Q&A with Veronica

"Experiential learning has been a great way to get exposure to the aspects of medicine that cannot be taught in a classroom. Personally, I loved my service learning placement at ANOVA (a women's shelter in London) and am very excited to be wrapping up my research project that looked at patient experiences shared via TikTok."

MD Class of 2026

Click here to contact Veronica

What was your academic or life journey to applying to medical school?

Prior to starting at Schulich Medicine, I did my undergrad at Laurier in Health Sciences. In this time, I wrote my MCAT, joined some clubs, volunteered as an O-Week leader, and did some research with a couple of my professors. Upon completing my degree, I proceeded to take one gap year and worked as a research assistant at SickKids in Toronto. I then spent the summer backpacking through Europe, prior to starting medical school in the fall.

What do you love about Schulich Medicine?

Although there's a lot to love, what I love most are it’s traditions and the people. Outside of academics, the School has so many incredible annual traditions like Schulichpalooza (think battle of the bands), FeNDWiC (aka our Festive Non-Denominational Winter Celebration), Tachycardia (our version of a skit night), and Windsor Gala. To me, these traditions have been filled with fun, friendship, and laughter, and have been some of my favourite medical school memories so far. With that said, these events and my medical school experience wouldn't be what they are without my friends and the wonderful people that are part of the Schulich Medicine community.

What organizations or extracurricular activities are you involved in through medical school?

Some clubs and interest groups I’m part of include the Homeless Advocacy Club, Teddy Bear Hospital, the Surgery Interest Group, the Nephrology Interest Group, Teaching in Medicine, and the Jewish Medical Students' Association.

Outside of clubs, I volunteered at ANOVA, am a peer mentor, and serve as a course representative for experiential learning. Last year, I was a social convener (Class Council) and this year, I’m the VP of Events on Hippocratic Council. I also planned O-Week for the Class of 2027. In addition, I’m also working on several research projects in various fields including pediatrics, orthopedics, ENT, and nephrology.

What has your experiential learning been like thus far?

Experiential learning has been a great way to get exposure to the aspects of medicine that cannot be taught in a classroom. Personally, I loved my service learning placement at ANOVA (a women's shelter in London) and am very excited to be wrapping up my research project that looked at patient experiences shared via TikTok. I was also very appreciative of the early clinical exposure I received through my Longitudinal Clinical Experience and Discovery Week, where I had the chance to observe real patient encounters, and even do some things myself!

What do you like to do for fun?

In no particular order, I love trying new coffee shops and restaurants, reading cheesy romance books, doing hot yoga, and hanging out with my friends. I also love planning fun events within the medical school and traveling.

What is your favourite local attraction, activity or restaurant?

Favourite coffee shops: Saga or Commonwealth
Favourite restaurants: Lucy's or Beertown
Favourite activities: Hot Yoga at Modo Yoga or hanging out on the Barney's patio when the weather is nice
Favourite attraction: Covent Market

Where is your favourite campus study location?

I'm a huge fan of studying near daylight and windows, so my personal favourites are the atrium in Thames Hall or the tables near the windows on Lower Ground in the Taylor Library.

What is your advice for prospective applicants?

Don't just write or say things because you think they "sound good" or you think it's what admissions committees want to hear. The best experiences you can talk about are the ones that you're truly excited and passionate about. Everyone has their own, unique journey to medicine, so embrace yours! By doing so, your excitement and personality will shine through.