Q&A with Udain

"I enjoyed the opportunity to get exposure to rural healthcare at the end of first year through Discovery Week. It was a chance to step out of the classroom and see healthcare delivery in action, where resources may be limited but creativity thrives."

MD Class of 2026

Click here to contact Udain

What was your academic or life journey to applying to medical school?

I completed my Honors Specialization in Medical Sciences at Western University before I joined the Schulich Medicine MD Program.

What has your experiential learning been like thus far?

I enjoyed the opportunity to get exposure to rural healthcare at the end of first year through Discovery Week. It was a chance to step out of the classroom and see healthcare delivery in action, where resources may be limited but creativity thrives.

Why did you become a Student Ambassador?

For me, the Ambassador Program is about more than just guiding prospective students through the application process. It's a chance to share the fervor and dedication that drives us toward a noble profession. I view this role as a personal journey of growth and empathy, where every connection made strengthens the bonds of our medical community.

What do you like to do for fun?

I enjoy hiking, cooking, exploring new recipes, photography, and reading historical fiction.

What is your favourite local attraction, activity or restaurant?

I love going on walks at Gibbons Park.

Do you have a personal motto or favourite quote?

I resonate with this quote by Rumi: "Let the beauty of what you love be what you do."

Where is your favourite campus study location?

Thames Hall Atrium, and Weldon Library 1st and 4th floors.