers once you click "Next page."  Once you submit your form, you will be unable to modify your submission.

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Selected applicants will be invited to attend a personal interview in order to be considered for admission. For more details, please visit the Interviews webpage.

Invitation to interview is highly competitive.  Interviews are based on a holistic assessment of the applicant’s academic and non-academic achievements.

Accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities through the interview process.

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