Q&A with Taylore

"I decided to pursue my MD to increase Indigenous representation in Medicine. I have always hoped to provide patient care grounded in Indigenous values. I have also become passionate for Indigenizing Medical Education."

MD Class of 2025

Click here to contact Taylore

Why did you decide to pursue medical school?

I decided to pursue my MD to increase Indigenous representation in Medicine. I have always hoped to provide patient care grounded in Indigenous values. I have also become passionate for Indigenizing Medical Education.

What was your academic or life journey to applying to medical school?

When I was doing my Bachelor of Arts at York University I decided to pursue medicine, which meant going back to highschool for night school classes in Biology and Chemistry! At the time, I worked as a Medical First Responder, First Aid Instructor, and as an Aquatic Supervisor. It taught me a lot about hard work, and about how much I loved to teach!

What do you love about Schulich Medicine?

Schulich Medicine has a lot of opportunities to get involved. Staff are so encouraging and recognize your contributions. It’s a great place to form connections and really dive into your special interests!

What organizations or extracurricular activities are you involved in through medical school?

I am most involved in Indigenous Admissions where I’ve worn many hats as a subcommittee member, researcher, and student lead. I also played intramural volleyball, joined a variety of interest groups, and did some tutoring!

What do you like to do for fun?

I built a home-gym during COVID, and am an avid power-lifter! I love to be physically active (no cardio, please), and have dabbled in swimming, rock-climbing (Schulich Cliff-hangers shout out!), and most recently hot yoga.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I am a newly-wed, and planned a wedding with my best-mates during second year of Medical School!

What is your advice for prospective applicants?

Don’t sell yourself short! Schulich Medicine is packed with some of the most wonderful human beings - the most important part of your application, is you!